• It's been two week's since mom made her seemingly impossible recovery. The night at the hospital with that strange voice, seemed like a distant dream now. But oddly i felt kind of bad you know? I never got to thank whoever helped us, and personaly it make's everything just as agitating. But at this point I wasn't too worried about it. After all mom was alive and well and for me that's all I need. I was sitting on the couch at home, watching tv, when I heard footsteps come up the stairs. Curious, i got up to meet whoever was coming up, mom had the graveyard shift and woulden't be back till 3 am. I was absoulutly possitive i'd locked all the door's too.

    Terror seized me and squelched at my stomach. I saw the most beautiful man-boy?-standing on the landing. He had golden hair that had a slight curl to it. His face was white as snow- I heard my favorite "Borat" line in my head" vinilla face"- and I gotta say they were right on target with this guy, it described him perfectly. He was kind of like an angel. He looked about nineteen years, twenty-one would be pushing it. But none of this seemed to help with the increasing fear that was gnawing away at me in the pit of my stomache.

    "Luna."he said easily. I think I caught a hint of a smirk on his face but the only thing I truly noticed was his voice, it was him, it, the voice at the hospital two weeks ago. Before I even knew what was going on he had me sitting on the couch cradleing my head in his hands. I was just standing up and now im sitting, I think there's a problem here.

    Being I was so scared I was about to faint I made an atempt to scream, unfortunatly it was a failed attempt his habd soddunly clamped down over my mouth before I got the chance. I made an effort to bite it but then a gentle slap on my cheek from his other hand was pressing my head on his lap, preventing me from moving withought snapping my neck, which at this point sounds like a good idea for the moment.

    "Move one inch and your mother will be free to be with her husband. Forever." he whispered in my ear. Needless to say I was seriously pissed by this threat.
    Mabey he had a voice like poison candy. Sweet, but oh so deadly.

    "Luna I've kept my promise. Your mother lives, and in perfect health. Now what was it you promised me in return?" I closed my eye's, I was so freaked that I was scared to breath, no matter how silently.

    He let go off my mouth clearly expecting an answer but being how I was, I didn't say a word. When I didn't he threated me darkly." Or shall I find your mother in serious danger and ask again?"

    I heard honesty in those word.

    "Anything." I said defyingly. He placed his hand back over my mouth. "Correct, anything and what I want is you Luna." A moment later he swung me in his arms and over his shoulder, carrying me outside my home. Now here's the thing about this guy, the moment we got outside, in the dark, his eye's turned red. Now most people don't try and fight someone like that. I, on the other hand, get a real kick out of it and beside's how would my rep be after this embaressment if I didn't try and cause a small bit of chaos. So that being said, I balled my fist and got a good full blown punch right in the back of his head. He jerked forward but other than that...it didn't really help much, so I started kicking and squirming in a last effort to get free from his grip, which failed....misserably I might add. He just threw me in the passenger seat, buckled me up, and took off into the night. I started to wonder if i'd ever see my home again.