Oh dear. When I became a part of The Order, I never knew babysitting was part of the job. Why, hello there. I’m Jirachi; you may know me as the Wish Pokémon. I’ve been sent down to Earth on a very “important” mission. Why’s it so important? It’s not like he’s going to get up and leave. Oh, that’s right; you have no idea what I’m rambling on about. I guess I’ll start at the beginning…
Some human scientists would have you believe the Universe was created by a “bang” of large proportions. Well, I’ll tell you now, that’s a complete lie. The Universe was created by Him, Arceus.
With the Sacred Plates, he formed the Universe to fit His own will. The Earth Plate created planets, the Splash Plate created all the oceans and water, and so on.
When the Universe was created, he created the Legendary Pokémon. He created Rayquaza, and Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Lugia and Ho-Oh to protect the skies.
He created Groudon, Suicune, Entei, Raikou, Regirock, Regice, Registeel and Heatran to protect the Earth.
He created Kyogre and Manaphy to protect the ocean.
He created Celebi, Palkia, and Dialga to protect the space-time continuum.
He created Cresselia and Darkrai to be the guardians of the Night, and Latias and Latios to be the guardians of the Day.
He created Shaymin to be the power of nature upon the Universe.
He created Mew to be the descendant of all the other Pokémon.
He created Azelf, Uxie and Mesprit to give emotions, knowledge and willpower to the other Pokémon.
Regigigias to bestow the art of fighting upon other Pokémon.
He created Giratina to be the Grim Reaper of other Pokémon.
He created me, Jirachi, to give the power of never giving up to other Pokémon.
And the last legendary, Deoxys… that was a mistake on His part. When you create the Universe, you tend to miss a few things. Deoxys was the off breed of one of His Hyper Beams, sculpting the land. I never saw it, but what I heard, is that Deoxys just took off into the atmosphere and no-one ever saw him from that instance onward. Until that fateful meeting…
After the world was created to His liking, there was a meeting, where all the legendaries were asked to attend to. All the Pokémon below knew there was a meeting, but they never knew what it was for. Heck, I hardly knew myself. The day of that meeting, and all that happened, were crystalised into my memory forever…
“The lands below us. They are ready.” boomed Arceus. A murmur went through us. “Ready?” asked Cresselia. “Ready for what, oh Creator? We have Pokémon. Isn’t that enough?” He then turned to Cresselia’s direction. “Oh Cresselia.” He chuckled. “You are so naïve.” “Oh, thank you, Creator, for that compliment.” Groveled Cresselia, but Arceus wasn’t paying attention. “Yes, we have Pokémon, but that isn’t enough. I instructed Regigigias to teach the Pokémon how to fight. You were successful in teaching them these skills, yes?” He then faced Regigigias. “Oh, yes. We did that an age ago.” Replied Regigigias. “They have picked up on much.” “But…” Regigigas continued, “Why are you bringing this up now, oh Creator?” Arceus chuckled again. “I have brought this up for one reason…” All of us were silent. You could hear a Spike drop, and it would ring out, as clear as the Crystal Bell. “I am going… to turn all of this…”
“Into a game.” We were shocked. “A game!?” Cried out Mew. “I created all my precious babies for sick torture?!” She was onto the brink of tears. “Oh, do calm yourself down, Mew. I may have chosen the wrong word. What I meant was… something more corrupt for us to govern over.” That seemed to calm everyone down. “So, let me get this straight…” Darkrai stated, “We are going to create something that could possibly lead to the destruction of this Universe?” Arceus chuckled yet again, as this was some humorous joke that only he knew the punch line for. “My fellow guardian of the night, do not fret. We still have our powers, do we not?” Rhetorically asked Arceus. “We can just set things back into line if they get out of hand.” We were still in worry, but, if the Creator has an idea, we have no choice.
“Now, my idea.” Arceus now got to the matter of all this. “We are going to create an animal. Not one like a Mudkip, or Seaking, but more shaped like a Vigoroth, but without the long claws. We shall give them intelligence, willpower, and emotion.” Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit perked up, and who could blame them? The Creator was suggesting them to do what they could give best. “Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit. Come forward.” He exclaimed in his usual loud voice. “Are you up to the challenge to help bestow the qualities you can easily pass out to my creations once they’re done?” “Oh, yes, of course.” Mumbled Uxie in his usual tired tone. “It would be an honour!” Bubbled Mesprit with one of her moods of excitement. “Well,” Azelf started in her cocky-like tone, “It looks like we have no choice in the matter of creating a thing that could wipe us all out.” “It is decided then!” Arceus proclaimed for the last time for that meeting. “You three, we must come and discuss this further in private. We would not want anything corrupting this creation. I now declare this meeting… OVER!” And with that, as usual, Arceus fired a Hyper Beam to the skies, signifying that the meeting as over, as tradition. I had a bad feeling about this.
Although, while this was happening…
A shadowed figure was having a look through a crack into the Meeting Room. “Fufufufu…” the creature hiding in the shadows snickered. “Deoxys is going to have fun with this new creature…” and if you saw Deoxys, you would swear, you would’ve seen a smug smile crack on his face.
It was but a few days since that meeting, and we were all uneasy. What would happen to the palace we had created? Would the Universe be destroyed, like Darkrai stated? Would they destroy themselves? Would the Pokémon destroy them? Would they be in harmony? Whatever the matter was, I thought to myself that we would be working hard to keep everything in order, and it turns out I was right, but not in the way I expected…
Later, we were all called to have another meeting.
“It is done!” Proclaimed Arceus in his usual “high and mighty” manner. “In a matter of thirty days and thirty nights, I shall send them down to a large body of earth, water, and nature, which I shall create in the thirty days and thirty nights. I shall name it… Earth. Are there any objections?” We all knew not to question Him, so we all nodded out heads and agreed to what He said. We knew better. “It is decided. Jirachi,” he turned and faced me, “Go and announce that there shall be a challenge for the Pokémon down below. There shall be a requirement of one thousand Pokémon per species. Then we shall teleport them down to the Earth, by combining our powers. This shall be a test.” A test? I had thought to myself. We could be risking millions of Pokémon for one test? For a Creator, he sure believed highly of His creations. “Now,” he declared, “If you shall excuse me, I have large amounts of creation to create.” Then, with that, he fired the traditional Hyper Beam… but that was cut short. A high powered comet flew right for the center of the Meeting Room.
“Fufufufu… So…” A smug voice spat out, “THIS is your so-called, godly idea?” A thick cloud of dust hung in the air, as dense as rock. “Well… Deoxys says…” the intruder started, then stepped forward. There was a mixed cry of shock, horror and hostility. The intruder, was none other then the infamous Deoxys. “… Bring it ON!” and fired a wide-spread Hyper Beam at all of us, then disappeared. That was my first encounter with Deoxys, and know I knew why The Order never talked about him. He was the guardian of Chaos and Madness. He was insane, and little did I know, he would have a large impact on my role.
Thirty days and thirty nights have passed since His meeting, and my first encounter with the Insane Guardian. I still had my doubts about this whole “creation” thing. I’d gathered more than the required amount of Pokémon that He asked for. When I told him this he just chuckled in his typical tone and proclaimed, “Good. I hope you’re up for the teleportation process, Jirachi.” I knew it would be a very tasking process, and like the others, I still had my worries, but I was going to be a part of Pokémon history! It was an honour, although the way Deoxys acted… it seemed like it wouldn’t be worth it in the long run. We were all told to be on our guard, and we were. We all took night shifts, making sure no unexpected visitors came in to disrupt His plan. His world. I tried talking to Azelf about her progress, but she seemed to ignore me. Something was up; I could sense it in my Future Sight. Something bad was about to go down, but if I changed it now, it may lead to a worse outcome, so I just let the present run along like it should. Now… I regret not acting, not telling anyone. I didn’t want to upset His plan, so I just kept quiet. Later that evening, we were going to have our final meeting before we would start this plan of the construction of this animal.
We all gathered in our places, and you could feel how uneasy we were just by coming into the room. “The meeting shall now commence!” Declared Arceus, once more. “This creature I have created is almost completed. For the final stage of evolution, I need you to lend me your power.” Some of us were shocked, others, like me, knew we would need to do something like this to create something this… unique. “Now…” Arceus stated louder than usual. “I request your power… IMMEDIATELY!” We then closed our eyes, and concentrated on lending our power. While this was happening, I couldn’t move, but I could feel my power, mixing with the others, all forming in the middle of the room. Then, I heard a sound that will haunt me for the rest of my days.
“NIGHT SHADE!” Cried out a smugly familiar voice. “IMPRISION!” Cried out a more cocky familiar voice. I didn’t believe my ears, but I had to, as they were my only available sense to use. “Fufufufu… Deoxys can’t believe you didn’t find the traitor in your pathetic order.” Snickered the Guardian we all hope wouldn’t show. “Isn’t that right…”
“…Azelf?” If I could’ve move, I would’ve cried out in shock. “Ahahahaha! You lot are so stupid!” Cackled out the double-crosser. “Deoxys shall rule the Universe, with his master plan!” Deoxys, he was truly insane. Didn’t he know that The Order had him outnumbered? “Oh yes Deoxys, you SHALL rule the Universe!” crawled Azelf. “You shall be the true ruler!” “Fufufufu, yes, Deoxys shall. And you, Azelf…” Deoxys stated, “You shall be my Queen.” WHAT?! This surprised me. I never knew a legendary so pure would fall for that… that THING! It goes to show, that you just can’t trust some people. “Deoxys is fed up with all this chatter.” He spoke with a hint of boredom. “Deoxys must do what he came for, and this shall be it! Deoxys shall corrupt this THING! It shall be the end of you all! PSYCO SHIFT!” I then, could feel something happening to our power we had lent to Arceus. Something… evil.
Deoxys and Azelf must have over-estimated their powers, because just then, we regained control. And I must say, it was a rather large underestimate. “SHADOW BALL!” Cried out a fair few of us, including me, and fired an orb of ghost essence; Deoxys’s weakness. Unfortunately, it was a rather large distance to the centre of the Meeting Room, so without a word, Deoxys had teleported himself and Azelf somewhere else. “This cannot have happened!” proclaimed Arceus, in great disappointment. We all turned to look at our pooled power, and it was a sight. What was thought to be all pure, was now corrupted and clouded. “Sir!” asked Groudon, “Can we remove the Psycho Shift done by him?” “Unfortunately not, my Lord of the Ground.” Boomed back Arceus a little forced. “I must go and form the creature. If not, then our power will expand, and it shall be the end of us. This meeting is over. Jirachi, please, remain.” As usual, he fired his traditional Hyper Beam.
“Jirachi, you know why you were told to remain, yes?” Asked Arceus. “Surely you did not forget?” “No, creator,” I replied, “I have been counting down the time until this history-making moment.” “That is good.” Stated Arceus, still booming. “Let us create history!”
I cannot retell this moment, it was indescribable, but all I could do was pool my power into Arceus. I could not say how long it has passed. It could’ve been a minute, it could’ve been an hour, I couldn’t say, but when it was done, it was done. “Now, Jirachi, now that we have finished the teleportation, I have an ulterior motive to asking you to stay behind.”
I was a bit taken aback. Arceus always includes the rest of The Order in discussions. “What is it that is needed, oh Creator?” I asked, hesitantly. “This creation we made, that was tampered with,” Started Arceus, “Will indeed bring upon the destruction of the entire Universe.” I knew it, everything as we knew it would be over. “But, there is a way to stop this incoming destruction.” Spoke Arceus, relieved. “How shall we overcome this insanity, Creator?” I asked, with worry. I mean, you saw how His last plan went. “When I was shaping the Earth,” Arceus began, “I found an inscription. It was a prophecy! It was a small tower, made out of stones that were held together tightly.” I was a little shocked at how excited He was. Does this mean that there could be another Order like us, making things like this? “What did this prophecy say, oh Creator?” I asked, with all the curiosity and wonder I could muster. “The prophecy stated that…
‘When humans arrive, four shall arise, to become Insanity’s demise.’”
It wasn’t hard to realise who the “Insane one” is. “So, by this prophecy…” Arceus stated with great hope in his voice, “I shall be sending you, Jirachi, down to Earth, along with Dialga, Palkia, and Celebi, to search time and space for these four… ‘humans’. Hmm… ‘humans…’” Arceus thought aloud, “That shall be the name for the creature we have created.” I liked the name ‘human’ too. It sounded very… unique. “Now, I must be off, Wish Maker.” Arceus stated rapidly. “I must go and inform Dialga, Palkia, and Celebi of the prophecy. Oh, and one last thing…” Arceus turned around and faced me again, “On your search for the four, if you see the Insane Guardian or the Traitor, capture them, and contact me.” “Of course, Creator. I would do that even if you didn’t say it!” I replied, all cheerfully. I was going, along with Dialga, Celebi, and Palkia, to save the world!
I knew I would be saving the world and everything, but I never knew it would be so dull and boring! All it consisted was of Celebi and Dialga transporting the four of us through time, and Palkia and I would search all over the Earth. So far, no worthwhile humans, no Insane mistake, and no traitor. I was beginning to give this all up just when we came across something that regained my lust for saving the world, around where you would call it the Sinnoh region. It wasn’t The Four, but it was something much better then that. Some things, I should say.
“HYPER BEAM!” Came out a startling cry, and with it, a beam of such powerful proportions. Luckily, we had enough time to float out of harms way. “Fufufufufu…” Came that haunting smug laugh. “Deoxys was getting bored of all this waiting.” “Don’t forget me too, honey!” Spoke the traitor, Azelf, sounding softer then I remembered. “O-oh yes, dear…” Spoke Deoxys, a little forced and embarrassed. At that moment of time, Celebi and I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “What’s that?” Shrieked Azelf, “You DARE laugh at the future ruler of this Universe? EXTRASENSORY!” We now knew not to question Deoxys new found love, or our choice of actions towards it. “Deoxys, end this madness!” Thundered Dialga, with a voice old but loud as time itself. “Madness?” Asked Deoxys, “The only thing that is madness…” He insanely stated, “is that you fools treat me like if I was a Toxic put upon you, and that Deoxys and Azelf aren’t ruling this Universe.”
“Oh, Dialga, you’re the Steel type, yes?” Deoxys quickly turned around, and faced the master of Space. “What’s it to you, big ears?” Retorted a voice that sounded, and was, quite well aged. “Fufufufufu.” Snickered the very essence of Insanity. “Oh Dialga, you have SUCH a tongue. Allow me to loosen it.” He uttered, manically. “ATTACK FORME! SUPER POWER!” And with that, Deoxys glowed, and changed. Dialga was too mesmerised to move out of the way, as he got hit by the Super Power, and as you know, Dialga is part steel, and when you have a fighting move on a steel type… it isn’t pretty. Dialga fell down on his knees, and coughed out, “Stop him! You can’t fight him! His power! It… it… it’s…” and that’s all he could say. Dialga just fell to the ground, close to death. Giratina would be here soon, but until then, we would need to try and to seal Dialga. I wondered how he knew we needed to ‘seal him’. Maybe he saw what we needed to do. It was no use asking him, he was practically on his death bed. “So…” Deoxys brought me out of my train of thought, “Who shall be Deoxys’s and Azelf’s next victim? Fufufufufufu!” I was at a loss; I thought we were truly done for. I then spied something. It was an oddly shaped rock. It would have to do. “COSMIC POWER!” I screamed out as much as my lungs would allow, and I concentrated on Deoxys, the odd rock, Deoxys, the odd rock, over and over, until…
“What is this feeling?” Deoxys stopped trying to decimate us and spoke with a pang of worry. “Deoxys feels… feels… tired…” He slowed down and uttered tiredly. “WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” Screeched Azelf, her partner obviously failing to help her out. “Azelf… I feel… tired…” Deoxys muttered back. Then, as quick as one of Rayquazas’ Extreme Speed’s, Deoxys was thus sealed up in the odd rock. “What… just HAPPENED?!” Howled Azelf in a rage. “You won’t see the last of me! EXPLOSION!” Azelf then, exploded and disappeared, hopefully never to be seen again. Sadly, this wasn’t our last encounter.
Giratina then came for Dialga. “It is a pity that he had to fall for such an incompetent reason.” He claimed. “Oh, Jirachi.” Giratina shifted his bulk to face my direction. “A message from Him.” “What is it?” I asked, although I didn’t like the sound of it. “He states that you must stay and watch over the odd rock. Arceus knows all. I do not know what it means. He said you would.” Giratina then shrugged. “I bid you all farewell.” Giratina bowed his head in respect, then became his Origin Forme, and took off with his Shadow Force.
And now you know the story behind all of this. How everything was created, how Insanity was sealed within a stone and how a noble legendary gave his life for the cause. Oddly, where the battle took place, was where the prophecy tower was found. So, I placed the odd rock inside the tower. It was much easier to keep an eye on it
- by Bass Beatdown |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/16/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Pokemon Fan-Fiction: The Past
- Artist: Bass Beatdown
The beginning of the Universe. We all know it. Or do we? Take a trip through time, to the creation of everything, right down to the corruption of Human kind, and the quest to catch this culprit.
Reread the chronicles again at http://s-dude.deviantart.com/
Chapters 1 through to 6 of the full story! More coming soon! - Date: 07/16/2008
- Tags: jirachi pokemon legendary epic
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Comments (7 Comments)
- the superpower seeker - 06/23/2009
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Report As Spam
- 373jdu839jed83id - 01/20/2009
- loved it..but still..needs rock sploady..XD lol. -huggles-
- Report As Spam
- alegna122 - 12/06/2008
i love pokemon. i have cards, books, basicly anything
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- leafery - 11/29/2008
- awesome!!!!!!!!! you should write a book or something i rate you 5/5
- Report As Spam
- MeltWater - 11/27/2008
- Niiiiice! Awesome plot line!Awesome personalities! Awesome everything! Keep up the good work! 5/5!!!
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- Flight Sergeant Phoenix - 11/27/2008
Very well done, a bit lengthy but nonetheless verrrry well written! But I will admit, I realise it is a sort of diary style concept, but it didn't involve the other said characters too well.
4 stars from Flight Sergeant Phoenix. - Report As Spam
- Dot_Virtue_427 - 11/26/2008
- I agree with teh.
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