- "Mia. Mia? MIA! Wake up!" "Huh?" I said. "Whaaa?" "Get your a** outta bed. Last day of school here." I protested. "Mom, do I really have to go to school? I could just-" "Don't give me that, young lady!" Mom left. I sighed. This biatch wasn't even my own mom, and she treated my like a freaking servant. Then Anna woke up. "Mia, we need to go. Now. Let's get dressed, bring all our money, go to school, then hitch a ride or something outta here. OK?" I smiled. It's great to have a twin sis. I telekinetically put my clothes on, a super cool outfit. Anna and I did our hair, the same way. No one will tell us apart. Look out school, here we come. Most shcools are normal. Humans, learning to read, write, and predict earthquakes. Well, whoop-de-do for them. My school is the worst. I can't use my powers here. But there is an upside. Anna and I are the most popular kids in the school. Today, everyone gasped when we came in. We looked almost the same, but not quite. I wore a silver shirt with a hot purple-and-denim jacket, and blue jeans. Anna wore the same thing, except she wore a pink-and-denimjacket. We were too hot for words. "That's quite enough, you sorry exuses for people. Shaddup and get ta work." That's Ms. Evli. Everyone calls her Evil. She drinks in school. When we have gym, she works out instead of us. SHe wrestles with the kids. Guess who two kids always beat her? That's part of the reason why I'm popular. I'm even stronger than Anna. I beat Evil every time. I sat down, and brought my 'work' out. All the work we do is sit around and do whatever. This is what the school is like. I started to draw. This was it. Last day. Time to show yourself, Mia. I drew fast and furious, and put my work on the board. I drew beautiful necklaces, rings, and all the other jewelry you could imagine. Sis understood. She put her drawing on the board, a silver, ruby, and diamond bow and quiver set. It was beautiful. Everyone was staring at our drawings. Sis and I stepped back. A puple light came from my outstretched hand, and a pink light from An. Everyone gasped. Suddenly, the jewelry fell out of my artwork, and the weapons came from Anna's drawing. Suddenly, everyone grinned. "You're like me!" Everyone stared at each other, shocked to hear others say the same thing. Anna and I grinned along with the kids. We found a new home.
- by Blackfire Banshee |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/23/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: The New Girl
- Artist: Blackfire Banshee
- Description: This is about a girl with superpowers, and she tries to fit in. All comments are welcome!!
- Date: 12/23/2008
- Tags: girl
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Comments (7 Comments)
- crazy-punk-rox - 08/24/2009
hah swearing! luv swearing in stories
but not a fan of fantasy (superhero thing) - Report As Spam
- Aura The Vampire Warrior - 04/22/2009
- cool love the characters
- Report As Spam
- xXxAmericanCheeseOmletxXx - 04/12/2009
- wow cool ending
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- xxCrimsonBlackRosezxx - 01/02/2009
- wow! it was very good!^.^
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- Thorn Of The Sky - 12/31/2008
- I liked it!5/5
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- Lioa-Yue - 12/28/2008
- It seems to have some potential, but beware of Mary Sue-ing. Be sure to start a new paragraph every time somebody new speaks otherwise you get big blocks of text. It seems okay for now.
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- Blackfire Banshee - 12/23/2008
- Actually, if you did not see it/ don't know, telekinesis is the power to move stuff with your mind. and, here's some more stuff!
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