I walked into the cafe and turned to go to the table I always sit at here.
But stopped when I saw him.
What the...?
A short, teenager looking, boy. He had brown hair that covered one of his eyes and stoppped at his shoulders. His dark eyes were rimmed with a thin line of eyeliner, and had ear phones on his tall Neko ears. His dark clothing made him seem unaprochable and unwelcoming, almost.
I looked around for another place to sit, but there wasnt any other spot I could sit where I was distanced from everyone else.
This is great... I think sarcasticly.
I walk to the table next to the kids and pick up a menu.
The boy looks at me and blushes, looking out the window.
I smirked and kept looking through the menu.
The waitress noticed my entrance and walked up to me. "Hello."
I smiled at her. "Hello."
"What would you like to have to drink?" She asks taking out a note pad and pencil.
I put the menu down. "I'll have a Vanilla Ice Coffee please. Hold back on the ice." I smile.
The kid looked at me, in awe almost.
The waitress nodded. "I'll be right back with your order."
I nodded.
She walked away and went behind the counter, putting up my order.
I looked at the kid at the table next to me and smiled politely.
He jumped and looked away, his face going a light pink.
I looked away and checked my watch, sighing deeply.
What am I going to do today? Everyone I know is on vacation and with their families. Damn it...
Its the few days before Christmas so everyone would be away in hot and tropical places... Except me... I had to stay back to edit a few stories my company was publishing.
I was an editor and made a living of correcting peoples mistakes. It wasnt a bad paying job either. I could make a good living off of it and I found it fun to have the advantage of reading well writen stories before anyone else could. Especially if I was editing a famous persons book.
I had actually edited a Stephan King book before. It was one of his best works too. Rated five out of five by the Star Tribune. I felt a wave of success and pride sweep over me when I was finished and got to shake mister Kings hand myself. He was a very issolated and quiet man. But very deep and thoughtful in his own way. He really was an amazing writer and man.
Thats all I have to say about that.
The waitress came back with my ice coffee and smiled politely. "Would you like anything to eat?"
I nodded. "I'll have a chocolate pastery."
The boy looked at me again.
She nodded and wrote my new order down. "Okay. I'll be back with that too."
I nodded back to her and sighed after she had gone.
The boy smirked.
I put my hands on the table and burried my face in them.
God, I am so bored... Its ten in the morning and already I want to go to bed... This is so wrong...
"Is something wrong?" Asks a sweet voice.
I jump and turn. "What?"
The boy smiled and took out his head phones. "Are you okay?"
I smiled back at him and nodded. "Oh, yeah. I'm just terribly bored."
He laughed. "Me too. Thats why I came here."
He blushed. "So, why dont you have anything to do this Christmas, if I can ask?"
I sighed. "Oh... I dont have anyone to spend the seasons with, so I usually just end up eating a lot and getting drunk. Just winging through the whole Christman break and rejoicing when I can start work again." I took in a deep breath. "But this year I was offered to come along with a few work friends to go to Florida with them, but had already offered to finish up some work."
He nodded and took out his iPod, turning it off and putting it away. "I see. That sounds rather troublesome. I'm sorry."
I smiled. "Its okay. I was the one that dimly thought I wouldnt be invited to go anywhere in the first place. So I guess its all my fault."
He smiled. "Oh... But thats still pretty sad."
I laughed. "Yeah, it really is. Isnt it?"
He blushed. "Yeah."
"So, how about you? What are you going to do over the break? Is your school put for the holidays already?" I ask leaning my head against my fist.
He nodded. "Yeah. We have all this and next week of for Christmas and New years."
I nodded. "Are you going to do anything special?"
Why am I acting so casually with such an odd looking kid? He seems so dark and secluding, but in reality he's a very open and sweet person... That is rather confusing actually...
He shook his head. "No. My parents left for a few weeks. So I'm home alone all break. They had to leave for a bussiness trip, so it couldnt be helped." He says as his smile slowly starts to decay.
I nodded and let pity spread across my face. "Oh. I'm sorry."
He waved his hands and shook my head. "No, no. Its okay. Holidays are always troublesome with them around. So I'm glade their gone for a while." He says regaining his smile again. "I'll just hang out with a few my friends for now, and then on Christmas eve and such I'll just watch TV and sleep, I guess."
I shrugged and felt my gut flip.
Poor kid...
"Do you like being alone?" I ask not even stopping myself.
His eyes met mine and he suddenly had a lable on his forehead that read, 'Hurt and lonely.'
I sighed and looked away from him. "Sorry. I didnt mean to go that far. I shouldnt have asked such a stupid question."
He nodded and looked down in his lap. "Its okay..."
I took in a deep breath and smiled. "Lets change the subject."
He looks up at me.
"Whats your name?" I ask still smiling.
"Really? What a nice name. I've never known anyone named Nicholas before." I say trying to make small talk.
He smirked. "Thank you. How about you? Whats your name?"
"Sam." I wave.
He waved back and smiled. "Hello."
I chuckled. "Hey."
The waitress came over and dropped off my food. She looked at the boy and grimaced. "Oh. We dont allow Non-Humans in here. You're going to have to leave."
I looked at her, distaste on my face. "And why should he leave just because he's different?"
She looked down at me. "Because they bring a bad light on the shop."
I glared at her. "Thats not fair."
She shrugged. "Sorry, its the rules."
The boy stood up and grabbed his trentch coat. "Its okay. I'll leave. I dont want to cause any trouble."
I shook my head and stood up, gesturing for him to sit down. "No. Dont go. You should have just as much right as everyone else in this place." I growl turning back to the woman.
He blushed and sat back down. "Uhm..."
I pointed at the woman sternly. "How is it fair for someone to go around and be told what places they can and cant eat at. And whats worse is that you dont even put up a sign that says 'Non-Humans not allowed', thats just like teasing them." I hiss.
She opened her mouth to protest.
I shook my head. "No. No excuses. Its not right." I growled.
She narrowed her eyes at me. "Sir I think you should leave."
I grinned wickedly. "Thats a really good idea. I wouldnt want to be caught in a peice of crap cafe` like this. I say putting a ten dollar bill down for my food. Grabbing what I ordered and turning to the kid. "Come on. Lets go." I say gesturing to the door.
The woman watched us with fire in her eyes as we left.
The boy grabbed my hand as we went out the door. "Thank you."
I nodded and squeezed his hand. "No problem."
We walked down a street as I drank from my coffee and took a bite of the chocolate pastery.
He watched me and licked over his lips.
I smiled and held out the pastery. "Do you want it?"
He blushed and blinked blankly at me. "You would give it to me?"
I nodded and swallowed. "Of course." I say holding his hand tighter.
His face brightened and took it quickly. "Oh my god. Thank you. I've never had one of these before. I always have though."
I laughed and nodded, licking my fingers. "Your welcome."
He took a bite and jumped up once in place. "This is so good!"
I grinned. "Isnt it?"
He nodded and took another bite of the chocolate pastery.
I didnt know where we were walking, but a part of me didnt care. I was having fun and thats all that mattered, I guess.
He was a fun and happy kid, even though he looked the complete aposite.
I took a drink from my cold drink and could see people staring at us from all angles.
Nicholas didnt seem to notice.
I looked around and, as I had suspected, there were eyes glued to us in suspision.
My eyes twitched and I glared at them.
Some of them were surprised by my glare and looked away timidly. Others just glared back at me.
I sighed and looked down at the boy. "Nicholas?"
He looked up at me, chocolate in the corner of his mouth.
I smiled and reached to whipe it away.
He blushed.
I chuckled and whipped it clean. "There."
He looked away and his face got darker. "Thank you."
I nodded. "Nicholas?"
"Where do you want to go? I dont like the attention we're getting right now." I say looking around with angered eyes looking over all the people staring.
He smiled and pulled me quickly behind him. "Yeah."
We stopped and I looked around.
"What is this place?" I ask.
He laughed. "Isnt it obvious?"
I shook my head.
Was I in a hotel room? Its small enough. Its not in poor shape, but its terribly small.
"This is my home, genious." He grinned.
I smiled. "Oh. Nice place."
He elbowed my arm. "You dont need to be so nice. I know its small and ugly."
I laughed. "Okay, I'll admit, its small. But its not ugly. I think its actually better decorated then my own house. So dont say anything bad about it, because then you'll be offending me too." I grinned.
He chuckled, revealing his sharp kenins. "Fine, fine. I get it."
I looked around the room again. "How long have you lived here?"
"Well actually I just started living here a few weeks ago. So I've been kind of bored, since I dont know anyone in this area." He says shrugging.
I looked at him confused. "You live by yourself?"
He nodded. "Yeah. I bought this place so I could get away from my parents for a while."
I nodded slowly, completely understanding.
Geez... I wish I could have bought a house when I was his age to get away from people like my parents... That would have been the best...
"Wait. Dont you have to be eighteen to move out of your parents house?" I ask raising an eyebrow and putting my hands on my hips.
He grinned. "Not for Non-Humans. You can move out at age seventeen."
I smirked. "You lucky kid."
He laughed. "I know, huh?"
I put my hand on his head and ruffled his hair. "Your adorable, Nicholas."
He blushed.
I took my hand away, feeling the air grow tense and awkward.
He swallowed and started to figget. "What do you want to do?"
I shrugged. "Anything really."
After a few hours I was laughing my butt off and holding a bottol of Jack Daniels in one hand and a remote to a Wii control in the other.
Nicholas was laughing too, but he wasnt buzzed like I was. He was just having fun.
I turned to him and saw him looking right back at me.
He blushed. "Are you okay?" He laughes.
I nodded. "I'm fine."
He grinned. "Can I try something?"
I nodded again. "Go ahead." I say thinking he was talking about the game.
He put down his controller and stood in front of me. He took the bottol and put it down on the table.
I pointed at the bottol. "Hey. That was rude." I say sounding terribly drunk.
He chuckled and took my controller and put it down next. "I know. I'm sorry." He whispers.
I glare at him. "What... What are you doing?"
He put his arms around my neck and pulled my face down to his.
My eyes went wide.
He smiled into the kiss and wond his tail around my theigh.
I couldnt help but kiss back. He was so sweet and nice. I couldnt push him away. It would be mean... And I was drunk, okay?
He pushed his ears against his head and pulled away. "Do you love me?"
I nodded. "I love you."
His face brightened and he kissed me harder then before.
"Mmn." I gurgle in my throat.
He laughed. "Good, I love you too."
A throbbing pain went through my head as I started to wake up.
"Ugh..." I growl burrying my face in a pillow.
Mmm... This pillow smells good...
A smile grew on my face as I realise I was in someone else's house.
I wonder... Who was the lucky lady I had last night?
My eyes slowly opened and I saw a tuft of thick brown hair and a bare pale back that well shown someones spine.
My head throbbed again.
"Ouchy..." I growl sitting up.
"Nnh..." The person next to me moans waking up.
I smiled and put my hand on her waist. "Good morning." I whisper softly.
She turned over on her back.
I jumped and fell off the bed, landing on my butt. "What the...!? Who are you!?" I gasp pointing at him.
He looked at me confused. "What are you talking about?" He says rubbing his eyes.
I swallowed and stood up. "Where am I!? How did I get here!?" I ask looking around the room franticly.
He laughed and threw a pillow at me. "Calm down, Sam. You act like you were obducted or something."
I felt a cold draft go by and realized something really, really bad... I was naked.
"Ah!" I scream covering myself with my hands. "Whats going on?!"
The boy started to look offended. "Do you really not remember?"
I shook my head.
He sighed. "I knew my luck wasnt that great..." He took in a deep breath before letting it out quickly while saying: "We met yesterday at a Cafe` and got kicked out, so I took you to my place, which is where you are now. Then after that we played a few video games and you got drunk accidentally. One thing led to another and we slept together. I'm sorry to break it to you this way." He says looking at the mattress in shame and sadness.
I swallowed and calmed down, starting to remember a few things. "Oh... Yeah... I remember meeting you and playing a few games... But I dont remember sleeping with you..." I say looking at the floor in shame and sadness just like Nicholas.
Nicholas! Thats his name!
He nodded and sighed. "Yeah. Its okay. I dont mind that you dont remember that part of the night. I'm just happy you didnt forget all of me." He smiled.
I nodded and sat down on the bed. "I'm sorry... I didnt mean to do anything bad to you."
He blushed and put his head on my shoulder. "Its fine. I liked it." He says nuzling my hair.
I smiled and turned my head, looking at the cute boy. "Really?"
He nodded and gave me a peace sign. "Yeah. It was fun."
I laughed and kissed his forehead. "Thank you."
He took in a deep breath. "Do you remember what you said to me before we really did anything?"
I shook my head. "I dont think so."
He grinned and kissed my lips.
I smiled and put my hand on his neck.
He pulled away. "You said you loved me."
I felt my heart skip a beat and my face go red. "Did I?"
He nodded and smiled. "So now you have to take responsibility for it."
I grinned and pushed him down on the bed. "I think I can do that."
- by _Kimino_Katashi |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/21/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Neko one shot. Yaoi.
- Artist: _Kimino_Katashi
Warning! Yaoi! Do not like? Do not read! This is rated PG-13! So caution to all you younger ones.
Hello, this is Kimino Katashi speaking. Here to tell you that I am actually _Unloved_Kimino-chan. My profile has so far been banned from me, so I have been forced to create a new avi and such for now. Do not worry though, I wont let 'the man' keep me from writing yaoi like I always want to.
- Date: 12/21/2009
- Tags: neko shot yaoi love
- Report Post
Comments (1 Comments)
- xXSpringxnichtXx - 12/21/2009
that was amazing
its not very often you find a yaoi story on gaia - Report As Spam