• "Sarah!Sarah! Wake up!".Yelped Grandfather Logan.He yanked her from her floresent pink bed and raced with her down to the basement.When they arrived Sarah was still half asleep."W-what,is going on?"questioned Sarah."Sweetheart theres a tornado heading this way!"he cried terrified."Oh no,What about Rufus?!".She screamed.Rufus was there Terrier puppy that Grandfather Logan gave her for Christmas.She loved him so much and couldn't bare to see something horrible happen to him."I'll go get him".Her grandfather said in a flash.He ran out.As a cold wet tear came to Sarah"s eye crying the basement door began to shake.Her grandfather barged in and handed Sarah Rufus.Her grandfather held on to the edges of the basement door as he was being blown away by the Tornado.Sarah pulled his hand trying to help but it was useless,slowly her grandfather flew away into the pitch black darkness of the tornado.Sarah pulled the basement door shut and held on firmly.She cried hard and knew she would never see her grandfather again.................

    TO BE CONTINUED..................