• To my dearest Juilece,

    I know that you cannot bear to even look me in the eye anymore, and I know your "feelings" for me have vanished, but I think you need to reconsider. I happen to be far better than Pylan - he's a vampire, for Heaven's sake... I do worry about you, for he might hurt you. Also, does he not already have a mate? Jezina, I think her name was? Isn't it wrong of you to pry them apart, just to please you?
    I can remember the first time I saw you... The way your moonlit wings glittered in the night, the way your jet black fur rested gently on your petite figure... I feel forever in trance, mesmerized by your beauty. I, on the other hand, was disheveled. Dirt clung to my own pink fur, dust burrowed deeply into my hair. You, at first, looked at me with angry eyes, insisting I bathe... I could not disobey, and the look on your face when I was sopping wet - however, clean - was enough for me to feel that I had done something right. As you whispered sweet lies in my ears, I slept so soundly, unaware of what was to come.
    So sick, the way you hid from me his existence. You never even told me you did not love me - instead, you waited for me to see for myself... What greater evil is there than that?
    Yet, I love you still, my Juil. Even though the feelings you once felt are no longer, even though you do not understand... I will wait for you, my love. If he dare hurt you, I will break every bone in his leech-wolf body. For I love you, and I know one day you will come back to me.

    Yerinian Felite