• Chapter 1

    "Come out, night faeries... " He said, standing in the grassy clearing. Instantly, obeying his command, fireflies swarmed the field, and hovered around him, awaiting orders. For this man was the night ling king. He commanded all of the creature of darkness. "Tylin." He addressed a firefly. It fluttered to his finger, and slowly transformed. It's wings lowered to the top of it's abdomen, and it's legs slowly receded into itself, as it took on the form of a tiny blue sprite human. It was only an inch high when standing it's full height.
    "Do you know what the moonlit werewolves have done with Loan?" He asked quietly. The faerie nodded, and knelt down on the tip of his finger.
    The boy sat quietly and unmoving in the cold cell. Not that he could feel it, not that he could feel anything. He looked toward the door and counted down in his head from 5 to 1. The slot on the door opened and a pallet of blood was set down on a suspended tray. He was at the door in an instant, he was tired of living like this. The arm withdrew quickly and the slot was shut. He heard as the tumblers once again turned, locking him in this cell. The boy slammed his fist on the wall, and smacked the pallet off the tray and onto the floor in one swift movement.
    His name was Loan Obold. He had black hair that had never met a brush, it used to be short so this wasn't a problem before, His skin was very pale, and fair. He was only about 15 in human years, and he would stop aging soon. His eyes were a bright green color with specks of blue that most people admired.
    Once he had had the envy of others, once he had been able to feed on blood when he sought to, and it had been fresh. Several months ago he had been captured in a battle between the eastern vampires and eastern werewolves. As one of the last hollow tooth vampires, he was a very valuable prize. Many of his clan had already been slaughtered, and the hollow toothed vampires, unlike the venomous ones of the west, did not possess the power to turn others to become like them unless they transformed. Few hollow toothed had the ability though, it was very rare, and he had been born with it. The last one.
    Having never been trained in how to use it though, it was useless. Had he been, he would have already been out of this cell. The venomous vampires were also much more durable, and strong than the hollow toothed, and the two clans only rested on an unstable truce. The venomous would mock the hollow toothed, and stand in the sun, shimmering handsomely. Sometimes they would kill hollow toothed, because they could, and there was nothing they could do about it.
    Just like the moonlit werewolves of the east were insufficient compared to the much stronger ones of the west. They could change at will. However, moonlit werewolves were constricted by the moon, they could only transform when it was out, and reached they're peak when it was full.
    Loan once again circled the cell, gathering the dimensions over and over, trying to distract himself from the tapping he could just faintly here in the next cell. It was annoying, and it went on all day, every day.
    "Just shut up already!!" He shouted at the wall the tapping was coming from, but it only continued.
    He gripped his long unkempt hair in his fists, ready to rip it all out, when he heard another sound, faintly, but surely joining the other. The sound of a voice.
    Suddenly the wall exploded in a series of short explosions, he reflexively threw his hands in front of his face, even though he no longer needed to. And in the gloom he could see a figure walking toward him.
    Jonathan Xavier had never been good at much. He wasn't skilled at hunting werewolves, and he'd never visited the east. However, he was very skilled at cooking and the crescent moon dance. Every day he would practice his fighting skills, though he still lost to those younger than him, he was a good sport about it, and congratulated them. Recently he'd been getting bored with his life, and had thoughts of suicide. He was 19 in human years, and had long since stopped aging, though he still learned more, and grew wiser. He had short, straight black hair that never needed to be brushed, since he never messed it up. His skin had taken on a darkish brown color since he'd been in the sun so much. And his eyes were a dark blue color, once described to him by a secret admirer as 'deep pools of never ending sea'. He'd thrown out the letter and moved on, and eventually, they stopped coming.
    Today, against his schedule, an audience with the king had been arranged, however, to his relief, the king had gone east on a mission. Now he had nothing to do, he had canceled his training with the master, and he wasn't permitted to train on his own with the spirit weapons yet. His father suggested he travel to the east to train with the hollow toothed, though he had accepted, he was not going to train with them, and he wouldn't be leaving for another three days. He got up, and went to the fire gathering. He felt like a dance.
    The fire moved along with his swift movements as he circled it gracefully. He was performing the fire dragon form. This dance usually attracted dragons, but that was before they migrated years ago. When he was finished, the fire crackled, and an uproar of applause sounded. It was interrupted, however, by a deafening roar that sounded throughout the whole camp. As Jonathan looked up, he was knocked off of his feet by the tail of a mountain dragon. The sun began to set, and as it did, his power increased. But the dragon wasn't fighting, and the light began to disappear. Then it moved like a flash and it's clawed talons grasped the back of his shirt, carrying him away, the dragon roared again, dodging arrows being fired at him.
    It escaped, pulling Jonathan along, and he watched, helplessly, as the ground grew further and further away, a fall from this height would kill even him.
    He heard the explosion from across the prison. Jumping up from his desk, the warden hurried to his Aide.
    "Did you here that??" He asked the clearly startled woman.
    "Yes, I did, it came from cell block D." She informed him quickly. "Where we keep our most dangerous criminals."
    Without another word, he set off toward the explosion. His feet made no sound on the tile floor, and a growl rumbled in his chest. But when he reached the cell he quickly fell to his knees.
    "M-my lord Gembrid..." He said quietly to the tall man standing at the hole in the wall, next to the hollow toothed brat. "W-what are you doing?"
    The King's blue eyes brightened, and he swept a hand through his blond hair.
    "Why, Warden Jong. Head of the moonlit werewolf prison, how nice to see you again." His smile deepened, and behind it was a menace so fowl, it frightened even the warden. He stayed down, shaking.

    END-Chapter 1