• A man knocked quietly on a door. “Lycoris, dinner is ready,” he said into the solid wooden door. He waited for a few seconds, and then sighed. “She must be asleep again. I had better wake her up. She always seems to be sleeping. Well, I guess that keeps her out of trouble.”
    He silently opened the door. It didn’t make a squeak as he opened it further. He stuck his head and repeated himself, “Lycoris, dinner’s ready.”
    An odd cool breeze was flowing into the room. What on earth could cause that? Did she leave the window open again after she looked at the birds? No, not if she had fallen asleep. She would have just sat at the window and looked outside, or she could be…
    The man opened the door further. The room was soulless, not a little girl anywhere in the room. He hurried to the open window with the dark night waiting outside. The flashlight that shone into the darkness to the ground showed faint signs of foot prints.
    The man ran from the room. “Lycoris is missing!” he yelled as loud as he humanly could, “Lycoris has disappeared! We must locate Lycoris!” He ran from the building and into a parking lot.
    His hands quivered as he took out a map. The quickest way to the harbor was what he was looking for. He needed to tell them. Something in his pocket began making noise. He pulled out a phone and yelled angrily, “What?!”
    “The navy is here to capture us. What are you commands?” a man’s voice said.
    “Of all the bloody times this could have happened! If you see Lycoris, have her stay put! Have me a gun ready when I get down there!”
    “Yes sir!” the voice said, then vanished. The man then climbed into a car, and then sped down to the harbor. He mumbled something as he pulled into the harbor and got out of the car. He retrieved his gun and began shooting down navy officers.
    As bullets flew, the car’s trunk began moving and bumping until the trunk opened up. A little girl with hair as white as fresh snow with two crimson red lines in it climbed out of the car.
    Light suddenly flooded around her. As she turned around, she saw a man leaning out a car window. “Lycoris!” he yelled over the guns, “Be a good girl and come over here!”
    Without thinking, Mute ran to the side of the harbor. She needed to get away. She wanted to explore. So she ran along the side of the harbor and climbed into a ship. All she could do was hide. Hide and not be found.