• The story of Franchesco is a story as old as well Franchesco. He was born in Mexico in 2007 while his owners Emelio Casovila a local truck driver was loading up his truck for his daily route. Emelio hated his job and planned to sneak into the United States as a illegal immigrant. He was saving up for almost two years, he sold his house and everything in it, the only thing left was his truck and his gerbals. A few hours after Franchesco was born his mother died. Emelio was so sad but he knew that he had to move on because the in a couple of weeks they would be leaving and he needed to do his job.

    Weeks pasted and Emelio was on his way. He and Franchesco entered the states and were on there way through a town called Biggsburg when Emelio lost control and sent Franchesco flying through the window of a local pet shop. Where Chris Gourley was standing...

    What will the adventures be like only time and when ever i feel like putting up the story will tell.