• Prologue- Our World

    We live in a city surrounded by water, all around. The only way in or out is over a long- I'm not sure how long, but it's freakin' long- bridge. Or if you have a helicopter. Or wings. The city itself isn't that big but crawling with people. It's an island Southeast from Mexico. Never heard of it? Yea, a lot of people haven't. It's the only safe place we've found to stay in for a long time. For three years we've been able to live there in silent peace with no sign of our enemies. We're still always on guard, just in case, but so far we've been able to live partially normal lives.

    Oh, yea, by 'we' and 'our' I mean the six of us. And no, we're not human just in case you're wondering. We're like shape shifters but only 'shift' into one thing other than our disguises. Wolves. Our 'disguise' is shifting into a human form. No, we're not werewolves, thank you. And no, our enemies are not vampires. Thank you again. But anyways, we're called 'Shadows'. That's just what we've always been called. Hey, we like it.

    As far as we know we're the last of our kind because of our enemies, but who knows? The six of us make up a 'pack' and we've been together for most of our lives so we're really close. Hey, who knows, maybe a little romance'll start going on? Heh. Anyways, a cool thing about us is that we each have one special ability that no other Shadow has. Just about anything really.

    We're the ones on the run, the prey, the protagonists of the story if you will. We use our disguise so we can live normally(as normal as being a shape shifting creature gets) among humans. However, for some weird, unknown reason we're able to be seen as our true selves by human children or babies so we're cautious about them.

    As for our enemies, they're called 'Blanks'. They've been after us for who knows how long but we do know we're greatly outnumbered, there only being the six of us and....well, a lot of them. So basically we've been fighting and running from them for years and finally managed to get three years of peace hiding out in this semi-big city, keeping our identities hidden from humans and hopefully the Blanks.

    They're ones chasing us, the hunters, the antagonists most definately. These guys are the ones you have to be careful about. They're unstoppable killing machines. Sure, they have control over themselves but I bet they enjoy trying to slaughter us. Well...maybe some are different. I'm not gonna be one to try and find out. Not any time soon that is.

    Anyways, these guys are oddly...animalistic. They can't completely change into an animal, just partially. Like their human limbs and stuff. If you think of it a certain way they're somewhat like Chimeras...only...human-ish. Talk about your call of the wild....Naturally they have heightened senses. These guys are more powerful than we are and can be quicker if they want(hence the being-able-to-change-limbs-animal-like thing). Right now they are on the top of the food chain. But we're planning on changing that.

    There are also people who are part of the 'Council'. As far as we know they're humans but...special humans if you will. They're the only 'humans' that know of ours' and the Blanks' existence...well as far as we know. They aren't really on anyone's side but they can be dangerous.

    The Council Members are human but with a twist. They control elements. I mean, not only your basic fire, water, and earth. There's poison and psychic stuff going on too. The Council Members are like the Pack but more of an Organizational type thing. They all work together and as far as we know live in different parts of the world. Most of them know each other and we think they're around to observe us and the Blanks. There's not too much we know about them...

    Even though our lives have been going so well for the last three years, lately we've been catching the scents of some Blanks and a new scent we don't recognize. It's mixed with the Blanks' so it can't be good.

    Welcome to our world, now you're a part of it.