Inside Ayano’s Head… (It’s a dream people)
“Today is December 10th, its hot outside and sunny but raining at the same time when there are no clouds to be seen. There are dogs with cats for tails and people randomly killing people for no apparent reason. Yes this is the life.” The blond kunoichi spoke as she lay in a tree in the vacant training ground #22 before letting out a sigh, she never could understand why her dreams were so messed up but after a while you just get used to it. The sun had just risen and the it was the day she both loathed yet loved at the same time. It was her birthday! December 10th but one this day her seal was at its most venerable so she was known to disappear on this date and not come back till the 11th.
The Jounin wasn’t asleep, or daydreaming for the first time in her life…well not technically speaking but for the first time she could actually do something like that and not get in trouble. Though she was not doing this she was still slacking, originally she had come here to train but that flew out the window the second all this creepy stuff started to happen in the village. Then again who wouldn’t be slacking off on a day like this if all this nonsense wasn’t occurring… She then paused in her thoughts…okay I can think of a number of shinobi. She then said as she let out another sigh, they need to learn when to take a break. That is the best thing you can do for yourself sometimes.
Closing her eyes the Jounin wandered off into lala land for a good ten minutes or so, well until something landed on her nose. Letting out an annoyed groan the Jounin opened up her left eye and smiled to the sight, a bird was sitting on her nose flapping its wings. Opening her other eye the Jounin looked the bird in the eye, “Hello…” She then said in a sing song voice and in response the bird flapped its wings some more. Then a small poof and the bird was now a butterfly… “Sweet Ninja bird…butterfly thing.” She spoke grinning but that instantly stopped as the bird/butterfly glared at her. Whoa creepy. Note to self birds and butterflies are kick butt ninja’s! WooT ninjaness!
“Baka wake up…”The animal spoke causing the Jounin to scream then oh so brilliantly turn to her right and fall off her branch. Lucky for her the rain had stopped a couple minutes ago and she for some reason all the water had already soaked up into the floor. She wasn’t complaining though it just meant that she wasn’t wall wet but something was telling her that she was going to be surprised. “Bring out the Water…” The butterfly spoke causing the Jounin to stare at it wide eyed and then look up to the sky which was forming a dark cloud over her head. Wha?! I don’t wanna get wet. She panicked as she jumped up and ran off into some unknown and random direction.
She kept on running until she felt like she was safe which was when she reached the Sand Village where it never rained. Smiling she patted herself on her back congratulating herself for her oh so brilliant escape. No sarcasms there. She then thought before she headed off to some unknown direction…now it was not like she hadn’t been to this village before. She has on a number of occasions and such, it was just trying to remember Konohagakure was bad enough she knew her little brain couldn’t withstand having to remember another large village, I get lost in Konoha.
This continued on for another five minutes, before she stopped at a random shop and ordered some dango. “This village is by far too hot.” She thought aloud as her food arrived on the table picking up some dango she popped some in her mouth and was enjoying the flavor. This could rival the dango back at home. She thought with stars in her eyes as she entered her happy place…which currently was her being a nutcase talking to the dango asking them what made them so wonderful, the room was colorful and sparkly and seconds later she was dancing with the food. She was having fun, which was nothing new for her seeing as she was random and out there normally.
“There she is!” A semi familiar voice yelled, sadly the Jounin didn’t turn fast enough to find out who it was for before she knew it she was being carried. “You know I don’t know how you did it but if it was for Nihoaf we wouldn’t have found you.” The voice spoke once more confusing the Jounin she didn’t know any Nihoaf, hell she didn’t know that was a name?
“Who the hell is Nihoaf?” She asked confused before a huge gust of wind come out of the blue, when that ended she opened her eyes and saw that she was back in the village. “Ah damn, don’t tell me that you are the butterfly bird thing that was talking to me earlier. I refuse to get wet dammit.” She then said as she started kicking about before stopping seconds later. “Ugh I am tired.” She then said after a couple more seconds went by.
“Lazy.” A different voice spoke causing the Jounin to shake her head in confusion. Who the hell is carrying me and who is this Nihoaf?! I know I don’t know any Nihoaf? Hell I didn’t know some stupid family would decide to name their child that…who in their right mind would? She thought to herself before she hit something…and hit it pretty hard. She just kinda stayed there for a while not seeing any reason to have to move, today was her off day dammit.
“Hey?!” She asked confused before just shrugging and lying there, “And you never answered my question who is Nihoaf?” She asked still wanting to know what that thing was talking about. “Is he or she some stalker?!”
What actually happened…
The sun had just risen about five minutes ago as two people stood outside Ayano’s door, for the past five minutes they have been ringing the door bell and knocking to the point where a couple of neighbors had come outside to see if it was them they were trying to get. All of which went back inside upon seeing the silver haired and raven haired Jounin outside the blonds house,
knowing who they were trying to get. When this didn’t work the two looked at one another and nodded the silver haired Jounin kicked the door in before the two proceeded into the residence.
Like usual they didn’t have to walk far before finding their target who was for some reason lying on the bottom of her stairs. Both shrugged before the taller of the two, which would be the raven haired man, walked over and picked her up. (Note that this is not in the dream for this is happening when she is thinking to herself about her dreams.) Once out the house the two left the door on the floor and headed back to where they had been requested with a knocked out blond on the raven haired mans back.
Taking no more than a good ten minutes the two walked into the office of Sarutobi, the Hidden Leafs Sandaime. The group of only two whom were talking about who knows what stopped their conversation and looked back at the group of two and the knocked out kunoichi. “Hey…” The knocked out one spoke in a sing song voice causing all four of them to look at her confused. “Sweet Ninja butterfly bird thing…” She then said.
Deciding it was time to wake her up the silver haired man walked over to her gaining him a confused look before the blond grinned obviously thinking something (the ninjaness thing), “Baka wake up…”This earned the group a scream as she rolled to the right as the Raven haired man dropped her. A normal person would have woken up to that kind of fall but this kunoichi everyone learned overtime was no normal person…she was quite unique and stayed in her sleeping state with a lazy expression of pain. The silver haired man shook her head along with the others before turning to the blond male in the room. “Bring out the water…” As the male blond left the group looked at the female blond who was staring wide eyed at the ceiling. The second they all looked up the blond was gone.
“Where did she go?” The male blond asked with his head tilted to the side only to get a shrug from the others. Well everyone but Sarutobi who pointed back to his now shattered window behind him the men sweat dropped before following after her via kunai that the male blond could track. Amazingly this leads them all the way to the Sand Village. “How did this happen?” He then asked as they walked into the village, well until they were confronted by guards.
“State your business.” One demanded.
“We lost a female blond, who was running in her sleep and came to pick her up.” The Raven haired man spoke as the guards looked at one another and nodded.
“She was last seen headed toward the marketing area.” The other guard spoke as the group nodded and headed into the village. They did find her too she was right where they thought she would be…in the dango shop.
“There she is!” The silver haired man yelled pointing at the obvious instantly the blond and raven haired man tackled her before she could see them and run. Then once again she was being carried by the raven haired man. “You know I don’t know how you did it but if it wasn’t for Minato we wouldn’t have found you.” Takashi spoke from the back of the group as the exited the village. The blond was unusually quiet telling the group that she was thinking.
“Who the hell is Nihoaf?” She finally asked confusing the group as they used the body flicker technique to arrive back at the village. “Ah damn, don’t tell me that you are the butterfly bird thing that was talking to me earlier. I refuse to get wet dammit.” She then spoke before she lazy thrashed about stopping a good five seconds later. “Ugh I am tired.” She then spoke a good fifteen seconds later.
“Lazy.” The male blond spoke only for the blond to respond by shaking her head and quiet down once more. Again telling them that she was thinking, this time though they were outside the Hokage doors and had just walked in Sarutobi looked up shaking his head before the Raven haired man dropped the girl literally and being her lazy self she just kinda lay there for a while.
“Hey!?” She then yelled/asked minutes later before just shrugging. She never ceases to amaze me. The third thought. “You never answered my question who is Nihoaf?” She then asked. “Is he or she some stalker?!” She asked with a worried look plastered on her face. “Oh my gosh I gots a stalker!” She then yelled.
“Go get the you know what. Minato” Ryu the Raven haired shinobi spoke as he looked to Minato who simply nodded and headed off. While Minato was out getting the bucket that disappeared during their little rescue mission the blond who was on the floor seemed to be thinking again…or planning their deaths it was her off and birthday. Shrugging she let out a sigh before something seemed to have stricken a light bulb.
“The hell is Nihoaf?!” She finally yelled just as Minato came out with a bucket of water sadly he slipped on a banana peel that everyone could have sworn was not there a minute ago. So upon slipping the bucket went flying into the air as the blond fell on top of the other blond then the water hit both of the blonds. had to put that. XD I am a blond myself so no offence to my fellow blonds Regaining his composure Minato stood up and steeped back hiding behind the silver haired man. They were not intending to dump the whole bucket on her since she hated to get wet but it happened.
Then the worst thing happened, it got quiet. And it stayed quiet for a good five minutes as the drenched female lye on the floor now awake with a blank expression. Takashi the silver haired male and Minato the blond took several steps back knowing full well that she had a temper and training with Tsunade only gave her a bigger bite for that temper. While Sarutobi sat at his desk shaking his head unable to understand how these three got through S-ranked missions without killing one another. Ryu was just standing there knowing that the best way not to get killed was to not move for only those who did something moved out of fear of punishment.
Slowly the female sat up into a sitting position before moving the drenched blond strands off her face once this was accomplished she slowly stood up and her sights went immediately to the two who had moved not too long ago. The sudden movement from the female made the two flinch instantly and freeze in position no one could possibly think of what she was thinking right now and that is what scared them. No matter how many times she pumbled them or casted some sort of revenge they had no idea what to expect.
She then did what the two were hoping she wouldn’t do Ayano smiled her cat like smile; the smile the two nicknamed “the Revenge Grin.” Not wanting to have a fight in his office Sarutobi cleared his throat rather loudly gaining everyone’s attention, though unlike the others Ayano didn’t look to face him...it just wasn’t her style. “I have an announcement to make that will be told the Village at the beginning to the New Year.” The Third started as everyone nodded still not seeing why they were in his office this bloody early in the morning…Okay well that last part was more of Ayano’s thoughts. “But since this concerns one of your teammates I have decided to allow all of the team to hear of this sooner as long as no one speaks of it until the New Year.”
Pausing everyone looked at Ayano who didn’t notice the unwanted stares until she came back from her dream land. “What I didn’t do anything.” She then defended herself as she shook her hands in front of her in a defensive manner. “Listen to him he will tell us in a minute.” She then said as everyone looked back to the Third.
“Thank you Ayano…and you are correct it has nothing to do with yourself.” Everyone nodded before he continued, “Minato NamiKaze is being given the title of Hokage and I will be retiring at the beginning of the New Year.” Instantly the Third shut his eyes and turned his head to the side expecting something out of either Takashi or Minato who have been fighting for the title since they were kids. Sighing he opened his left eye seeing nothing happening between them other than a handshake and opened his other eye to continued speaking, only to be interrupted as he predicted but not by whom he thought.
“IS THERE NO KAMI!!” Ayano yelled as she fell to her knees with her fists in the air shaking them in a cursing manner. Everyone in the room shut up to the certain outburst and they were pretty sure that many of the villagers and shinobi in the village were wondering what was going on. After a good minute of doing this the Jounin stood up and bowed. “Excuse me.” And with that she left in a cloud of smoke indicating she used the body flicker technique. The group of males still a little stunned by the sudden outburst looked at one another before continuing on listening to the Third and his rant for another two hours. (Sorry I think sometimes he just talks a little too much…I mean just give me the mission already, yeah?)
Back with Ayano after the rant…thus two hours later.
“Okay I think that I am all set.” Ayano spoke clapping her hands proudly, she had finished packing a bag in under two hours, which may not seem like much but for her it takes her a good day or so to do something like that. Mainly since she would put it off until later and then figure that she should get started seeing as she was supposed to be at the mission a good five hours ago. She ignored the creaking of the door opening…well falling to the floor she still hadn’t fixed that quite yet. And wasn’t planning to for a long while, anyone who wanted to come steal stuff they could feel free to but feel her wrath when she got back. Sometimes being a Jinchuuruki could be a good thing, especially when you are given dog and wolf senses of smell and hearing.
“I’m coming in!” A voice yelled that Ayano instantly recognized as Minato’s. Most likely here to ask what that scene was all about now that I think about it. She thought to herself as she heard the door creak shut and his footsteps slowly come her way. She didn’t bother turning about but instead walked over to her bathroom and got some bathing utensils she just may need while away from home. Once she got all that packed the door opened as she swung the bag around her left shoulder. “What’s with the bag?” He then asked obviously unsure with the sudden work effort.
“Well with you becoming Kage soon I figured I better get out of town while I still can.” Ayano said grinning obviously allowing her sarcasm she got from Tsunade kick in as she walked past the blond whose mouth was wide open and eyes looking like they could pop out at any second. She can’t be serious…He thought as he followed her out of the room taking his hands out of his pockets and letting go of a little box he obtained a little while ago.
“Y-you d-don’t mean that.” He stammered as the female continued on walking out of the house, him still following at a loss of words. “I mean you were always the one cheering me on and sticking up for me to becoming Kage. What’s with the sudden change of heart?”
Ayano hadn’t been listening to him, she just didn’t want to. Though he did have a point ever since she had met him and the Sannin chose their successors she always stood up for him telling others that there needed to be some sort of change and soon and Minato could be the one to bring the village out of all the problems they were in. Over time people started to look forward to him becoming Kage and helped him however they could. Though she was doing all this in the back of her head she had also been planning on leaving once he obtained his goal knowing full well she would only get in the way. And with the war that was bound to occur between the Rock and Cloud Village it gave her an excuse…though she would never tell him though. So she just started to rant aloud.
“I mean what’s the world coming to? You’re too busy peeping with your so called sensei Jiraiya while others are working hard to gain that title...”The Jounin stopped walking as she felt her stomach turn never before had she talked to him like that and it was proving to be hard. And from silence around her she could tell that he was at a loss of words along with the villagers around them who overheard and were confused now with Ayano’s sudden bluntness. After taking a deep breath she continued walking and talking knowing he was following with the footsteps still behind her a good five feet or so. “Obviously Konoha is losing its touch. And with you in office I wouldn’t get to have fun messing with you.” She then said turning to him unable to badmouth her best friend as a wide smile played across her face.
Seeing this the Jounin behind her smiled as well, though still unsure of what was going on in her head. That was one thing he could never fully understand. Many girls he could basically read their minds but out of all of them his best friend was the one he couldn’t and he respected her for that. It just meant that neither she nor he had to worry if the enemy knew what she was going to do for her thoughts and actions were obviously two different things. She then continued as she walked backward facing her friend though he there was something in her eyes that worried him. Something he hadn’t ever seen in her eyes, it was sadness? What is it she is said about? He wondered still at a total loss of words.
“…Or the Village would implode or something.” She then said causing the male to fall flat on his face. Does she really thing that I would let something like that happen? He thought, “And yes I do believe something like that would happen while you are in office…” A sweat drop could now be seen on the males back head to her comment as some villagers laughed in the background. That was just the thing, though he couldn’t tell what she was thinking she basically knew what everyone else was that was some irony for anyone thinking about her in any way she didn’t find fit. “Nya, I wonder were sensei is…” She then thought as she reached the gates and walked out while the male stood there.
“Tsunade-baasma?” He asked as the female turned to him and nodded, “Well you would think that maybe she is in Tanzuku town.” He said as the two looked up and nodded before answering together.
“Nya, thanks for the hint. I will have to pay you back sometime later.” Ayano then said before spinning on her heal and facing her friend again…so it was a 360 turn. “Though I don’t think I will be around for a while, I feel like I am running behind you all now and need to catch up.” She then said as she smiled with her eyes shut. “That’s the only reason I am leaving, don’t worry about it.” Yes for many people they would stop worrying there but like Takashi and Ryu Minato could see past her by looking her in the eyes. And he could tell that something was wrong, “I think I will be back…” She pausing bringing a finger to her mouth as she looked up to think, “Five months…that should be more than enough.” She then said as the male blond put his hand back into his pocked fumbling with the box. He knew he was running out of time but couldn’t find the courage to bring it up, that and something wasn’t right.
Throughout the Thirds rand both Ryu and Takashi seemed out of it and a little down as well. Could it be that they knew what Ayano was going to do? No. He shook his head before someone’s hand slapped his forehead breaking him from his thoughts. “Well you’re not sick...so I shall let you be then as I continue my search for my sensei.” Ayano said as she kissed the male blond on the cheek. “Neh, don’t forget me yeah?” But before the male could answer she was gone. Frowning some the blond sighed and turned on his heel to head back to the village.
“She seemed to be in a rush don’t you think Minato-sensei?” One of the Chunnin spoke from their post. Minato turned to them and sighed before nodding, “it’s not like her, she is rather lazy. Something must be up, and she said that she was going to Tsunade so maybe she was requested.” The Chunnin continued as Minato thought about it something may have come up now that I think about it. She could be going out with her to be sure nothing bad is happening between the Rock and Cloud as well. I will just have to ask Sarutobi once I get back there.
“Makes sense…I am sure she is fine.” The other Chunnin spoke as Minato nodded and headed off toward the Ramen shop…looking up to the sky he could tell it was about noon and spotted two familiar figures inside the shop. I think it is about time I mess with them. It has been a while. The Jounin thought as he cleared his throat and tapped his left foot on the ground a couple times before charging into the Ramen shop at the unsuspecting victems-erm shinobi being able to pick up some of the conversation they were talking about.
“So you are not interested in anyone?” Takashi asked Ryu as the raven haired Jounin paused and shook his head.
“There is someone…” And from the looks of it Takashi was about to say something else but was interrupted when Minato tackled him to the floor.
“SHE’S GONE! GONE I TELL!” Minato yelled freaking Takashi out while Ryu was quite curious as to whom he was talking about.
“Ok who?” The Raven haired man asked.
“Aya! SHE LEFT FOR TSUNADE!” He paused coming up with something quick. “SHE SAID THAT SHE WANTED TO KI- no.” He stopped himself causing the silver haired Jounin to freak. Ki? Kill? Kick? Kargo? He thought trying to think of what the blond was going to say as he pried to blond off
“What?” Ryu asked?
“She said it was because I was becoming killed!!” Minato started as a small group surrounded the shop, some of them saw the blond prepare for this and was wondering how well it would go while others were actually worried on why Ayano had left the village. Lucky for Minato the two Jounin knew what he was talking about and stood up performing the Body Flicker technique into the Kage mansion while the blond stayed back and ordered a couple bowls. “Don’t worry about it you guys, they will be back wanting to strangle me soon enough.” With that the crowd laughed and headed off before Minato did the same Body Flicker technique and ending up in the Kage office…only he came in the middle of a conversation.
“I say her leaving is for the best of both of them.” Ryu spoke as Takashi nodded. “Though you would think that she would tell us first…I knew something was up when she overacted earlier.” He added.
“Yeah me too but why would she want to leave suddenly and as soon as she heard about the news.” Takashi added.
“It could just be circumstance and she could have had this planned for a while now.” Sarutobi spoke.
“It sounded like she did, but why do you think it’s for best and who is the both of them?” Minato asked a little confused…okay not a little confused really confused.
“Yeah what?” The Gennin asked who were called here a little while ago being told about their Sensei’s sudden poof.
With Ayano somewhere in Tanzuku Town…
“Baa-Sensei!!” Ayano yelled upon seeing her sensei inside a local gambling room causing the Sannin and her pig to look back at her. Tsunade looked a bit confused while the pig…well in Ayano’s eyes looked ugly. Why the hell does she have that thing? She thought confused before smiling and looking at her sensei.
“What are you doing here?” Tsunade asked a little worried seeing as her student only came to her when distressed or needing some sort of help.
“I need to stay away from the village for a while, and decided to hang with you while I do so.” Ayano said as she hugged her sensei who was still not satisfied with her reasoning.
“Oh…ok?” She then said deciding it best to leave it be for the time being as her student took a seat to her right at another slot machine. Putting 50 Ryu into the machine Ayano let out a sigh and started to gamble alongside her sensei. Though unlike Tsunade Ayano was as excellent gambler, and was winning in no time much to Tsunade’s displeasure. So after a good two hours or so of this Tsunade tried to understand her students’ situation without killing her, “So you are here to beat me in gambling?” She asked with a poisonous tone.
Ayano tensed and shook her head like a madman. “No, nothing like that Tsunade-sensei. It’s...” She then paused as she looked up to the ceiling, “Minato is being going to become Hokage and its best if I leave the village for now.” Tsunade was lost as well with her pig, “but before we continue tell me why you have that thing.” Ayano asked as she pointed at the pig that oinked at her in response.
“Ah Ton-Ton? I won him by gambling.” Tsunade spoke causing Ayano to fall out of chair and hit the floor. Lucky for her no one other than them two and the owner were in the room to witness the sudden loss of balance.
“N-na-nani?! You actually won!” Ayano then yelled hopping to her feet and pointing at the Legendary Sucker. “Man and I wasn’t there…” She then added seeing the annoyed face of her sensei at her comment. Once her second comment was said the Sannin looked at her as if accusing her of something, “No seriously sensei, I always wanted to see baka Mina become Hokage and I wanted to see you actually win. Remember I told you that when I was younger…” She pleaded as the Sannin looked up and thought about it.
“Well looks like you missed it, now it’s your turn to talk.” Tsunade said as Ayano sat back down and let out a sigh.
“Nya, while I was at the village I did some research.” She then looked to her sensei who was looking at her as if she was crazy, “Yeah I know odd huh? Well none the less I wanted to see what Minato was getting himself into. That and I wanted to see if I would be getting in the way.” Tsunade then cocked her head to the side, “Well you see I found out that when given the title of Kage you are married to some woman to strengthen the bond between the countries…” She led on as Tsunade instantly caught on.
“Ah, and you’re feeling toward him may be holding him back. And you have been writing to me that you are worried he may like you in return.” Tsunade continued as she pulled out a very colorful letter with all sorts of colors then in ink her students writing.
“Yes exactly so you see I need to stay with you for another five months or so until her settles down with his wife just so I know things go well with him. I tried to be blunt like I told you and have him hate me but when he didn’t stop following me and
kept quiet I turned to see what was wrong and…yeah I had to make it up to him and joke with him. Then I left.” Ayano said with a sigh she sat there.
“I see, so this is the road you chose as well…”Tsunade spoke as her student sighed and nodded. “Well collect all that crap you won and let’s get going the sooner we leave the sooner the better.” Ayano looked over at her sensei grinning as she called the owner over.
“Nya new record. Over half a million.” Ayano chirped as her and her sensei left town and headed off toward the sand village. Seconds later her sensei’s fist was grounded into her head; once it left there was a lump. (Sorry for the sudden block and sucky writing but my friend called and I keep on getting interrupted and can’t think.)
In the village: (Final part)
“So you guys think it is for best that she left?” Minato repeated after coming back to reality. Of course everyone else was too busy talking to one another to notice that he even said anything…This seems to happen a lot now of days. He thought.
“You gennin may go now.” Sarutobi then said the three nodded before leaving the room and heading off to who knows where. “Now what is it you were trying to say but couldn’t in front of them.”
“You know what Ayano thinks of Minato right?” Takashi said grinning as if foreseeing what was going to happen.
And just as he thought Minato went into his own little rant. “Planning Death of, Wants to kill, would love to strangle…loathes me…”He then continued on as the others went back into their own conversation as the Third caught on.
“And with him becoming Kage.” Sarutobi added.
“Hates me, loves to tortures, loves to beat on, make fun of, takes food from me.” Minato continued
“Then it is most likely for best…and she had this planned for a while now.” Sarutobi said as the other two nodded.
“WHAT?!” Minato roared. lol not literally
“She left you so you could get married with no distractions.” Ryu filled in.
“Say what? Married? Married?” The blond asked confused to an extreme.
“Yes Married.” Sarutobi spoke, “Every Kage is married off to another kunoichi from another country to strengthen the bond unless the elders say otherwise.” Sarutobi started. “You are no exception and your wedding is on the 20th.” Minato stood there at total loss. She knew this was going to happen? But how it’s not like she was Kage before…was she. No that’s stupid. But Married? Why wasn’t I told of this until now? If she knew why didn’t she tell me? The blond paused before a grin could be seen creeping onto this features, she has always wanted me to become Kage, and if she was getting in the way she would take herself out of the problem. Just like her and that would explain the sadness in her eyes earlier. Minato then sighed; he was sure that before he was even actually given the title of Kage in front of the village he would die of heart attack with all the surprises it carried.
(Link of Ayano below....I think)
- by Izumi Konata Cramer |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/13/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Life Long Hurdles: Prolouge
- Artist: Izumi Konata Cramer
- Description: I suck at summaries so yeah its before the naruto series, during timeskip and before timeskip then after the series. All characters are mine other than Yondaime, Tsunade, Kushina, Kakashi, Gai, Lee, and others that Kishimoto created that will be used...I have a fanfiction account EmiMiternashi is the name feel free to look there for it may take me to put more up on here.
- Date: 08/13/2008
- Tags: fourthhokage minatonamikaze naruto jiraiya tsunade
- Report Post
- Reference Image:
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