• she watches the battle, from very far up. her green-blue eyes forming tears, as she watches her family and friends get slaughtered. her large black ears twitch, her blood-red hair blows wildly in the wind. she presses the cold steel of her blade against her face until she can feel the trickle of blood. pain doesn't hurt her anymore, she shouldn't feel emotions, she doesn't usually... but for some reason she does now. she stands, 5'9", and starts to walk, she walks towards her village, hoping to get there in time. she must save him, she truly must. he is the only one to ever care about her. her family outcast her, he took her in. she felt dearly for him. she couldn't be apart from him. she started running, to get there as soon as possible. her hair swinging side to side on her back, her ears flopping. they abandoned her because of them. while the whole village was nekos, she ended up being a rabbit. her mother cried, her father turned his back towards her, her own twin (even though she was a neko) wouldn't look at her. she ran away, knowing she would have been kicked out anyways. she got to an alley far into town, her breath heavy, when they showed up, four large male nekos, staring at her with hungry eyes. they surrounded her, closed in on her, and started pushing her at each her, yelling insults and laughing drunkenly, that was when he showed up. he came in, acting like he wanted to join, so she first thought he was like the others, but when she came to him he turned and told her to run as fast as she could, the others looked at him and pounced, she ran, but not too far, when she heard the others leave, she went back for him, he was covered in cuts and blood... his hat was gone and ears, like hers except a beautiful dark grey, were on his head. she had pulled him up as gently as possible, and asked where he lived, his answer was quiet and muffled, but she understood, she took him home, and laid him down. she got water boiling, and found a cloth. she started to clean his wounds, stitch them back up, and when she was done she cleaned the rag, dipped it in cold water and placed it on his head. she got busy cleaning his house while she waited for him to get up. she cleaned the kitchen in under an hour. that was the cleanest room in the house. he woke up later the next day. looking around as if he couldn't believe what happened to his house. she peeked out of the kitchen at the sudden noise and saw he was up. "hi, you don't know me but, well you saved me the other night" she started, he looked at her, eyes still out of focus. "are you the girl from the alley" he asked. getting up and moving towards the smell of food. she looked around"well yes... and I'm sorry for all this, i just thought you could use some food... and a clean environment to heal" he looked around "you did this alone?"
    "yes sir"
    i have a proposition for you"
    "i will let you stay here if you promise to cook and clean"
    "uhmmm... you barely even know me"
    "but you stayed to watch after me"
    "because you saved me"
    "please? i know what its like to be alone even in a crowd, i can see that your ears are similar to mine,"
    "i don't know"
    "how old are you?"
    "how- old- are- you-?"
    "im just a year older than you, let me help you. please?"
    that was the day she fell in love with him, he taught her how to battle, to use her weight, everything. and all she had to do in return was cook and clean. she snapped out of the thought as she neared the village, she moved around it to get closer to him. she saw his house and ran as fast as she could, she took no time fooling with a key, she smashed through one of the windows, she ran behind the door as she heard steps coming, readying herself for attack. when he came bursting through the door, she pounced on him, so happy to see him. she fell to the ground when she let go, he looked at her, smiling warmly. "lets get out of here, ok?" she looked up and smiled at him, she suddenly jumped up and kissed him, she had never done this before, even though she had known him for years. she pulled away and giggled "lets go" she said. they slowly left the back window and went straight to the woods, listening closely for movement. when they started to run they heard movement behind them. they ran even faster, a couple bullets rang out in the distance, he quickly grabbed his arm. a red flower of blood forming. they kept running, faster and faster until they couldn't hear the steps. that was it, it was all over, they found a village, of all races, and knew they would be okay.... until the day they heard gunshots. but that is another story for another time, for now we will let this one happen.