• Black Angels

    Chapter I

    A New Friend

    A girl named Onyxx was taking a walk near the shore of the Pacific Ocean. When Onyxx was watching the stars she saw a glimpse of a falling star. Then she made her wish. When she opened her eyes, the star was falling towards her. When she saw it she ran a fast as she can but when the star was about to hit her it stopped. Then a voice came out and said “Onyxx help us, your family”. “How did u know my name? And my family? I don’t even know you.” Onyxx said. “Shhh… there’s no time we have to hurry our world is about to be ruined by the black soldiers.” The voice said. “How am I suppose to help I don’t know anything” Onyxx shouted. “Remember, to turn to your other self yell the name Black Angel”. But with a blinked of an eye the voice disappeared and the star turned into a beautiful silver, star shaped pendant.

    The next morning Onyxx woke up and said “that was a strange dream”. When she went to brush her teeth, she passed by the mirror and saw the pendant and said “it wasn’t a dream it was true”. The alarm clock went off and Onyxx was rushing to get ready for school. “Onyxx hurry up your going to be late” her sister, Katie, shouted.

    (Buzz) the school bell rings and the class room door opened and Onyxx shouted “Yes I made it”. Everybody laughed and one of her classmates said Onyxx you don’t have to rush its Friday and school starts not till 9:00am and its just 8:00. And why are you wearing your uniform in casual Friday. “oh yea I forgot” Onyxx replied. “darn Katie you knew it was Friday.” Onyxx murmured. Onyxx walked to her seat.

    “Okay class good morning I have a special announcement to say, we have a new student. His name is Keaton. Be nice to him”. The teacher, Mr. Mitsuki, exclaimed. “Okay Keaton go sit beside Onyxx, as if there’s other seats available” Mitsuki continued. Onyxx felt something different with Keaton but Onyxx ignored it.

    During first recess Onyxx was walking with her best friend, Amanda, and saw Keaton under the tree watching the clouds float by, and Onyxx noticed something different about him, that his not normal, in other words his different, -unique. Onyxx told Amanda to go with her to talk to him to make him also their friend. Amanda and Onyxx rushed to Keaton. When Onyxx saw Keaton’s purple, gleaming eyes she knew that she saw those eyes somewhere. “Hi Keaton do u want to go with me and Onyxx after school?” Amanda said. “Yea sure”. Keaton replied.

    When Keaton saw Onyxx behind Amanda he knew that there was also something different about her. He knew that those blue eyes of Onyxx’s are different than others. Amanda left the two under the tree to talk. “Uhmm…Onyxx did something weird happened to you last night?” Keaton asked. “Well…uhmm… no…nothing really” Onyxx replied. Onyxx was thinking that “how did he knew about what happened? Did he saw me? Does he know about that mysterious voice?”

    (Buzz) “We have to hurry the school bell rang c’mon lets go.” Keaton said. “Sure” Onyxx replied. “Okay class did u bring your aprons? We are starting Home Economics now.” Ms. Ruby said to the class. Onyxx was worried, because she knew she wasn’t good at cooking. “Onyxx I’m paring you with Keaton” Ms. Ruby said. “wahhhh…””hey Keaton are you good at cooking?” Onyxx hesitantly asked. “Well I don’t know”. “Today were baking some chocolate brownies” Ms. Ruby said to the class. “Great” Onyxx murmured. Then everybody giggled.

    (Ding) “It’s done.” Keaton said. “Can I have a taste Keaton?” Onyxx murmured quietly. “Yea sure.” Keaton replied. “Wow it’s so tasty and just the right taste and its so moist. Wow you’re good Keaton” Onyxx shouted. “Thanks” Keaton giggled.

    Chapter II

    The First Encounter

    (Buzz) “yay schools over” Onyxx shouted to the skies. Onyxx jumped into the air because of happiness. As she jumped into the sky the sun shined into the pendant and made it shine. Keaton saw the pendant and he knew that she was the girl. But Keaton kept quiet.

    “C’mon guys hurry, remember were going to the mall right?” Keaton was staring at Onyxx because of the pendant. “Keaton, are you okay?” Onyxx waved his hand in front of Keaton’s face. “oww I’m fine c’mon lets go”. “The mall, the mall, the mall, the mall yay were going to the mall” Onyxx chanted. Amanda and Keaton giggled.

    (AHHHH!!!.... )People were screaming and shouting from the east side of the mall people were also running. “Onyxx let leave, hurry” Amanda shouted. “Wait where is Keaton?” Onyxx replied. I’ll go find him, you leave without us, don’t worry” Onyxx continued. Amanda ran into the doors.

    Onyxx ran into an empty room and shouted “Black Angel”. She transformed into an angel with black wings her long black hair had really pretty red bow and a black and red costume and a leather jacket. When she ran to scene a mysterious boy with white wings with white ribbons wrapped around his hands. With a leather jacket, of yellow and black. Sort of like Onyxx’s but different colors. The mysterious boy was fighting the monster and said “don’t just stand there help me.” “Yea right” Onyxx replied. “Black beam!” Onyxx shouted. Then a black beam was fired towards the monster thus killing the monster. Onyxx thought that she didn’t knew what it was but she said it carelessly.

    The mysterious boy walked up to Onyxx and said”thanks Onyxx.” “How did you know my name?” Onyxx replied. The boy looked at her straight in the eyes and that’s when she realized it was Keaton. “Keaton how…when…?” “Shhh… you have to call me White Angel when I’m in this form and I’ll call you Dark Angel when you’re like that” Keaton murmured. “Okay” Onyxx replied. “Uhmm… how do I change back to normal?” Onyxx continued. “Shout out your name” Keaton replied.

    “Well we have to change back soon and go meet Amanda outside she’s probably waiting for us” Onyxx said. While changing back to their normal forms Onyxx noticed something, they were completely the same from changing to black angel and white angel to their costumes. After changing Onyxx and Keaton went outside to see Amanda.

    “What took you guys so long? I was so worried.” Amanda asked. Onyxx said “uhmm… I-. .“ “She found me somewhere far” Keaton replied. “Ok” Amanda said. “What are you doing?” Keaton murmured to Onyxx. “You can’t tell people your Black angel!” Keaton replied. “Oh…sorry I didn’t know” Onyxx Replied. “Well now you have to be more careful” said Keaton. “Ok” Onyxx replied. “What are you guys talking about” Amanda asked. “No…nothing” Keaton and Onyxx replied. “Well enough chit chat let’s go” said Amanda.

    Chapter III

    The Reason

    In the middle of the night they were fighting against another monster after the fight Onyxx asked “why are we doing this? What does it have to do with our powers?” “I know that you were going to ask that” Keaton replied. Onyxx stared at Keaton’s eyes. “Well why?” she asked again. “In my planet in boomerang nebula a powerful person named Dark is destroying our mother planet. And in the cause of the monsters we are fighting” replied Keaton. “Why is that Dark person attacking us we didn’t even do anything?” she asked hesitantly. “That’s were your wrong. See Dark has a daughter but she lost her daughter when she was still young. But then nobody helped him and now is giving his revenge and is now looking for his long lost daughter” Keaton replied. “But who is her daughter?” Onyxx asked. Without answering Keaton left Onyxx alone and flied away.

    Chapter IV

    The Revelation

    The next morning Onyxx rushed to Keaton and asked again but then Keaton did not reply. “Keaton why won’t you tell me?” she asked loudly. “if you really want to know that girl has a birth mark on the back shoulder on the right in the shaped of a butterfly floating on a vine.” Keaton replied. Without looking Onyxx ran to her house crying in mournful tears. She knew she had that birthmark on her shoulder and she knew that she was adopted but she didn’t know she was from another planet. And now it made sense for her about what the mysterious voice said when she said “our family”.

    Keaton also knew that it was Onyxx that was the long lost girl, the daughter of Dark. But Keaton didn’t tell her about the other story that the girl had a twin brother.

    Chapter V

    The Return

    “Keaton I want to meet my father and stop him from destroying your planet besides I’m the one he wants.” Onyxx said. “Well then let’s go tonight, midnight.” Keaton replied. “Uhmm Onyxx I forgot to tell-…. Never mind” Keaton continued. “Ok” Onyxx replied.

    (Church bell rings) “Its midnight let’s go” Onyxx said. “Are you sure you’re ready to meet him?” Keaton asked. “Well he is my father and I have to stop him from destroying you-...Our planet.” Onyxx replied. “Well let’s hurry to the ship I used to get here.” Keaton said. Onyxx nodded to Keaton and asked “why did you come here Keaton. You know to Earth?” Onyxx asked. “I knew that the daughter of Dark was here but I didn’t know it was you till I saw that pendant.” Keaton replied.

    “Were here” Keaton said regretfully. “Now let’s find your father” Keaton continued. Onyxx nodded and shouted “There is that him flying over the ruins?” “Yes” Keaton murmured. “Father I’m here now please do not destroying this planet” Onyxx shouted to here father, Dark. “Yes my long lost daughter, but where your twin brother?” Dark asked.
    “Twin brother?” Onyxx murmured in confusion. “Keaton you didn’t tell me about that!” Onyxx continued. “Keaton! That’s the name of your twin brother” shouted Dark. “But I don’t have a twin brother-“Onyxx said in confusion. “Yes he’s right I’m you twin” Keaton replied. “But why didn’t you tell me?” Onyxx asked hesitantly. “I don’t want to tell you I want you to realize. Remember the times you thought I was different” Keaton replied. “How did he…?” Onyxx murmured. (Flashback) “Like the times you though I was different and why we have the same costume.” Keaton replied. (End of flashback) Onyxx kneeled in tears. “Now I know why” Onyxx said in tears murmuring. “Onyxx” said Keaton. Tears started to fall in Keaton’s eyes and said “sorry I’m sorry Onyxx I didn’t tell you earlier about this I’m sorry.” “It’s okay at least now I know my father, my twin and past” Onyxx said. “Everything makes sense now” Onyxx continued.

    With a smile on Onyxx face she stood up and floated high up in the sky and a bright light was glowing around her and changed everything in the planet. The ruins were built, and plants grew. Beautiful flowers grew around the area where Onyxx’s tears fell. And the planet was restored. Gently Onyxx flew back down and Keaton gave her a big loving hug.

    (buzz) the alarm clock went off and it was 8:43pm Friday. “wake up! Onyxx its time for school and remember its casual Friday hurry” Katie shouted. “huh… it was just a dream. Oh well at least it had a happy ending” Onyxx murmured.

    When Onyxx left her room Keaton came and placed the pendant on Onyxx’s desk and said “I’ll leave this here for her to remember what happened and maybe one day she’ll realize that, that wasn’t a dream.”

    (buzz) school bell rings and class is about to begin in Mr. Mitsuki’s class. “Class I have an important announcement to say. Say hello to Keegan he’ll be studying with us starting today.” “I hope Onyxx realizes its me this time”. Keaton murmured (AKA Keegan)