"Timber----!!" A tree fell to the ground. Memory snickered and continued jumping tree to tree, randomly chopping them down with the Soul Reaper. Memory was much more at ease now. He jumped down and gently landed back onto the ground. He had just started his journey to the other villages. He had been walking for a couple days now. "Sigh, my feet are so sore... Better take a break..." Memory mumbled while rubbing his feet. He didn't really feel that hungry or thirsty so he decided to continue his meditation form where he left off. Clear your thoughts... concentrate... Memory started to ponder about his equipment. What's with the gaunlet? How does it have all these abilities? Can it do anything else? For some reason it emenates a slightly pure and serene aura... and the Soul Reaper... when I so much as touch it I feel a bit....dark... Like there's something evil in me... Memory was suddenly seeing a vision due to his meditation and focus on the gauntlet and blade. He saw a god-like man dressed in golden full body armour, face-to-face with a scary looking monster, who was carrying a large blade. Memory realized something: That monsters blade is the Soul Reaper! And that god's armour... It's arm is the gauntlet! Wait... The gauntlet is a piece of armour...? And if the gauntlet is acually the Cerebral Gauntlet... then that means it has limitless abilities! And the Soul Reaper can do way more stuff too! Memory opened his eyes and looked at the gauntlet and sword, looking in wonder. He picked up the blade and channeled his energy into it. He was amazed to see the transferred energy turn into Dark energy. "The blade is demonic!" He swung it and the dark energy created a slash of energy the flew forwards. He looked at the gauntlet on his arm and channeled more aura into it. It turned pure and untainted. He outstretched his arm and a arrow made purely of light was hurled out of his palm, traveling at the speed of light! "Dang----!" He could hear a number of trees being pierced and drilled through by the arrow. Memory got up and continued walking, not believing how incredible these weapons were.
Lone-wulf Chapter two
Mizu Tsubaki
When we left off Memory had been training with his gauntlet and managed to master it's powers of super-strength and barrier-creation. But, there is much more aboutn the gauntlet that Memory doesn't know about...
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