• I'm alone. Noone loves me. Everyone hates me. Werewolves hate me. Humans to. Emi thought. It would be okay. Noone would care. Would it hurt? But then, would it matter if it did? Elsewhere Jack ran, trying to find Emi. "Damnit!!! These woods are to big!! Please don't let me be to late!" He had gotten a letter from Emi earlier saying that she was going to go to sleep...forever. It said that everyone hated her and that she just couldn't live with the hatered. And so Jack had run to her. Tryed to convince her that HE was her friend. Maybe even tell her...but she wasn't at her house. She wasn't anywhere!! So now he was running through the woods trying to find her and...There! He thought. She was standing at the edge of a cliff, eyes closed. "EMI!" Jack yelled. Her eyes snapped open. "Jack?!" He ran out twords the ledge, reached out but it was to late. Her foot slipped...eyes wide...and fell...fell...fell...and landed...with a sad...painful...loud...sickining...thud. There was nothing Jack could do. "EMI!! NOOO!!!" He ran to the very edge and peered over. "No...NO!!" He screamed. He quickly climbed down the side of the cliff. Checked her pulse. Her heart, although faint, was beating. Thank god! "Emi...? It's okay. I'm gonna get you to a hospital and it'll all be okay. Emi?" "Jack...you were always...a good friend...to me...I'm glad...you were the last...face...I got...to see..." Her eyes started to close. "W- what are you talking about? You'll be okay!! You're gonna be just fine." "Jack...good bye..." "Emi? EMI?! no! NO!!" Jack could feel her life slipping away. "NO!! Emi!! You can't die! You're everything to me!!" Emi smlied and drew in a hagered breath. And then let it out. Her very. Last. Breath. "EMI!! Emi, stay with me!! Stay with me Emi!! EMI!!!! Emi you're...you're everything to me...I...I...I love you!!! Please!! Don't die!!" No responce. Tears overflowed from his eyes. "NGGGGHHH!!!" He cried. He killed himself right then and there, for he could not deal with the death of his true love.