• Kiba spoke up. "You've been here before?". Kabuto nodded. "Yes. I've been to at least seven of them and failed seven times. So I guess you can say I'm like an expert on the exams." Kabuto said. "But if you failed SEVEN TIMES then you wouldn't be an expert now would you, Kabuto?" Hatsu said smirking from behind Sasuke. Kabuto had turn to glare just not as harshly. "Now I'm cutting in, do you two know eachother or not?" Sasuke said inturutping the glare. "You can say that." Both Kabuto and Hatsu said at the same time. Sasuke sighed.

    After Kabuto had told everyone about the ninja's by useing Ninja Info Cards and getting attacked by the three Sound Village Ninja, which Hatsu only smirked at earning another glare from Kabuto, it was time to start the First exam...according to Ibiki Mornio, the procter for the first exam. We all had taken sits, Sasuke was by himslef, Sakura was one or two rows ahead of Ino, Naruto was in the front next to Hinata and Kabuto and Hatsu....well...they were right next to eachother. 'I'll frezze him if does something!' Hatsu thought looking at the back of the test they were going to take....so says Ibibki-sensei. "...You with the white eyes! Pay attenion!" Ibiki-sensei said loudly because Hatsu hadn't been paying attention to him and his "rules". "Sorry, sir" She said looking at the black board where the "rules" were. "You may all begin the test now." Ibiki-sensei said. The sound of pencils being picked up and papers fliped over sounded through out the room.

    Hatsu however only looked at the test, while everyone else started takeing it, and blinked. 'This is impossible for anyone of the genins here to answer....Sakura-chan might have a chance...Sasuke-san too, but Naruto-kun wont. From what I read and heard Naruto-kun only passed the exam to become a Genin from sheer luck...' She thought palceing her hands into her long sleves makeing it look like she was thinking about the answers. Kabuto noticed this, but figured not to upset her anymore than she already was. Hatsu started to write the answers down on the test. She then stopped after answering five of the ten questions and put her hands back in her sleves only this time she quickly did a series of handsigns. 'Ice style: Ice mirror jutsu' Hatsu thought. A thin sheet of ice appeared near Hatsu's and Naruto's paper just close enough for Naruto to see Hatsu's answers that were reflecting off the ice mirrors. The ice, however, was so thin that unless the light hit it just right no one could see it.

    Naruto noticed something in the corner of his eyes and glanced up. It looked like a mirror image of the test only it was filled out half way...and a name was at the top of it....Hatsu Yuki. 'What the....Hatsu?......THANK YOU!' He thought nearly crying, but quickly copied her work as she kept the jutsu and slowly finished the test as Naruto filled his out too.