- The day was bright the people were out and a man was at the window. As he looked out over the city he thought, Wouldn't it be a shame if some thing bad happened to those people. Like the death of an important man or the most important man? So far it was all going to plan the people were lining the road an the limo was on its way. All he had to do now was wait for it to arrive. As he looked out he saw the limo approaching, right on time. He lifted the gun to his shoulder, he would have to take the shot before the limo made it to the tunnel, but he wasn't worried. As the limo came into full view he say that the secret service was not in the right positions on the limo. Things were just becoming to easy, he thought, but he got ready to take the shot. He slowly lined up the sight with the president and pulled the trigger. The first shot missed his head so he shot again. This time it it and the presidents head exploded on impact his work done the man dropped the gun and ran.

- Title: the barel
- Artist: Tank Wolf
- Description: a story about a gun and a man.
- Date: 09/14/2008
- Tags: guns barel killing shoot
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