Layries' Log. Garde of Avant. Chapter One, Part One, Section One
A small hamlet lies within this solar system, upon the planet known commonly as Avant. This small, rustic town doesn't have anything remarkable besides a single place of sheer beauty. A black glass building clad with steel columns is a testament to the gathering of the past with the new. Other than this spot, the area surrounding is plagued by the 28th century, complete with half-constructed buildings and broken monuments that represent the derelict society. Despite the outward appearance, the petite settlement is home to a deep secret that the human race has kept hidden from the rest of the universe. A secret so great, it could crush the Circle of Time, leaving life to the stars. Within the depths of the Stlass Counsel; that of which has remained abandoned for the past 50 years, life stirs yet again. But, that is for another time, for two travelers have decided to pass through Berg.
"Now do you remeber what we are meant to be doing here?" A man in a light bounty hunter issued armor asked his female collegue who was sitting next to him in remote controlled transport. "No, not really." The transport stopped suddenly and a mellow light seeped upon the steel flooring. The girl was wearing a light leather and metal suit that contoured to her shapely figure. "Hey," a screen suddenly buzzed to life,"You guys are outsiders, so you shouldn't stop and smell the flowers, alright?" A face appeared upon the screen, it's personality adjusted to both of the bounty hunters memories. In this case, the Hunters remembered an old collegue on their home planet of Olasa. "Seriv? Why-" She was cut off by her friend with only the raise of his armored hand. "It doesn't matter now," He looked at her, "We'll talk about it later." He turned back to the screen, leaving the girl to contemplate why their friend appeared and not anyone else. "Well, at least I got one of you to pay attention." The screen projection of Seriv winked at the man. "It doesn't matter, so, what is our objective in this small town?"
"It's much bigger than a single objective. That 'it', you could say, is the whole entire operation. This small town houses a secret that could save all mankind from extiction from hostile beings." This garnered the attention from the girl, who suddenly focused all her attention upon the screen. "You mean the Agaris Lavais?!" The man's cool attitude started to melt at the sound of their sworn enemy. "Yes, the Agaris Lavais, or the swallowers of time. Their common name is the Khronouvers." Seriv finished his confirmation of the quick brief. "Where do we start?" The girl rose as she said this. The screen buzzed slowly, as if it were thinking, pacing within the depths of it's database. "Seriv?" Still, no response, until its face shown again. "Where you ask? Why, it lies within the depths of Time."
"The galaxy is compromised of multiple layers, many of which we haven't even penetrated at the present moment." A man in a lab coat with dirty blonde hair and red eyes paced slowly back and forth inside his tight and musty quarters. His enviroment contained nearly no spare space and it resembled a regular Time lab besides one feature. "We have some of the best technology within the Six, so..." He faced a holo-projected 'chalkboard', stepped near it and hung his head. "WHY HAVEN'T WE PENETRATED IT YET!?" The scientist slammed his fist against the projection, it rippled with the recent impact. Breathing heavily with fist shaking, the scientist slumped into a plastic-steel composite alloy chair. He removed his gloves and rubbed his eyes, trying to clear the sleep from his mind. "What was that!?" Invigorated at the sound of metal on metal, the scientist leapt to his feet. He pulled out a revolver with two barrels and a blade in between the metal chambers that was lying on the table next to a near human being that layed lifelessly. A scurry of feet and a sound like rust rubbing against each other made the scientist crouch behind his table, pulling the doll down next to him. "Why now?" The scientist sighed, eyeing an exit. He wasn't uninteligent, actually, he was quite the contrary. This singular scientist was known to be the founding father of the Time Penetrater, a device that has given a better grasp of the galaxy to the six planets within its system. A terrible noise emerged from the one foot thick steel door, a sound that insinuated the warping of it from strong impact. The scientist checked the gun's ammo chambers, only to see four metal slugs lying within the titanium cradle. "No, not them, not now." The door was giving way to the constant beating from its unknown assaliant. The scientist hung his head and was about pull a cigarette out of his front pocket when a shockwave surged him forward, launching him into his workbench. His black-shaded glasses flew off his face, and landed next to his secret exit. Magnus was often called paranoid not only for his underground science bunker (that of which he worked in alone) and he was the only one that was allowed to look at the building plans, which contained plenty of aluminum. He didn't allow the United Intersteller Scientific Devolopment Assosiation into any of his projects and when he was finished, he merely logged onto his computer system (that of which contained multiple firewalls and security systems with many passwords) and sent a M.I. message. That is all it was, he never left his name, wishing to allow the UISDA wonder who the master scientist was. The only way he was discovered was to an intense scanning and encrypting processes that took a group of the galaxies most brilliant three months just to find out his name. The UISDA realized that it really didn't matter so they spent their time working on multiple projects. When Magnus's glasses flew away, the door collapsed, leaving him vulnerable to his assaliant. He was just about to make a dash for the exit when a Khronovour plowed him against the wall.
The two bounty hunters exited their hovering AUX-50, a fully modified civilian vehicle with light armor plating and dual plasma cannons, it has held its keep against multiple aggressors. Both of their boots clinked against the marble stairs that lead up to the black glass building. It was truly a wonder of the cosmos, it held no equal throughout all of the universe. No matter where the sun sat in the sky, the stars always seemed to reflect upon the glass and steel, giving it such a wonderful foreboding tone that beckoned all who stepped near but gave an aura that told them to walk away. The Great Scholars chronicled that no one has ever entered the Stlass Hall ever since the Great Distortion. The Distortion gave all the Six the technology that is used currently. That was one hundred years ago. The Stlass building greeted its newest entrants with now, and despite the partner's fearlessness they stepped as slow as possible up to the entrance. "You think what we are doing is right, Utrea?" Utrea stopped and turned to his partner, whom stopped multiple steps behind him. "Katon?" Utrea stepped down to his business partner and held her shoulders. "I think that we have to do what we can to survive. Have you noticed that the Agaris are attacking in greater numbers and in greater frequency? Seriv said that we can find the answer," He held her tighter, "We can put an end to the Agaris, we can destroy those who destroyed our home, the Shattered Star." She nodded her head and shook the tears away at the sound of their home. They both continued up the stairs slowly, entering the black coldness within the building.
Magnus woke up with a start, surprised to at the taste of blood within his mouth. He quickly spat out all the blood within his mouth but sadly couldn't get the rusty taste out of it. It was caked onto his throat and the roof of his mouth, and his head wasn't in much better shape. He got up rather groggily and leaned against his workbench, reaching for a cabinet above it. He slowly grasped the handle and pulled with all his remaining strength with success. He fumbled around until he came by a bottle marked aspirin, opening and popping a few pills into his mouth. Magnus battled multiple boughts of depression and was a pro at using pills, many of which he devoloped by himself, for himself. He nearly collapsed as he clutched his head in pain. Despite his ability to make medicine, he still hasn't perfected it to the point of perpetual health. He was close, expirementing with multiple forbidden items, all running down the lines of insantity. The end result came up with an extended lifetime and increased mental and physical strength. The side effect turned him into a vampire,sadly. So he devoloped pills to stunt his thirst of blood, but it was incredibley painful. He wasn't to willing to fall into darkness quite yet, he believed that there were many more things to discover before he was to die. Not only was Magnus paranoid of everything around him, he was also paranoid of the future. His mindset led him to believe that if he didn't discover something now, it may never come to fruition for a long time. So, in a sense, Magnus was one of the most productive scientific minds ever due to his mycanthropic ways of the past, present, and future. His latest creation is of epic porportions. It, or he, is supposed to break the final time barrier that bars the Tyran galaxy from the Universe. Magnus dubbed this creation PROJECT Angel, due to the mechanical wings that it held. He hadn't finished it yet, he still needed to take it to the Stlass building, for it was the only place in the galaxy that held such time warping properties. After resting for a few minutes, Magnus headed towards the broken exit, carrying his lifeless creation on his back.
"Awaken, Layries, your journey shall begin soon" A voice spoke through a white void. The voice was aged, old and dry, deep and full. "Layries, your time has come, arise, you must now fufill your destiny." A being appeared from the light, even brighter than its surroundings. "What is it that thou awaken thee for, thy master?" A younger voice this time, a voice that was bred in adolesecense, deep and full of life. "I need you to bring light to a galaxy that is still bathed in darkness." The voice echoed as it reverberated against the endless depths of time. "So soon?" The adolescent spoke. "Yes, for if you don't go now, the Circle of Time will snap." A confirmation was in a form of a large sword, laced with ribbon and crystal. Next to the hilt stood a silver diamond of the most brilliance. "When the diamond clouds with black, time will break and light will fade as darkness pervades it's surroundings. A ribbon hung from a crystal ring that was attached to the handle. It held no significant color, shifting constantly. "That ribbon will tell you if one of the beings around you is a holder of Time. You must find them all to save all. Now go, before all is lost and nothing is born."
Utrea walked slowly into a chamber that was bathed in light and rippled with power. He signaled for Katon to follow him into such a curious place. All that stood in it was an ebony table, rimmed with gold, and a man in a lab coat. That and a strange figure layed upon the table. Without making a noise, Utrea pulled out a high presicion .30 caliber pistol that used metal slugs. A small version of a rail driver, it didn't have the capabalitiy to pierce walls that its larger cousin had. With his hands steady, he aimed directly at the scientist head. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The scientist replied, leaving the partners in awe. "How did you-?" Utrea could barely stammer these words before the man interupted him. "I am a vampire, therefore, my senses are hieghtened, giving me an advantage over your technology; that of which, I probably devolped." He walked towards the two, and Katon pulled down Utrea's pistol, giving him an obvious signal. "It's okay, I won't bite, no pun intended." The scientist joked dryly as he outstretched his hand. "I'm Magnus," he pointed towards Utrea and then Katon, "You're Utrea and you are Katon. I've researched your services and called you out here." The two were dumbfounded, they just met there contracter for this mission. Utrea held his hand away, still unsure if this was the man that had hired them. Utrea and Katon were paid immense sums of money, with no strings attached; due to the fact that the two are the most effective group despite thousands of Hunters. It was hard for him to believe that this man, Magnus, had any Tes on him, the galaxian currency. But apparently, looks don't get people the proper view. "Ah, I see that you have a Halian-17 slug driver. Powerful little booger, one of my creations." Magnus pointed at Utrea's pistol, which was collapsed into the size of a cellular phone. "How do I know that you devoloped this?" Utrea was still not buying anything that this man said. Unlike his partner, Utrea had a hard time trusting people, which in a sense came with the business. Magnus raised his hands in disbelief and questioned whether or not these two could actually assist him and his human-like puppet. "Check the side, you'll see an insignia with a combo of angel wings and demon wings." Sure enough, the pattern was inlaid upon the side. Utrea gave up on trying to make this guy seem like he wasn't the contact. He was still somewhat incredelous that he never noticed it before. "So, what is this thing?" Katon was hovering over the table, staring into the eyes of the blank puppet. "Ah, this is my creation, PROJECT ANGEL. It is supposed to help us in the fight against the Agaris." He pushed up his glasses, proud of his work. He never had the oppurtunity show of his creations to anyone, face to face. Well, before he lost his lab partners, including his love, Ranier. This, in his opinion, was the thing that turned his into a mycanthropic b*****d. "Is he alive?" Katon asked, waving her hand across his face. Magnus and Utrea walked over to the table, with Magnus on the oppisate side that Katon and Utrea were on. "It has never lived, not now at least," Magnus brought his hands together, "That is why I brought it here." And, as if on cue, the body sprang to life. "Holy Crap!" Katon fell to the ground, surprised beyond all belief. Utrea merely reacted by whipping out his pistol. "What the ******** kinda trick was that!" The being sat up, his pupils white and his whites black. He clutched his head and faced Utrea, staring intently at him. "Hello, thy name is Layries Arilus Vangarde. And thee are?" He jumped down, rotating his shoulders and blinking his eyes as if he just woke up. Layries returned his gaze back to Utrea. "What have I done to thou?" He gestured his hand out towards him, as an act of kindess and frienship. Utrea fired, apparently shooting at nothing. "What did you just do!?" Magnus yelled, outraged at his hiree's attempt to shoot his life's work. Katon gasped as she saw a familiar face behind Utrea. "Why did thou shoot at thee?" He jumped into the air, spreading his wings. "Who sent you, Layries?!" Utrea pointed his pistol at the angel-like being. "I was sent by the Ancients."
- by Layries Vangarde |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 09/14/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Garde of Avant, Chapt. 1 Part
- Artist: Layries Vangarde
- Description: A conglamerate of two of my stories. I smashed some of my old ideas but garnered some new ones. Personally, I made the Prologue a tad slow, but it was neccesary. It would have been too challenging to put all the info that is needed to understand the beginning within the conversations. I have been writing for a grand total of 5 years, so I hope that reflects upon my writing.
- Date: 09/14/2008
- Tags: garde avant time hero light
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Comments (3 Comments)
- The Original Emo-Nerd - 09/19/2008
- This is a friggin sweet story. You should definitely continue it. A history of this world would be cool, too.
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- xX Kizzie137 Xx - 09/14/2008
i liked it
i was good
very descriptive
too long
but very good
u should right sum more - Report As Spam
- Utrea Yusof - 09/14/2008
- ok...spelling wrong at a few parts, proofread please, grammar off on some parts, at one part ANGEL isn't capatilized and then later it is, check that out, and don't try to have someone speak old english if you can't do it very well, sorry buddy XP
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