• There's was a knock on the door at 11:30 pm.Who would come this late?Lea and friends thought. Every year Lea and her friends would have a slumber party at this time of the year and the same knocking will come at this time.Lea opened the door, and a cold wind rushed in.Lea felt chills crawl up her spine and smiled weakly. She shut the door and went back to her friends.
    Let tell scary stories,she suggest.Yea!I love scary stories! One of her friends said excitely.But you wont like this one,whispered Lea.Why?Her friends asked.
    You'll see,you'll see, said Lea with a blank expression on her face.
    They all sat in a circle and stared intently at Lea,waiting.It started out like this.

    One day, a group of girls was having a slumber party like us,sitting around telling stories and laughing.There was a knock on the door and one of the girls walk up and open it.No one was there, it was probably a prank from the boys from school, the girl thought.She shut the door and went back to her friends.She suggested to tell scary stories,they all went upstairs and sit in a circle.After she told the story, everyone went to sleep. At 12:47 pm, one of the girls name Erica woke up to go to the bath room.She try waking up her friends to come with her because she was scared by the stories.None of them woke up, so she quietly walk down the hall to the bathroom.Behind her she heard footsteps,she turned around to see who it was, no one was there.She thought she was hearing things so she walked on.
    Thump,thump,thump.Erica looked behind her again but didn't see anyone.It's nothing,she's telling herself.She doored the door and gasped.On the bathroom floor was her friend Hannah,dead.Blood was everywhere.She was about to scream but a hand covered her mouth.She looked at the person who was holding her mouth.IT was Lea!Now it's your turn,Lea whispered in her ear.