• Devils Inferno
    There was once a boy called Jaime McGraw. Jamie lived in an average suburban house in an average suburban family. James had anything he wanted. He had all of the latest videogames, books and toys. But Jamie hadn’t had such a good life at school...
    Jamie was always bullied by Melvin. Melvin was a year 9 bully who always picked on Jamie because he was small. Jamie had been tormented ever since primary school, but he took it all the same. His best friend, Connor Jessen, always stood by him, unfortunately for him, Melvin and his gang bullied him too because he was a New-Zealander. Connor was also small for a year 8, so that didn’t help much either.
    It started out as a normal day. Jamie starting first period, second period, before going out to break. He and Connor were eating recess, as usual, when Melvin came up to them and slammed Jamie in the face with a text book...
    A blur of colours....
    Jamie... Unleash the power growing within you... I will aid you...
    Blur... “Jamie! Jamie” Jamie recognised the silhouette on his right to be Connor, but he couldn’t make out the figure on the left. It was big, with red, glowing eyes...
    Suddenly, Jamie came to. “Where am I?” Jamie asked, dazed and confused.
    “We took you to the hospital after Melvin punched you”, replied Connor. “Quite a bump”, he added.
    Jamie felt his head, and it burned like fire. The second he touched it, he felt like he was in an inferno. He suddenly was in another world. Hell... Fire... Melvin... And a huge figure towering over Melvin... With glowing red eyes...
    “Jamie, are you ok?” asked Connor, breaking the spell.
    “Huh? I’m fine. I think I’ll go home and rest...But, where’s the other person?”
    “The big person on the left of the bed...”
    “Man, you had quite a bump...Get some rest...” replied Connor.

    At home, Jamie flunked down on his bed, and promptly fell asleep.
    The figure from the hospital bed again, spoke to Jamie: Jamie... Give into the power... We can kill them together...All of them... You just need to give in... I’ll just speed up the process...
    Jamie awoke in a cold sweat. He looked at his clock. 8:30. He’d slept the entire night! He quickly got ready, and rushed to school.
    Jamie couldn’t concentrate. He felt like something was welling up inside him, waiting to burst out.
    At break, Jamie and Connor ate recess as normal, and as usual Melvin came up, this time with a big rock. “Take this wimp”, he said, thrusting the rock at Jamie. Jamie caught it, and crushed it.
    Shocked, Melvin withdrew, but he was not fast enough. Jamie lashed out and, with super-human strength, snapped Melvin’s neck. Melvin’s lifeless body now lay limp on the floor.
    “Jamie...W-why?” Was all an awe-struck Connor could say.
    “Silence fool!” Jamie growled, his voice deep and rumbling.
    “Jamie, what?”
    Finish him Jamie... He is no match for us...
    Do it! Now!
    I can’t!
    What? He’s breaking free...
    Jamie couldn’t break free.
    His anger now clouded his vision and he felt a burning hatred in his heart. His skin was now a deep crimson, and muscles bulged from his arms.
    With a wicked laugh, Jamie flew off into the pitch black sky...