Now, you may be asking, why did I shorten my tale of becoming a vampire? The answer is simple. A lot of the things that happened to me in my freshman and sophomore years at Fullington High school were things that I didn’t think were important. Little things such as people complementing me on my straight A agenda. People, telling me how ugly I was. It was all common place. And I am sure you had picked up on that. I know not all of us want to know every little detail of what High School is like. After all, we have all been through it before, now haven’t we?
Now, as I was saying. I had just realized I was a vampire. I stood above my first kill. That great Brown Bear’s carcass laying on the grass, as if it had been shot. And it looked like it if you weren’t educated, and could tell that there was no drop of blood left in the animal. Sure, the wolves would have a feast tonight, but hell, it scared me that I had killed it myself.
Or did it?
In a flash of memories that were now scattered, I remembered my High School. My home, my family.
And god that angered me. She caused me to become this thing! If her and her boy friend hadn’t tricked me into thinking she liked me, then I wouldn’t have nearly been beaten and left for dead. And god, I wanted to pay them all back.
But where was I? This place was so different from Fullington. The trees were wrong. The ground was wrong. Even the smells were wrong. And god could I smell. I smelt even my own scent, tracing back to that abandoned cottage were I had undergone my changes.
Hell I didn’t even know how long that fire pierced my body, turning me into the pale god I now was. It only seemed like a Day had gone by. But it seemed so slow at the same time. As if I had been on fire for an eternity. Taking a deep breath in, I noticed a new smell. A smell that sent shivers down my spine.
There was a city near by. And I could smell the people there. But what would they think when I appeared all of a sudden? With no money, no shirt, and looking like a god?
Well, there was a way I could get clothes. But the thought of it made my stomach want to empty itself of the blood that now sloshed inside of me. I should have been disgusted. But I wasn’t. It merely reminded me of what I had done, and I felt a certain pride about it. As if I was proud that I could kill so easily on my first day of my new existence.
As I thought, I remembered more. The names and faces of my attackers who nearly killed me. Funny, I thought I didn’t know them. But I did. It seemed my new mind could pick out small details like that with ease, as if I were a walking Encyclopedia. And that caused me to grow angrier. I knew them all. There was, Eric, Jacob, Josh, David, and Billy. They all were hated memories, and I wanted to get rid of them one by one. To teach them to never pick on a person for being so smart. Never again would they. But first I had to get home. All I knew was my home was in Illinois. And I had no Idea which state I was in at the moment.
With a confident kick of my new stronger legs, I began to run. Once again amazed at my speed. At the gentle touch of the twigs and branches that hit me. As if they were caressing me, congratulating me in their own way. And it made me go even faster. God, the scenery must have zoomed by. But I saw it like it was going in slow motion. I could calculate how much force my legs had to give to push me through the thickets. Over gaps in the terrain, and even where do jump over roads where people were sure to be driving. But I heard no engines near me yet, all I was headed for was the smell of the city. Not caring if my naked torso was shown. Hell, what would it matter? It was only woman who were not to show the top half of their body, or any part of their body for that matter, in public.
Stopping as I reached the outskirts of the city I looked about. It was definitely not Fullington. Where was the library? Where was the city center? Where was the school? What day was it?
All these questions had to be answered. And Soon.
As I began to walk through the city, I noticed people staring at me. As if I were the most beautiful thing in the world. Even married men stopped to stare at my perfect Physique. And god it felt good to be admired for the first time in my life, well my new life anyway.
As I entered the city, I finally found one thing I was looking for. A news paper. Picking it up out of the trash after someone had tossed it aside, I began to skim the front page.
It was October Fourth. I had been in that fiery hell for nearly a week. Had time really gone that fast? Well, then again I couldn’t keep track of it while I was on fire now could I? Was that what it was like when people burned in hell for their sins?
Shaking my head I turned and saw a young woman, beconing me over with enthusiastic waves. Sure, she looked beautiful. But that’s not what drew me to her. It was her scent. The smell of her blood wafting through her skin.
Stepping in front of her, I casually put my hands in my pockets, offering her a smile of my wickedly white new teeth, “Hello,” I said, and for the first time I heard my new voice. It sounded like an angel was talking to a mortal. Like, what ever I said should be followed without question.
Blushing brightly as the blonde beauty watched me, she giggled uncontrollably, not believing a perfect being was admiring her. “Hi,” she said finally after calming herself down, “are you new in town? You know, not that I mind, but…” She began as she looked at my perfect torso.
“Yes, I am new, not sure where I am because I walked here, but I also guess I shouldn’t be walking around without a shirt on.”
“Oh, well…” She said with a burst of giggling again before smiling up at me, “welcome to Tahoe!”
Tahoe? As in Lake Tahoe? Had I traveled so far in that little time? On foot? Wow, who ever that beauty may have been must have been faster then I was. Traveling from Illinois to California in a week normally took a month on foot, maybe longer. And I only remember being carried for at least two days. “Thank you,” I said as I brushed my look of shock of my face, “do you know where I can get some clothing?”
“Well,” she said with an even brighter blush, “you could take some of my brothers, but you would have to come home with me…” She said with a soft, hopeful smile.
Oh, I knew what she wanted alright. She wanted to see more of me. More of this god. And possibly do things with this god that normally should have waited until marriage alright. “Sure, I’d love to,” I said with a smile.
The next ten minutes were nothing of us walking to her home. She talked about who she was, how old she was, and what she liked to do in her spare time. All while she blushed away.
It seemed her name was Alexis, Lexi for short. And she was seventeen, and wanted to be a veterinarian because she loved animals.
Sure, I could care less, but with my new mind I remembered each detail of her without a hitch. The way her blonde hair bounced, the way she smelled. The way she moved, she was seductive in her young age. I had to admit that.
Stepping into the home she said something about her family not being home for at least another two hours. And that’s when things got interesting.
Within moments she was on me. Her arms draped around me, holding onto me tightly as she pressed her lips to my frozen ones. Gasping lightly from the sudden chill, she merely enjoyed it. After all, who was going to ask a god why he was so cold when he was willingly giving a mortal girl what she wanted? In a flurry of movements we were in her room, the remainder of my clothes on the floor with hers as she fell to the bed.
God she was beautiful even nude. She had no body hair on her. Her breasts were exquisite. Nicely shaped, and not too big, simple B Cups. Well, I thought so at the time, when they were really C cups.
Moving over her, those silky smooth legs wrapped around me as I took her. The sounds of her groaning were amazing to me. As my frozen body penetrated into hers, it was like feeling a warm glow on me. Like someone trying to heat me up again. And god I liked the feeling of that.
How long we were like that, was a mystery. It seemed I couldn’t get tired. She had shown me so many different positions. So many ways to please a woman. And I was eager to learn.
The way her breasts and labia tasted on my tongue were amazing. It was clear she was not a virgin by the time I had gotten to her. The way her hips moved. They way her vaginal walls tightly gripped me, it was so intense. It was so exotic. It was everything and more that I had dreamed about. It was like a dream come true. A fantasy every geek had wanted to fulfill. A woman dragging him inside, and having long passionate sex with her.
I remember near the end I looked down at her, as her hands gripped my arms. She was once again on her back, and I was doing a good job alright. From the way her legs moved, to the way she arched her back. To her bouncing breasts, and everything. It was so exotic. God I couldn’t help myself enjoy and lean my head back as I continued. God, it was so fantastic.
Like I said, I had lost all illusions of time when we were making love. I just didn’t want it to end. That was, until her father walked in on us.
And let me tell you, no matter how good my looks were, it didn’t stop him from stopping us.
I merely remember hearing him shout, “get off my daughter!”
Then I looked down, and what I saw horrified me.
It seemed I had lost control of my strength. She was beaten, bruised, and bloody. It seemed that when I thought I was kissing her, I was actually biting, tearing into her body and tearing it to shreds. When I looked down, I saw the horror that was once her exquisite v****a. It was nothing more then tight warm ground beef.
Moving quickly away from her, I couldn’t believe it. I had actually killed her while having sex with her. With her family staring in horror, her father raised a gun to my head. I’m not sure to this day what kind it was. But I remember when he fired.
The bullet came at me with great speed, and once again it came to me in slow motion as it was aimed at my head. I didn’t even bother to move. I just wanted to die for killing that beautiful young blonde girl who had given me her body for the after noon.
But the bullet didn’t even scratch me.
It had just merely bounced off my fore head. As if my body had decided not to be so mortal all of a sudden despite all my wishes. Then I watched as he fired off his entire clip into my body, each round like the first merely rebounded off of me. Then his wife cried something about the police, and that’s when it happened.
I had lost control. I leaped forward and killed her with ease. Grabbing her head and popped it like a pimple. It was a bloody mess. Then her husband tried to attack me, and with one strong punch, my hand pierced his chest, then out his back, crushing his heart. Then one thing had happened.
Her brother grabbed her fathers gun, and shot himself to stop me from killing him like that.
Now, you may be wondering what happened to the family. Well, the brothers of the parents buried them in the local cemetery, and to this day they search for their family’s brutal killers.
Well, after my first killing spree, I found myself in the shower, washing this evil godly gift I was given. When I was sure I was clean I found her brothers room quickly. Wanting to leave quickly and not be caught at the scene of the crime, I dressed quickly. Taking her brothers leather jacket, white t-shirt, his pants, and his boots. I dressed as if I were a greaser. And it did suit me. I looked like I wanted to be for the first time in my life.
Leaving that house of death behind quickly, I found myself running, then stopped abruptly in the middle of town.
If I could do that to humans if I were scared, then what could I do to humans who had tortured me during my human life? That question brought a huge grin to my face. I knew what I could do. And I was going to make them remember me before they died.
But first, I had to find out where to go.
I knew my home was in Illinois. But the direction was disorienting to me. I had no idea how to read a map. But at the same time I knew if I went North East for a while then headed East I would be able to find my mark. And then I would begin to make the torturers pay for what they had done. And oh how I wanted that. The thought of their blood coating my arms made my skin crawl. It made my throat burn with that horrible new thirst I now had that would be needed to fuel my body.
Standing after I had been reading a map in a local Diner in Tahoe, I looked about. More people staring my way as I had stood, wondering what I was.
Of course I couldn’t just blurt out what I was. I didn’t even believe it myself. I was a monster.
Something to be feared for the rest of my life.
God, that scared me as I stood there, thinking to myself as I closed my strong eyes. The eyes of a killer, of a predator. Of a monster who was out to end each life around me and drain it of its purest essence.
Then a thought came to me. People who would never turn me down. M
My parents.
Sure, it would be hard for them to understand what I was. Even I could barely understand it as well. From everything I knew about vampires, nothing seemed to fit me. They were supposed to burn in sunlight. They were supposed to have long fangs jutting out of their mouths. They were supposed to be invisible in mirrors. They were supposed to be able to change into bats.
But none of those things fit me.
I could still see myself in a mirror. I could stand in the sun. And I didn’t have razor sharp fangs.
Sighing, I thought for a moment before I began to walk. I just wanted to leave Tahoe. I wanted to leave the memory of Alexis behind. I wanted to forget everything I just went through. But it was staring me in the face every time I tried. As if my new brain refused to forget anything about the day. As if it wanted to taunt me with my new life. Mocking my very essence.
Wasn’t I supposed to be at a dance with Amanda?
Wasn’t I a grade A student?
Wasn’t I supposed to be cornered by now being beaten by the thugs who thought they were better then I was?
Now I was walking down a path of solitude. I didn’t even know if me and that woman were the only two of my kind. If so, why would she leave me? Was I that dangerous?
Of course I wasn’t!
Or was I?
Flashes of Alexis and what she now resembled flashed into my memory. And the answer was staring me dead in the face. I was a monster.
But I couldn’t let that get to me. I would find a way to eternally end my life after I had my revenge.
It was all I could think about.
Looking up out of my thoughts, I noticed I was no longer in the city. God, my body was so strong. So efficient. And it never grew tired. Would I ever need sleep? Or would I always be awake for the rest of my existence?
Shaking my head I once again began to run.
Running from the painful memories of the first woman I had slept with.
Running from the realization I was now immortal.
I ran from everything.
I just wanted to be free of this new existence.
I wanted my mom. My dad. Even to be beaten and taunted at school. I wanted to be normal again.
But deep in my heart I knew that was impossible.
After hours of running I came to a stop. Looking up at the barren wasteland in the middle of no where, I finally let it all come out. I fell to my knees. Slamming my fists into the ground. Tears streaming down my face as my painless pounding on the ground continued. After a while I looked to the heavens, crying out for an angel to save me. For an angel to tell me I was not a monster. But none came to me in my time of need. I had been forsake.
Forgotten by god.
- - -
I had been in that field for hours on end. Crying out my painful agony in my solitude. God I wanted to be saved. But I knew that wasn’t possible. Only another of my kind would be able to offer me some salvation. If only I knew where any others were. If only there were others in Tahoe who would have seen me and offered me a home to learn of my new body.
None of it had happened in the end. I was alone. And I had to realize why I had been changed. Why that woman had decided to damn me to this lonely existence.
Standing, I looked down at the indents of my fists. It looked like there had been two meteorites that had struck the ground, creating craters with enough force to melt the sand around them. But that hadn’t happened either.
Everything I knew was nothing now.
I had to learn everything again. But I knew where to start. Illinois. My home town of Fullington.
But then came a new problem.
I wasn’t Evan anymore. I was a new person. A new entity. And in doing so, I needed a new name and Identity. I already had the clothes of a Greaser. So I came up with my new name on the spot. Something that would bring fear to my enemies. Something that would allow me to rejoin High School Undetected.
Dane Robertson.
That was a name no one could Argue with. And I looked like I was Eighteen at least. Or to me I did. Maybe I still looked sixteen. Eternally sixteen until the end of time. God how I wished that wasn’t true.
I remember my dream when I was human then.
When I turned Eighteen I wanted to go off to college and create a new type of machine. Something that would help everyone in the world. Something that would be in every persons home. Something that now exists in each home today. A computer. But back then, things like that were unheard of.
Shaking my head I began to run again.
Marveling at my own speed once again, I noticed flashes ahead of me.
Cars. I was near the high way already? God I was fast, I didn’t think I was that fast though. Slowing my speed I looked up towards a traffic sign. Stated clearly on it, Illinois 100. One hundred miles until I was home. But what would people think If I were to suddenly appear in town on foot? They would call me insane. They wouldn’t even know what to make of my looks.
Shaking my head I looked to the highway as more cars passed me by. I could see the peoples curious glances my way as a young man stood on the side of the high way at one in the morning. A pale god like teenager.
Stepping next to the road I extended my right arm, lifting my pale godly thumb in hopes that someone would stop to pick me up. Sure, hitch hiking was safe enough. But sometimes a foolish person picked up a killer. And in this case it had happened again.
Stopping next to me, the silver Ford’s window lowered, revealing a Husband and Wife. Looking at me curiously, and with a warm smile, the husband leaned towards me. “Where are you headed so late, son?”
With a sigh I shook my head and watched them, “I’m going to Illinois, my dad forgot to give me money for a bus home.” I laughed as I shook my head, “and I didn’t want him to drive out here, so I decided to hitch hike my way there.”
Laughing at what I said, the wife scooted over, opening the door for the god as she smiled, “well, we cant have that, get in,” she said softly.
Sitting next to her, I noticed she barely glanced at me. She must have been in her mid twenties and she was beautiful. Her name it Turned out was Rose. Her husband Jacob, who was a mechanic, were also headed towards Illinois. Such a grateful thing to have picked up a ride to Illinois with ease.
Sure, most people had heard of psycho’s sometimes hitch hiking across America. But not a lot of people knew that some of the people doing the picking up, were psycho’s as well.
Stopping at a motel an hour later, we pulled in and got a two bedroom room, with a nice bathroom and kitchen in it. Laying on the bed, I tried to calm my mind down enough to sleep. I heard the snoring next to me, signaling that Rose and Jacob were asleep. Opening my eyes I sighed softly. I couldn’t sleep. I wasn’t even tired. I was just full of energy. As if my body was making a constant supply of it for me. Laying down once again, I decided to just wait it out until the morning. I didn’t want them to think I was a killer. But it turned out they had other minds.
It happened around three hours later. First Jacob stirred Rose, whispering as to not wake up their victim. “Its time,” he said with a grin. Stepping over my bed ten minutes later, Rose and Jacob looked down at me from both sides of the bed. They had no idea I was watching them. The room was so dark, yet I could see them, as they could see my white skin. Standing over me, Jacob moved forward, bringing down a hatched out of no where.
Oh the look on his face when the metal blade shattered on my skin was priceless. He was terrified at that time. Stepping away with his wife he watched as I stood in front of them within a second. Pulling out a pistol, Rose tried to kill me with two shots, both met with similar ends. Then they were down for good. I couldn’t leave those two walking the streets, picking up innocents and killing them for god knows how long.
Looking up at me while they whimpered and cried, cradling broken legs that were shattered, they began begging for their lives, saying things like, “IM SORRY! IT WAS HIS IDEA!” “NO IT WAS HERS!”
God they were annoying. Dropping the gun on the husbands lap I narrowed my red eyes, watching them coldly as I spoke, “you two end it, now!’’
What else could they do? Nothing they tried worked on me, which caused me to grin as I watched as the husband killed his wife, then killed himself. What a waste. The wife was beautiful. She could have been saved like I was. But I didn’t want to condemn her for a week of hell that would lead to this existence.
Stepping out of the room ten minutes later, I shook my head. I had made it seemed like they had an argument, the husband killed his wife then killed himself in regret. Case closed.
How many more people would die? I knew a few already. But how many more that I didn’t know?
With the shake of my head, I began to run again. As I ran I began to think to myself. Before I had been changed I had been the most peaceful person I could even think of next to Gandhi. I never hurt any living thing before. Now, I was nothing but a killing machine. Everywhere I would go, Death would be shadowing me, a constant reminder of the dark beast I had become. But why? Why did such a gentle soul deserve to be tormented like so? Or was this who I really was in the end? Did this transformation bring out the drive to kill that had been hidden inside my head for so long? Only time would be the one to tell me that. All I could really guess was that I was a fresh vampire straight out of his transformation. I had no idea how strong I really was. I had no idea what I could really do. All I knew was that all my senses and physique were beyond that of a humans body.
But then I thought of something. Something that could explain my tremendous strength.
Before I had changed I was a human.
A human full of blood!
Was my new body still feasting on that bountiful source? If so how long would I be able to go with so much blood fueling my new body? Would I have a few hours left? Days? Months? Or even years?
Shaking my head as my thoughts began to slow, I looked towards the sky. It was already morning. God I had no since of time any more. With no feelings of exhaustion. No feeling of being tired. It was so hard to keep track with the time. But then again, there was something that signaled a change of time.
That deep burning in the back of my throat.
I was hungry again.
But how could I be? Wasn’t my body still eating the blood I once used to keep alive? Or did I need to hunt to learn how, for when I would no longer have this bountiful source inside me?
Looking to the right I noticed the animals around me had gone silent. As if afraid that they themselves would be my next prey. Sure, it disgusted me that I wanted to hunt again already. Then again, I couldn’t blame my body. I still wasn’t sure how long I could go on one feeding. Maybe I should stock up on the crimson liquid in these animals so that I could go maybe a day or two, hopefully a week, without feeding again.
With a deep sigh, I moved forward again, into the forest. No bears around this time. That was a pity, that bear I killed yesterday was delicious. Well, the blood was. Searching deeper into the new forest I found the biggest animals I could. Mountain Lions. With precise, and almost casual movements, I stalked my prey. Watching it carefully before I had lunged forward. Pinning it to the ground I easily tore into it and began to drink my harvest of blood. God it was so good. Almost better then the bear! Maybe because it was like me. Something that killed living things to live. And now I was killing it to survive.
It took me nearly until noon until I had fed on four lions and was beyond full. And god, I liked it.
Standing I began to run again, that delectable swishing my stomach seemed to fuel me, like an engine full of gasoline. I was on a full tank, and I was speeding forward like a bat out of hell again. But the problem was. I had no idea where I was again. It took me nearly two more hours until I found a small town in the middle of no where. It seemed so peaceful. A quiet little community with a single motel and a small diner for the residents and people like myself who would pass through.
Walking towards the diner, I thought I might talk to a few people who would be able to direct me in the right direction towards Illinois. That was my plan, until I saw something in the corner of my eye. A flash of pale skin, just like mine.
If my heart was still beating, it would have skipped a beat. I found another of my kind! That was quick! But was he or she friendly? Would they attack me? A silly newborn looking for revenge?
Moving quickly I followed the flash of pale skin into the next ally. And there it was again, as if guiding me deeper into the small town’s heart. Every time I got closer, it drifted further apart from me. Who ever this was, they were good at this. They had obviously been a vampire longer then I had been. And this intrigued me greatly. Perhaps whoever this was could show me and teach me more of what I was then me being on my own. Or perhaps they would treat me to that long sleep I wanted. A darkness I wanted to wrap myself in and never awaken again from.
Frowning lightly as this pale flesh led me into a warehouse, I looked about. I was sure I followed who ever it was to this spot. I was dead on! Wasn’t I? Or was I only seeing what my mind wanted me to see? Was I already going insane from the solitude of being the only one of my kind?
But then, out of no where, a voice spoke from above me! How did this person get so high without me seeing them? “You know, you would make a good tracker, not a lot of our kind can keep up with me,” came a soft voice. The voice was like listening to my own! So gentle, so calming, so angelic. And yet, I could still hear the feminine tone from the woman who spoke to me.
Looking up I saw her. She was sitting on a rafter, smiling at me as she watched me. She was like a goddess. So beautiful. So tranquil, yet under that I knew was a killer like myself. Yet, she wasn’t the one who had condemned me to this existence. She was different. A different face, a different hair color. And different eyes. Her’s were more like mine. A light crimson instead of the golden ones I remembered. Her hair was a vibrant red. And that was something I liked. “Who are you?”
“You know,” she said as she fell from the rafter gracefully, landing next to me as if she had just floated down on wings given by an angel, “its not polite to ask ones name before giving your own.”
Frowning lightly I shrugged that off. “Does it matter?” God, I was being rude. But then again, how could I trust someone I had just met? Especially someone who could possibly kill me.
- by DarkDaysDarkerNights |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 10/08/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: All hope is Gone Part 2
- Artist: DarkDaysDarkerNights
Second part of my story, All Hope is Gone!
Rate and leave a comment. n.n - Date: 10/08/2008
- Tags: hope gone
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