• Anna my dear!
    Can you see me clear?
    How did you get here?
    Anna my dear?

    "How do you know me?" I asked quietly, peering up at the crazy old lady. She knew my name. And I wasn't exactly sure how I got here... I just knew I was here. The lady paused and looked at me for a moment, and continued on.

    Anna my dear,
    Do you know how you got here?

    She was starting to infuriate me. "No, I don't. Where am I?" I asked her, my temper slowly rising. She only shrugged and went on.

    Anna my dear,
    Then I can't help you here.

    And she was gone. Completely. I decided to keep walking, seeing as though she was gone. Good. She was annoying. So I continued on, my jacket wrapped tightly around my thin frame. "Insane old bat." I thought angrily. "If she can't help me, then who will?" I asked myself out loud. I passed a lane of green and orange brick, and decided to take that way instead. I walked, with just the sound of my shoes shuffling against rough pavement as the only noise. I could see my breath in front of me, and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.

    "Little girl! You-whoooo!" came an annoyingly shrill voice. I spun about and searched for its owner. I didn't have to look very far at all. A small leopard sat in a tree, and it was, quite apparently, talking to me.

    "Uhm... hello. Can you help me? I'm a bit lost. I'm not sure-" I began. I was cut off by the large cat.

    "I can't help you, good heavens no! Crazy little girl!"

    "Then what did you want?"

    "To tell you that the door over there might be of some assistance to you."

    "That's quite helpful, though." I said, confused.

    "Are you sure? Go find out." it said, and with that it spread it's mighty body and fell fast alseep in the tree.

    I shrugged and walked over to the door. I pulled on the knob, expecting it to open easily. But I was wrong. I had to pull and pull with all my might to get it open. When it final opened, a small bottle sat there with a few small candies inside. The bottle read 'DO NOT EAT.' It said it clearly, but I felt a tremendous urge to do the exact opposite. And so I did. It ate one, just one.

    As soon as I swallowed it I knew it was a fatal mistake. The door seemed to suck in, and it took me in with ease. It slammed behind me, and I was trapped. Forever in this dark little room. I tried to find a light in it, along the wall or something. But no light came. So I sit here, writing this now in the dark. If you're reading this, then I'm dead. Long dead. You've found Anna's Land, my friend. Ain't it grand?! Hahahaha!