• Dead or dyeing ,
    moaning or crying.
    All you can care about is a gun,
    All you ate all week was a rotting bun.
    The others hide and run,
    from the weapon they all call gun.
    Everything is a nightmare,
    the rest that isn't there doesn't even care.
    They got it easy ,
    all they do is easy!
    We are human too,
    Are skin isn't green or blue.
    We are poor,
    That isn't all we are at war.

    It was all she could put down, would they listen to a little girl plea? Or ignore once again. She tryed her best English, but was it good enough? The rattle of the building meant there there was another land mine exploded, and another family would have to live with out a husband, father , uncle, brother or child. This happen so long ago but every day it is such challenge to find food or water. They had moved into our town,.so now we have to move again, if it isn't already to late. then she heard a siren. She jumped up and ran out of the building and looked frantically for her family, they had already left. She saw solders coming so she ran into the open and just ran. She heard yelling and then felt the bullets go into her skin. She turned around to see the enemy that made her country become Hell. Why she didn't start running again or hide,they still ask that question today. She ran up to soldier and started to yell and scream. The man wasn't to old so ran away. She ran off the wrong direction. She ran , ran for help, hope, for all the lost sols, To give then the note. This man was different. She gave him the note then fell down and then felt the blood poor down her head.
    Every one was glad, he made it! But he wasn't as happy as they were , He gave a piece of paper to the government that was going to solute him. "It was from a little girl that risked her life to give it to me" Before she died she said to her self " thank you help us outsiders"