• My name is Louis Graham a secret agent of MAC Mysterious And Complicate.
    I alway working hard for my country and I proud of it. Our job here is plain and not really complicate like MAC name. We just have to sit at our place and do our job. I am just a kid and don't know about stuff much. One time I saw my boss argue with his friends. He yelled at them. When he came out I asked him what wrong and he said
    "Its none of your business kid just stay at your table and work" I said ok boss and continue working.
    Light at my office had been shuted already. I still sitting at my table and typing my job. Suddenly I fell warm at my shoulder so I turn back and take a look.
    Its my boss he is touching my shoulder and looking at my PC.
    "You really work hard boy" He said.
    "Keep your good work" he walk away.
    I shutdown my PC clean my table and walking home.
    "This night is colder than before maybe winter will coming soon" I though to my self.
    "Bang!!!" I heard loud noice and saw a girl scream.
    A lot of people staring at something on a street so I run to them and try looking at it too. I am really surprise and shock! My boss is lying on a street his body is covering with blood. He try to stand up but he fall down again and again and again and no one seem to help him.
    "Boss!* I yelled.
    "Don't worry boss I will call 911 you will be fine" I call 911 and soon police is coming and take him to hospital. They taking me to police station. Investigate me and asking question. I don't know how to say I just heard the sound and found him lying on a street. Finally they let me go.
    I am walking home and thinking about my boss.
    "Is he alright?" I thinking again and again and finally I end up sleeping at my bed room.

    Next day I am going to work like alway. Everything seem to be fine even my boss doesn't come to work. I wonder why. When I finished my work I am heading to a hospital bringing some fruit basket and Daisy flower with me.
    He alway love Daisy and apple. I am stopping infront of his room. When I try to knock a door I hear some voice, his sound is strange and I guess that he is angry.
    "Your cover blowned" He said.
    "How did he got you?" He yelled.
    "Who know? I had done my best I don't even know how" My boss answer.
    "Only thing I know is you have no use anymore I have to send other guy their"
    "I knew that already my cover blowned and my mission failed"
    "The problem is now we don't have any man"
    "Don't worry about that snake I have my man you can use them"
    "Most of our agent had been killed, our best agent! including your team too now only thing we have is a bit of young agent that can only support"
    "I guess we have to train young boy snake"
    "well then I have one boy" My boss smile.
    "He is standing behind a door" My boss point his finger at my way.
    "Come in kid don't have to hide" The man name snake said.
    I am a bit shocking but finally come in.
    "hello boss" I said.
    "Hey kid how do you do?"
    "Better than you boss"
    "That my kid snake." He laugh a bit.
    "Train him and some day he will be a great agent"
    "I hope that you are right Jeff"