• I opened my eyes, slowly... Something is gently rocking my bed. Whatever it is, it feels nice... Closing my eyes again. Waking up was never easy.

    Hot. My lips are dry. Turning in my bed does not help at all... I reach out for the glass but do not find it on the table... "Argh...!" I lick my lips and force my eyes open, still searching for that damn glass... The blanket is on the floor. So is the glass. I pick it up and examine the emptiness inside. The room looks smaller than usual.. I close my eyes, trying to wake up, and open them again. "Morning, baby..."

    "He is awake, sir." A soldier in a white uniform, without any distinctive marks or insignias, stood in front of a TV screen on the wall. The old man in the picture was drinking coffee. "Good... tell me when he reaches the border."

    Sitting up in bed, I talk to the sleeve of my shirt. "Ramsay, bring me some water." The shirt did not reply. I picked the sleeve up to my mouth again. "Ramsay!" Still no answer. I could only shrug and stand up, it was evident that the sleep was over. I scratched the hair on my stomach and leaned to pick my pants up. The bank was for some reason in the middle of the room. Ramsay was occupying the toilet again of coarse..

    A minute later, I was looking into the void outside... My spit was quickly vaporized from the sandy dune that decided to give me a hug as I opened the cabin's door. Great. The star was laughing at me from a safe distance. I dig out my jacket and push my way out.

    Much of my baby was deep in the sand, and the charred engine was a few hundred feet off to the side... The victim was nowhere to be seen. "RAMSAY!!!" I will never allow him to touch the control pad again! I shook the sand out of my boots and headed toward the most attractive dune.