• Sigh another day of school another day of hell.....thought Hiroshi.As Hiroshi looked around and saw people staring at him laughing and mumbling probally about him.He than heard the bell and walked on to class.It wasn't that he was ugly because they treated him like an outsider.He had short black hair,blue eyes, and a black shirt with black pants.
    Actually he never knew why everyone treated him like a burden.While he was getting his books from his locker he turned around and ran into Memouru the bully."Watch where your walking twerp!"Memouru yelled.Hiroshi looked up at him and said softly"Sorry..........b***h"The last word he tried to say so softly but....
    "WHAT DID YOU SAY PUNK!"Memouru lifted Hiroshi up by the shirt and banged him against the locker.Hiroshi flinched and Memouru punched his face into the locker.Blood ran down his mouth than Memouru dropped him down and said "Better not do that again!"Hiroshi wiped the blood off and headed on to class.He entered the classroom everyone stared at him as usual.
    As he sat down at the seat in the back the teacher came in with another person.The teacher said"Hello students this is your new friend Yuki Anara,say hello Yuki."She blushed and gently she said"H-hi."As she was walking another girl put her foot out and Yuki tripped on it.She landed on face and everyone started laughing except Hiroshi.
    "That's enough students!" said the teacher.Yuki got up and walked on and saw Hiroshi and sat next to him."Hi,I'm Hiroshi Makada."Hiroshi smiled."Hey,I'm Yuki Anara."She had brown eyes,black long hair,pinks shirt and white pants.Than Hishori saw the necklace around her with a cat on it.
    "Cute necklace" Hishori complemented."Thanks I'm glad u like it"She responded.After school they put their books in their lockers turned around and almsot ran into eachother they were right infront of eachother face to face.They both blushed said nothing and left.When Hiroshi got home he couldn't go to sleep because he couldn't stop thinking of Yuki.(End Of Chapter 1 To be continued)