• I see you from afar yet no words seem to pass my lips. oh how i wish that i can be the one you love... Yet it seems so unrealistic that that might happen. My heart yearns for your love. My body aches for your touch, yet you hold no fire for me.

    Oh why must I hold these feelings for you?! I dream of you day in and day out, yet know matter what, your in my head. So many times I might've had a chance to tell you. But the words stuck to my lips, and my heart was beating to fast inside my throught...

    I remeber how you looked on christmas, oh how handsome were you. I remember how you looked at summer camp, listening to the sermons... I remember how you looked when we went on the snow trip, oh how much do I remember. And oh how attractive you were, and are.

    But oh how it hurt when I saw you at the concert, and girls were around you. It was as if a knife stabbed my heart. And it felt hard to breath, why must I hold these fellings for you? You who make my heart race and body hurt.

    As I gaze on this sunset from this old room with squeaky floors and dirty windows, I can only think "why must I love you? because clearly... you dont love me." Why must I cry for thee? It always ends in misery, and in ways... torment. Farwell my love, you will probably never know or feel for me... Farwell...