• "the clawing and the screams it's sick, how could one person do that to another?"
    the girl looked though the peep hole in her door....the zombies crowded the door and clawed and moan trying to get in. The girl grabs her axe from the closet and drinks so tea from the frige. Sitting down the girl flicks on the tv. "Terror hits the streets as the dead rise again to be safe lock all your doors and board up your windows and be sure to.....OH GOD!!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT HOW'D IT GET IN? AHHHHHHHHH!" she flicked off the tv right as a zombie took a bite into the reporter's head.

    Hours later the girl is asleep on the couch when the door is broke open. she is startled and sees as the zombies flood the room. The girl jumps up and swings her axe blood goes everywhere. she takes down a few but sees there are too many. The girl quickly jumps off her nearby wall and lands on a zombie head she then jumps over the others and proceeds up the stair well to the 35th floor.

    On the roof now the girl is cornered at the egde of the roof by at least 100 zombies. She looks down at the fire and chaos and thought. "i don't want to be a part of this crazy world and help bring chaos" She looks at the zombies and they look at her. Dropping her axe she kicks a zombie in the head and runs at the edge she leaps and falls straight down.At the bottom a man gets in a car in a hurry zombies surround the car , the man turns on the car and drives five feet. SLAM!!! the girls body hits the car's roof and kills them both.In the wreckage the the girl's lifeless body lays and in the corner of her eye a single tear escapes.

    thanks for reading and remember to comment