• Mystic Vampire
    Chapter 3: Another Vampire?!

    The world is suddenly spinning around me and my mind is going berserk. I hear a billion voices talking like when I’m walking down the school halls. Everything I see in my eyes are blending and twisting into bright blinding colors. The energy in me evaporates into thin air and I’m left helpless. My eyes suddenly pierce and burn as if I’ve stayed up until two in the morning finishing up a term paper. My ears start to pop and I hear static. I fall back and my head slams into the wall and it’s immediately a K.O.! “Ding!” I’m out.
    Now let’s see the world from my eyes. Every thing's sharp and crystal clear. I’m walking towards the mirror, but I have a migraine. My eyes changed colors!!! Red…RED! Just like Andrew!!!!! My mouth feels a bit swollen so I look into the mirror and I have to sharp teeth, FANGS!!! I hold my mouth and press my hands against my face saying, “It’s just a dream, just a crazy psychopathic dream. This isn’t really happening, yeah! I’m just thinking about Andrew in my dream and I’m in a world where there are all vampires.” Just to make sure this is a dream I pinch myself and I’m still here panicking. I went so crazy that my face turned red and I was beginning to sweat bullets. Andrew knocks, and comes into my room. I close my eyes, smile like nothing happened, and wave hello. Things in my mind started twisting from that day.

    “Let me introduce myself. Hi! I’m Katie Nile. I’m a 15 year old teen vamp/human in 10th grade. I enjoy rock/emo/punk music and reading horror/suspense/romance novels. And, I crave blood… My favorite time of the day is when it’s dark, but I can deal with the light. I guess sometimes you can call me reserved when it comes to my ‘personal business’, but trust me, you don’t wanna piss me off. Old Katie is gone! Meet the new me!”

    “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” I wake up screaming. “It was just a dream, just a scary, scary dream. And, kind of lame too…” Wow, I’ve got to keep myself in check. But, I’m really scared because I end up having that same dream every night for like a week. Seriously though, am I going to end up like that Katie Nile in my dreams?? Everything will be fine…
    Suddenly the house becomes freezing cold. I wrap my cover around me and then breathe. My eyes open and I shake in fear. I can see my own breath in here! Soon, my mouth begins to dry up and my head feels weird and drowsy. My eyes droop and I feel as though I’m in a trance. Eventually, I find myself slowly walking over to Andrew’s room, and my vision is doubled and blurry. My body heats up and I feel good. I open his door and shut it walking slowly towards his bed. Andrew’s sleeping and I approach him slowly, when suddenly his eyes open and glow! He grabs my arm and demands to know what I’m doing there so late at night. Of course, right now, I’m in no mood to answer. Anyways, I remove his hand from my arm, and lay my hands on his shoulders. I forcefully push him down harsh into his bed. “What am I doing?” I thought. I felt as though someone else was controlling my body, but at the same time not. Andrew was about to push me back, but I kissed him and he let loose. I felt like I was preparing for something, but what? The bed was kind of small so we rolled onto the floor. Andrew was reaching to take off my shirt when I moved my mouth close to his neck, then suddenly he pinned me to the ground!!
    “Just as I thought,” he said. His legs were wrapped tight around my waste so I couldn’t get up. He opened my eyes wide, then my mouth. “I thought something was wrong. You’ve been acting quite strange, don’t ya think?” I turn my head to the side in shame, and he sees the swollen red bite marks on my neck. Then, “It’s this,” he says slightly tapping his finger on my neck. “Kate, you’re the only person that I’ve bitten. When I told you back then I was craving blood you were the one person that came to mind. I’m not sure about the things that you’ve seen in the news reports, but I’ve got nothing to do with them. That’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.” Andrew slowly loosens his grip and sits me up straight on the frame of his bed. “I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to hurt you…” he goes on. Then Andrew sits next to me and grasps me in his arms. I start to cry hysterically and my face burns and turns red. Andrew holds me all night long and keeps saying that “I’m so sorry,” with such remorse in his voice. This continues through the entire night.
    In the morning, I’m peacefully sleeping on Andrews shoulder and I feel entirely relaxed. Today is bright and sunny, so maybe things will go well. That day Andrew and I decide to skip school. He says to lighten things up we’ll take the day off and have fun for a change. He tells me it’s a surprise where we’re going and to meet him on the porch in half an hour. I get dressed in a hot pink short sleeved shirt and a white pair of shorts. I wear black shoes and a cap to protect my eyes from the sun. I carry a small purse on my back that looks like a mini book bag and I wear a cute silver watch on my right wrist. I go outside where Andrew is waiting and he pulls out a pair of tickets to the amusement park down town. We take a train there together, and I sit next to Andrew with my arms wrapped around his.
    We get to the park and Andrew asks me what I want to ride first. I point to the side with a childish expression on my face and cute voice saying, “That one!!!” We race over to the Dragon Coaster for kids to start out. Andrew beats me to it, so he gets to choose the next ride. We go on the ride together, and the only good thing about it is the fresh breeze. I say, “Where to next?” with a smile. Then he points to the top of the sky and points to this ride known as the “Fate Coaster,” a.k.a the roller coaster of death and pain, which is like 200 feet into the sky!!! I screech and say, “NOOO!!”
    Andrew’s like I won so I choose. He sticks his tongue like a child and grabs my hand. We then run to the coaster. It’s early so we get to ride the first ride of the day. And what’s worse…WE GET THE FRONT SEATS!!! Andrew says, “Come on, it’ll be fun. “ When we sit down two of the employees who run the ride in matching blue suits come to check that we’re safely tucked into our seats. I’m just sitting there freaking out and Andrew’s cracking up at the sight of the look on my face. We hear a loud buzz, then a click and the ride is off!!
    “KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” I scream scared to death looking down at the park. Andrew’s next to me cheering, “WOOOOOO”! Then he sees me literally about to cry and smirks. I take both of my arms and wrap them tightly around Andrew still screaming continuously! The ride was going 90 mph and it was horrific. I scream at the top of my lungs, “WHEN WILL THIS TORTUE END?????????????” Then continue, “KYAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!” We get off the ride and my eyes are bulging out.
    Andrew wraps his arms around me and says, “Oh, come on, it wasn’t that bad you know?”
    In slight intervals I say, “Me--next--choose…hehehe.”
    “You need a break; sit here. I’ll get us something to eat and drink.” A few minutes later Andrew came back and we went over to a table with a white umbrella opened over it. Then Andrew says, “While we’re here, you wanna talk about anything?” Then he smiles.
    In a low voice I say, “Last night, you said I was the only one you bit. But other people we’re found with bight marks on their neck. What do you think is going on?”
    He says, “I’m not sure, but if you want we can start a team with just the two of us and check it out when things get weird; go on a crazy adventure! What do you think?” as he scrunched up his face and smiled. Of course it was kind of crazy, but who better to find the culprit then two vampires? I nod my head yes with a big smile, then Andrew say, “Next ride!”
    I immediately blurt out, “NO!” and Andrew giggles. Then he says, “Where to?” I say, “Over there!! Andrew!!! I challenge you to a duel.” We both laugh and run over to a water gun booth. We have to shoot little moving targets on a huge board. There are bulls, tigers, lions, birds, etc. If you hit the cute animals you lose points. The game continues for three minutes. The person to get the highest score wins a stuffed animal. The host shouts, 1...2...3...BEGIN!!!!! And, a whistle goes off. We shoot over and over, but they come and go so fast that you can’t even see what you’re hitting! Andrew won this round, but he was being sweet and got a huge stuff bear that was my size for me. We stayed at the park for another hour, then decided to leave; completely whipped out.
    On the way out from the park I suddenly froze in the middle of the crowd. Andrew turned toward my way when he noticed that I stopped and asked, “Are you alright?” I nodded yes and he grabbed my hand. I let my head hang as he led the way. My bangs covered my eyes that just changed into bright red which lit up. We made it to the station right when the train arrived. When we got on I laid my head on Andrews shoulder letting all of my hair cover my face. Under the dark shadow I was smiling with my fangs piercing into my bottom lip thirsting for blood.
    Andrew asked if there was anywhere that I wanted to stop before we went home, but I just nodded no. We walked up to the front door of the house and Andrew unlocked it. When we both walked in I closed it with both hands and I leaned my forehead against it with my palms flat on the surface. I switched off the lights one by one and I was walking towards Andrew as I licked off the blood from my lips. I reached my hand out to touch Andrew, but he grabbed me before I was able to do anything. He took my other arm with his other hand and I struggling trying to get loose. I was hissing and my eyes began to glow more intensely. He pushed me to the ground and with his sweetest voice he told me over and over to calm down, but I couldn’t. Then, Andrew put his face a centimeter away from mine and went in for a kiss. My movements slowed and my headed cooled down for a while. I lost conscious soon after.
    By the time I woke up, I didn’t remember a thing. I looked around the room and no one was there. I shot up so fast that the pain I was feeling in my head began to pound. My lip was burning so I touched it. There was blood all over my hand, which was kind of dry. I ran to the mirror and I freaked out. My face turned incredibly pale and my lips were dark red. My eyes were sort of a burgundy reddish, just a little darker than Andrew’s at this point. Under my eyes became dark and my nails were grown out and sharp. I walked over to the window to pull the curtains open and the sun blinded my eyes. I closed them for a second, took a deep breath and opened them again. I was fine. It was just pain from suddenly going from dark to light so fast.
    A few minutes later I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then, still feeling a little head achy, I went to Andrew’s room to see if he was there. He was in the shower so I sat on his bed waiting for him. My head burned with a fever and I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore. I was sitting at the edge of the bed so I slid off and passed out on the floor. The water went off and a while later Andrew came out with his towel wrapped around his waist. He saw me unconscious on the floor and ran over my way. At first he tried to shake me awake, but that didn’t help. He went to the other side of me and put his ear close up to my mouth to make sure I was breathing. Everything was fine. He sighted with relief and then picked me up in his arms. He laid me on his bed, then brought a pair of clothes into the bathroom and got dressed. Andrew put his cover over me and left me there to rest. Then, he walked out of the room and shut the door. He periodically came to check up on me. A few hours later, I slowly began to wake up. I was sweating crazily and my head felt horrible. I was sneezing a lot. Its official, I’ve caught a cold. I tried to stand myself up, but I was woozy. I accidentally knocked into a pile of Andrew’s things and they fell to the ground. I picked them up and put it into a tall pile. The last thing that was on the floor was “Andrew’s Diary” as it said on the front.
    So, let’s stop here for a second. I’m a girl in my boyfriend’s room with the opportunity of a lifetime to read his diary. I know I’d be breaking his trust, but hey! When is the chance ever going to come again? Awww…But, what if he walks in. He’ll be mad at me…or worse, he was trust me here again! Hmmm…OH WELL!! I choose the lifetime opportunity. “Tee hee,” I laugh and begin to read.

    “September 15, 2007. Dear Diary, I don’t know what’s going on with me. I’ve been feeling very sick lately and like I don’t have much control over myself. What if I hurt Kate? I think I’ll stay away from her for a while to work things out.”

    “September 16, 2007. Dear Diary, Today I had to be a little harsh on Kate, but it was so painful. The looks in her eyes made me want to cry, so I didn’t come home until very late. I hope I find a way to deal with this soon.”
    “September 17, 2007. Dear Diary, its morning now, and I’ve decided to not come home today. I’ll be walking around to clear my head. I hope Kate won’t mind. Soon, I’ll have to explain what’s going on to her, but I’m afraid…”

    “September 18, 2007. Dear Diary, I can’t take this anymore. For days, I’ve felt like I’ve been thirsting for something. I think I’ve figured out what that is. Blood… Also, I think that I’m going to tell Kate that I love her. I’m not sure if this is a good idea because I don’t want to hurt her, but this is something I just have to do.”

    Same day in the Evening: “Dear Diary, I think I’ve done something terrible. I don’t know what happened. I was about to come out of my room greet Kate when she came home but I somehow lost control of myself and I bit her. I can’t believe that happened! Blood has stained my mouth for the first time and I feel that things will be awkward. Maybe we can try to forget about this.

    “September 19, 2007. Dear Diary, I’ve done it! I asked Kate to be my girlfriend. I’m so happy! Also, her birthday is in 3 days so I’m going out today to get her something nice. But, there’s something going on. I feel strange. Kate doesn’t remember what happened yesterday.”

    “September 20, 2007. Dear Diary, I’ve found a way to restrain myself from wanting to bite others, bit my lip. If it gets really bad I bit my arm. If it keeps me from hurting Kate or anyone else, I’ll do that without a doubt.”

    “September 21, 2007. Dear Diary, I tried to come to Kate’s birthday party today, but I felt horrible sensations. Every time I passed a person I felt completely attracted to them. I just wanted to take them somewhere dark and take their blood. It was bad so I bit my arm. That helped, except for the fact that I lost a bit too much blood. I made it to the front door but lost conscious and the blood smeared all over my face.”

    “September 22, 2007. Dear Diary, Kate’s been acting strange lately, I hope I’m not the cause of it. But I do know that I have to take responsibility of her if I did. “

    “September 23, 2007. Dear Diary, Kate came into my room today and she looked at me for the first time in about a week. I noticed that something changed about her completely. She even came on to me, but out of her control. I pretended to go along with her long enough to hold her down. Later, she was crying though and it was all my fault. Kate’s become a vampire. I’m so sorry. So so so so sorry…Please forgive me.”

    “September 24, 2007. Dear Diary, today Kate and I skipped school to go to the amusement park. I was so happy seeing Kate’s smile again. And, she was so cute the whole day. I hope we can have good times like this again.”

    And that’s where it ended. All those feelings that I had of Andrew being a jerk just disappeared. I had no Idea that he was trying to protect me. I decided that if I began to go crazy like Andrew I’d use the same tactics.
    I heard Andrew coming towards here so I quickly hid the diary under his books and pretended to go back to sleep. I waited for about 30 seconds then I woke up. He hugged me immediately and asked, “Are you alright, does your head hurt, do you want something to eat; drink?”
    “I’m fine, thanks. Actually, I feel perfect.” Then I tell him let’s get ready for school tomorrow.