• Part 1-
    “I don’t know what I should be for Halloween Orient...” Whined Demoro as he placed his hand against the racks of costumes strumming each one with his finger tips.

    “Why don’t you just go as an annoying idiot?” Mumbled Orient then adding, “Look at me I am going as myself for Halloween. It’s the only day of the year where any demon or angel can walk around and not be persecuted that they are a demon or angel.”

    “But that’s boring.” Groaned Demoro.

    The soul-reaper scowled and looked over at one of the racks, lifting one of the ghost costumes up and asking, “How about this one then?”

    The demon looked over at the costume and immediately shrunk back shrieking, “Ah!! It’s a monster!”

    Orient put the costume back and looked at one of the shelves in back of him. He picked up a fake skull and twirled it around at a better angle finally announcing in exasperation, “I don’t know why humans don’t go out and get real bones to fill these crappy Halloween stores with. A real human skull would be oozing blood right now.” He squeezed the skull in his hand and looked at it dully, as its appearance didn’t change.

    “But Halloween is still my favorite day of the year!” Cheered Demoro, clapping his hands cheerfully to himself.

    “How can you like a day that scares the living hell out of you?” Asked Orient thoughtfully.

    Demoro just shrugged and replied, “It’s just the fun of being scared, you never know when it’s going to come. Like a birthday party!”

    “A birthday party?”

    “Yeah, birthday parties always have surprises kind of like Halloween! Halloween is like two birthdays a year!” Explained the demon, a smile on his face as he continued to look through the costumes.

    Orient rolled his eyes and looked at the lame costumes that these humans wore. Princesses? Fairies? It all made him want to puke. Those costumes weren’t even scary, he wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for Demoro nagging him about it for a month straight.

    Meanwhile Demoro looked through the racks, whistling to himself while he did. He pulled out something that was stuck between the racks and identified it as a scary clown mask. The demon flinched and threw it on the ground, shaking with fright at the clown’s deformed face. Maybe Halloween wasn’t as fun as he thought it would be.. At least he would be with his friends Fumara for the night as they scavenge for candy.

    The demon licked his lips at the thought of candy and found himself hypnotically drown to the closest bag of candy.

    “Orient..” Sang Demoro, tapping his fingers together out of habit, “Do you think we could get some candy?”

    “For what?” Calmly asked the soul-reaper, not bothering to turn around.

    “Well I figure that we could eat some.”

    “People will be throwing free candy at you. Why would you need more?”

    “Well.. I want candy.”

    “I know that.”



    “Come on.”


    “Come on!”

    “Fine, just one bag.”

    Demoro grinned as his little sharp tooth hanged out of his mouth as he grabbed the bag of candy victoriously. The demon held up the bag of candy and did a victory dance for himself, going back to Orient to go get a costume.


    Part 2-

    Demoro looked cautiously at the scary mansion in front of him and whimpered, hugging his bag of candy that Orient had bought him at the Halloween store close to his chest. The demon took a candy out of his bag and ate it, trying not to be afraid.

    “Aren’t we going to go up there?” Asked Orient, still standing on the sidewalk with Demoro.

    “I don’t know.. If I know Fumara she will probably pop up and scare me,” The demon shrunk back and mumbled, “I don’t like being scared Orient.”

    “You just said you liked being scared back at the store.” Replied the soul-reaper rolling his eyes and grinding his teeth together.

    “Well, not right now.” Said the demon, looking at all the spooky decorations on Fumara’s mansion.

    Fumara’s mansion had white lightning bolt lights on the grass, making every movement towards the house like an old movie. Flashes revealed that there was big manikins of scary clowns and zombies in tree’s. The scary clowns had menacing make-up on and smiled, showing all of their teeth. The zombies barely had their heads on, dangling like bait from the tree itself. The most scary part was the cd player next to the door step and repeated screams every once and a while. Every time a scream erupted from the player the demon found himself jump.

    “No! You can’t make me!” Screamed Demoro as Orient dragged him towards the doorstep.

    The soul-reaper didn’t find much of what humans called scary the least bit frightening. So it was like going up to any old mansion when they walked up the steps towards the screams of bloody murder and scary clown manikins.

    The demon gnawed on his arm and mumbled, “I will eat myself if I have to!”

    “Is that supposed to be a threat?” Mused Orient, keeping his grasp on the demon’s wrist.

    “Help! Help!” Yelled Demoro, thrashing about as he saw the clown’s face erupt from the lightning flashes.

    Just then somebody else grabbed the demon from the other wrist. Demoro’s eyes widened as he gnawed on his arm harder, while on his other hand kept the bag of candy from falling.

    The demon opened his mouth to start screaming when he felt a hand go over it and giggle, “It’s just me Demy.”

    “I don’t believe you!” Cried Demoro, closing his eyes and shaking his head.

    The voice laughed and said, “It’s Fumara.”

    “Fumy?” Asked Demoro, opening his eyes to Fumara dressed up as a vampire, “Your.. A real vampire?”

    “No silly,” Replied Fumara, “I am just dressed up for Halloween like you are.” She looked swiftly over Demoro’s outfit and commented, “Your a vampire too.”

    The demon nodded and said, “Yeah! Orient told me I should wear it! Since I have ‘big damn teeth’ I think he said.”

    Fumara gave Orient a side glare as she said back to Demoro, “You don’t have big teeth. Your teeth are perfect shaped.”

    The soul-reaper rolled his eyes and suggested, “Can’t we just start trick-or-treating or whatever? I have better things to do than this.”

    “Fine then.” Retorted Fumara, then adding, “Jikarzo and Larera went down towards the left of the block. So we might as well go down that way.” She led the way as the three got away from the mansion and went towards the left.

    The demon skipped as he swung his big bag of candy around. The angel noticed this at the corner of her eye and asked Demoro in a curious voice, “Why do you already have candy Demoro?”

    He shrugged and replied, “I like candy.”

    “Well I like candy too but I don’t have a big bag right now.” Explained the girl, “Why don’t you just give that candy to Orient since he isn’t going to go trick-or-treating?”

    Demoro nodded and handed the candy to Orient saying, “Here you go.”

    Orient scowled and dropped the bag of candy on the ground saying, “I don’t walk around and carry candy.”

    Fumara frowned and looked over at Demoro to see if he had anything to say about that. The demon was busy though skipping down the road, his cape whistling in the breeze. The soul-reaper looked over to his right at the first house, which almost had no decorations except Halloween stickers on their door. How amusing..

    “You ready Demy?” Asked Fumara, giving a tight smile to Demoro.

    The demon nodded and ran over towards the door, ringing the doorbell and waiting for a human to come out and offer candy.

    “Oh my gosh, look how cute you kids are,” Smiled the lady that opened the door, looking over at Fumara and saying, “It’s nice to see you Fumara.”

    “You too Mrs. B.” Replied Fumara, having a huge Snickers bar dropped into her bag.

    Demoro waited patiently for his candy bar and ended up getting M&M’s. While the two were walking away from the first house he whined, “Can I trade with you Fumara?”

    “No, this is basically the only candy I like.” Swiftly said Fumara, then adding, “There are a lot more houses yet. If you don’t like any of the candy you get by the end of this I will trade you ok?”

    The demon nodded and clapped his hands, the bag rattling on his hand. Orient rolled his eyes and studied the houses they passed. Fumara directed Demoro through the proper way to get candy and to see if somebody wasn’t home or not. At those couple of houses that had a bowl of candy and a sign that said “Take One” Fumara made sure that the demon took only one as well.

    “Hey guys! Look! There’s Jikarzo and Larera!” She waved her hand over at Larera and Jikarzo as they walked over towards the three.

    “You should see how much candy we got Fumara!” Squealed Larera, smiling and showing off her big bag of candy.

    Fumara slightly frowned and looked over at Jikarzo noticing, “Where is your bag Jiky?”

    The robot felt no shame at all when he said, “In there.”

    Orient didn’t know what was wrong with that dysfunctional robot, it wasn’t right for killing machines to be sharing anything. Even stupid candy. The soul-reaper spit over to the side and glared at Jikarzo saying, “That’s nice.”

    Demoro smiled and looked into Larera’s bag of candy musing, “It must taste really good when you eat it all.”

    “I guess..” Replied Larera, shrugging and looking over to the next houses.

    The next houses seemed all the same to Orient, as he watched lazily at the idiots going to each house and saying the same stupid phrase each time. His mind wandered to begin to wonder where Zaneren was. He was the only one that wasn’t a complete idiot as Orient knows. The soul-reaper sighed and found a tree to lean against, he was just about to close his eyes when a shadow come up from behind Orient.

    “Sleeping again Orient?” Asked a familiar voice above Orient.

    The soul-reaper opened his eyes and huffed, “I didn’t think you would be out on Halloween Atrela.”

    The girl named Atrela sighed and stared at the soul-reaper with big blue eyes, her curly purple and black hair coming up from over her shoulder. She had light makeup on to match her costume as a devil. Orient had to admit she looked slutty in the costume but didn’t everybody on Halloween?

    “I am just doing some work that’s all..” Mumbled Atrela, rolling her eyes to herself.

    “Explains the costume.” Snickered Orient, closing his eyes once more.

    Atrela fumed and said, “I won’t miss a chance to dress up as a devil ok? If I did this back in the Underworld Hades would have a hissy-fit about it.”

    The soul-reaper didn’t like referring to the Underworld God that way and just grunted, crossing his arms and asking, “Why are you here again?”

    “Well I wanted somebody to go around and go door-to-door with me, because you know how much I hate being alone.” Pleaded Atrela.

    “I’m not going to give you my soul Atrela, give it up.” Yawned Orient, “Why don’t you go seduce some human or something?”

    Atrela crossed her arms across her chest and said, “It’s the way I do things Orient. You see we all have our different ways of collecting souls, I just have a different technique in doing it. Not that yours is wrong or anything.”
    Orient shook his head and opened his eyes, beginning to walk away. Atrela watched as the soul-reaper started walking away, following after. She began to get the same pace as Orient and said, “Are you with anybody on this nice Hallows Eve?”

    “In fact I am.” Replied Orient, walking over to Demoro, Fumara, Jikarzo, and Larera who were standing in front of a door.

    Atrela pouted and crossed her arms upon the door opening. She got the candy reluctantly and faced the questioning group of trick-or-treaters.

    “You have pretty hair!” Shrieked Demoro, reaching out to touch the girl’s hair.

    Fumara pulled Demoro back and smiled apologetically and greeted, “My name is Fumara and this is Demoro.”

    “But I want to touch her hair!!”

    Atrela raised her eyebrows and identified the boy as a demon, she gave a cool grin and said, “No problem.”

    Orient looked over at Atrela wondering why she didn’t blow her fuse but didn’t question it as Jikarzo looked over the girl.

    “You Orient’s friend?” Asked Jikarzo.

    “No I’m his cousin.” Lied Atrela, looking over at Jikarzo’s mechanical arm. She commented, “Nice mechanical arm. Got it at the costume store I assume?” Though she knew much more than that.

    The robot looked at his arm and grunted, “Sure.”

    Larera held the robot’s arm and put out her other hand saying, “Nice to meet you, I’m Larera.”


    Orient waited a moment to check if everybody got acquainted and pretended to yawn, looking up into the sky and announcing, “I should probably get back home.”

    “Why don’t you come over to my house Orient? Atrela can come too.” Suggested Fumara.

    The girl shrugged and looked over at Orient and whining, “Yeah Orient.. Why don’t you come for some friendly chat?”

    The soul-reaper didn’t know what Atrela was up to but didn’t want to seem suspicious as he answered, “Fine then.”

    Demoro jumped up and squealed clapping his hands at this choice.


    Part 3-

    “Do you want to trade a Milk Dud for a Milkyway?” Asked Fumara, propping herself up on her shoulder to look over at Demoro who was looking over his candy.

    Demoro scratched the end of his chin and said, “Only if you trade me a Three Musketeers Bar for my lollipop.”

    “Fine then, you have yourself a deal.”

    The two friends traded candies as Orient watched them with an uninterested look. Atrela stood next to Orient while talking to Jikarzo who still seemed pretty suspicious of Atrela.

    “Your from where again?” Asked the robot, popping another candy in his mouth.

    Atrela rolled her eyes and replied, “I am from Maryland but I am out here to visit my dear cousin Orient. Isn’t that right cuz?” She put her arm around the soul-reaper as she referred to him as ‘cuz’.

    The soul-reaper groaned and mumbled, “Sadly.”

    Atrela scowled to herself and kneed him in his stomach still looking at Jikarzo and asking, “What did you say Orient?”

    Orient was about to smack her one in this face as he said more loudly, “I am really glad to have Atrela come all the way out here.”

    Jikarzo raised his eyebrows and said, in almost a dark manner, “Then I will probably be seeing you a lot then.”

    “I guess you will.”

    Orient could feel the tension between the two as he said to Jikarzo, “I guess we should be going right now. Come on Atrela, Demoro we have to catch up on our sleep.” All he wanted to do was get out of there.

    The demon waved goodbye to everybody and walked out of the door with Atrela and Orient, walking with a big bag of traded candy and goodies.

    “Thank gosh we are out of there, my mouth was beginning to turn into a permanent smile.” Whined Atrela, touching her lips to see if there were any side-effects.

    The soul-reaper growled and turned to Atrela saying, in a loud enough voice, “Why did you tell them I was your cousin?”


    “You know why, I work alone.”

    “Explains the lackey that follows you around. I know a demon when I see one.”

    “Well you should just leave, XM3 is my mission not yours.”

    Atrela crossed her arms and scoffed, stopping in her tracks, “Not what I have heard ‘soul-reaper’. I got the same mission, seems as if Hades doesn’t think you are the only soul-reaper to do the job. In fact Hades is offering the job to any soul-reaper.”

    Orient said nothing as he continued walking down the sidewalk, not believing the lies coming out of Atrela’s mouth.

    “Well then I guess you will have to find out for yourself then huh? Too bad.. I was starting to think that maybe we could be friends. But I guess we can’t even be cousins.” She pretended to sigh, a grin still playing across her face, “Then I guess I will see you later, when I get Jikarzo’s soul first.

    “ Remember, the early soul-reaper gets the soul.”