• Chapter 1- Forcing The Truth Into The Eyes Of The Weak

    “s**t,” Sighed the creature, shaking his head and tossing the body to the side, “And to think that this human had the answers to my questions.”

    The body lobbed to the side, the head slightly ripped off, the ground was already slimy with his blood. The creature bent down and slid his finger against the floor, collecting the residue from the left over of the boy, he wiped the blood against his wings and felt a surge of power go through him. The bones from his wings shook with the power, urging him to take flight.

    The creature turned his head, searching for an exit. Across the room was a window, that seemed a considerable size to fit himself into. His body was a small curve, making him look almost ghost-like or as if he hadn’t eaten in days. His hair was pitch black, his hair flipped a little at the front, his wings almost as skeleton-like as him.

    “Yuro!” Yelled a boy’s voice, sounding like it was coming up the stairs, the voice sounded frantic like somebody was going to die.

    And of course that boy was right, just then the creature looked over to his right, the body of the so-called boy named Yuro in the corner. But there was something else about that voice.. The tone of his voice and the way he said it reminded him of several people, mostly kids. He crossed his skeletal arms over his head, rustling the back of his hair, wondering whether or not to stay. The creature fought against it and turned away from the door, heading towards the window.

    “Wait!” Yelled the boy’s voice, a sense of panic in his voice.

    The creature stopped briefly but continued towards the window, not until the boy stopped him once again by holding his arms out at the creature. The boy breathed sharply, like he was bearing for him to hit him.

    “Why do you do this?!” The human cried, tears running down his chin.

    “I collect souls for a living,” He spat, glaring at the boy, “I have to kill people to do that. Which doesn’t concern you.”

    “I heard what you said to Yuro!”

    “What did you hear exactly?” The creature leaned forward, his wings folding onto his back.

    The boy stuttered, “I heard those things about a soul or something and I heard something about you wanting an answer to a question?” He stood taller, wiping the tears off of his face, trying his best to act brave, like Yuro.

    The creature frowned and simply stated, “I don’t need you Reilo, so why do you constantly have to interfere? Its like you want to die.” He examined the boy’s eyes as he said it, looking at the shimmer in his soul.

    His soul showed nothing that even gave him a glimpse of what lied beneath. Reilo had brown straight hair, with blue eyes. The creature scowled at the boy and shoved him out of the way, Reilo bumping into the wall and ending up sitting on something or someone.

    “No!” Yelled the boy, standing up immediately and looked at who he had sat on, Yuro’s head now even more disfigured.

    “You best leave me alone Reilo.” Stated the creature, shoving the window opening up, releasing his wings.

    “Wait!” Yelled the boy, “I need to know something..”

    “Yes?” He asked impatiently, his good mood almost over.

    “What are you?”

    “What am I?” Stated the creature, turning towards the boy and replying, “I am nothing more than a demon, cast into a certain role of society. Soul-reapers. Remember that well Reilo, and maybe one day when you go to Hell you may request it. As for my name it is Orient, though my name means to get used to you shouldn’t put your guard down. I am always changing, soul-reapers have to.”

    “What do you mean when I go to Hell?!” Yelled the frightened Reilo.

    Orient paused and chuckled saying in a slightly amused tone, “Soul-reapers sometimes have people they have to wait for, people who have valuable information buried deep within a human’s soul. In the sense of the description I could I am your Guardian though that word would disgrace all soul-reapers.. No matter what you do Reilo you are going to Hell, on your death bed I will be there, waiting for you to put your guard down so I may collect your soul. Then the process continues.”

    Reilo gasped slightly and watched helplessly as Orient climbed out of the window, going out into the night..