• Chapter Two

    There was a soft click as Dyvyn slid his key into the lock and turned, opening the door to his house. He just got out of school so he was going to be the only one home. He walked in and put his bag down. He grabbed a soda out of th efridge and went to sit out on the porch. After a while his parents came home along with his older sister. After that he was about to go inside as he heard it. He heard the muffled screams of Riley and her mother from through the woods. He shook his head and went inside to get his jacked and his other bag. As he reached the front door his father stoped him, "Where are you going?" he asked.

    "I'm going over to Riley's." he said and tried to step around his dad, who put his big beefy arm up and blocked the way. "You know you aren't aloud to go over there. Especially when her mum is home. She does drugs."

    Dyvyn pushed him and unlocked the door, "Like you care. Your wife does the same stuff under your nose, with your daughter. You just don't want people thinking that you aren't the 'Big Bubba Ray' they think you are." he pushed the door open and was about to step out when he felt his dad grab him. He was spun around to face his dad who was red faced, furious, and smelt like beer.

    "You watch you tongue with me boy! And you know well enough better then to story." he said , Dyvyn pulled away and started to leave again, this time when his father pulled him back he got punched in the face. "If you take one step out of this house you best not come back! You will get five times worse 'en that!" he screamed and stormed off.

    Dyvyn held his head and stormed out the door. He noticed that is was quiet out side now. He could hear Riley's mom yelling something but he could tell she wasn't answering. He knew where she would be. He headed into the woods onto a unmarked path that he would use all the time to go to Riley's house. He discovered it led there when he was younger and his dad was drinking. He heard his dads sloppy foot steps thumping after him and did the only thing he knew to do. He ran.

    He ran into the woods and soon enough he was at a clearing. He saw a little girl and her father outside playing and watched them. He went back everyday after that. One day though he saw the little girl crying. He went up tp her and asked her what was wrong. She was snotting and crying har. She told him that her Daddy was gone and never coming back. He promised her then that he would come over everyday and play with her."I will be you best friend." he told her, "I'll keep you smiley and safe." he added. They became fast friends and soon inseperable.

    Now over ten years later they are tighter then ever and are aways there for eachother. He walked slowly to the old tree house they use to spend nights in untill 'they grew to old to sleep together unsupervised'. He wanted to clear his mind before he got to her. He slwoly climbed up the rickety ladder and took a deep breath before pulling himself up. As he did so he heard a sgh. He laughed and sat in the opening.

    "You almost made me crap myself Div!" Riley told him quietly, "I thought you some Hobo...or my mom." he smiled and stole the blanket from her, "Your mom would never come up here and besides, the worst things in this place other then us would have to be the food. I don't think there will be any Hobos here." he laughed as she took out a spare blanket. "You slepin' here?" she asked motioning towards his bag. He nodded.

    Riley moved over to give him room. SHe curled into a ball and looked at him. He lay outstretched and looking at the ceiling. He turned his eye towards her and smiled. Turning his head halfway to her he asked, "What? Are you finally noticing how sexy I am?"

    Riley snorted, "Psha, what ever!" she smiled at him, "I was just thinking...thats all." she nticed that he kept his head at a certain angle and sat up. She grabbed his chin gently and turned him to face her. A look of shock took over her features. "What happened?!" she asked him worried. He pulled away, "Nuthin'. Lets get some sleep." with that he turned over and retended to fall asleep. Riley knew she wasn't going to get anymore from him tonight so she layed back don and closed her eyes. Being here with Dyvyn she felt sfe and it was easy for her to drift off into the land of sleep.