• I hate school. I don't care what my parents say, I hate school. I hate teachers, homework, noisy kids, quizzes, test, and what normal high school kids think. My friend and I are share the same annoyances. The only thing I like about school the ONLY thing is my technology class. All we do is go on the internet. My technology teacher, Mr. Roberts, could give a care what are class did, all he does is sits on his chair falls back and BAM he's out cold.
    tab One experience in his class wil change my life forever and it started out like this........

    "Hey Kyoko~"yelled my friend.

    "Whatcha want to do~" whined Kaori.

    "What do you think we do every time we come here!" I exclaimed.

    "I know, I know...but isn't there one thing we can do differently." she said.

    "No, not much" I stared at my computer screen.

    "Well, if you're going to ignore me, I guess I'll go to the bathroom." she pouted.

    "Wow, you can go all by yourself" I snickered kiddingly.

    "Yeah, I'm such a big girl" she said sarcastically.

    With that she was in her way. I turned back to my computer screen and sighed. I went to the Internet and went to Youtube. As I was looking at some kid doing some insane and freaking stupid stunt, this URL popped up.

    'This is strange....' I clicked on the "x" on the window and it disappeared. Only to pop back up again. 'What the crap....' I clicked on the "x" again. Time after time I would keep on repeating to click on the "x" but it would keep popping up.

    "What's that.."

    "WHAT THE..." I yelled, "Don't jump out of no where!!!"

    "Sorry," she said "So what is that?" as she pointed at the screen.

    "I don't know..." I said pondering.

    'Do think its porn..." she blurted.

    "No you pervert!!" I said disgusted.

    "Its called surprise.com" I said puzzled.

    "Why don't you just click on it" Kaori constantly said.

    "Fine" I said as I clicked on it.

    tab That's when all my nerves just stopped. Kaori and I were staring at a red screen. The hompage said click at your own risk.

    "What a load of crap." I said angerly as clicked on the little sign in.

    I hated myself for clicking on it. On the screen a little jester poked out and started dancing on the screen. Kaori and I were staring at it as almost we were hypnotized by the strange dancing. A little tab opened up exposing text, it continously typing itself on the screen as Kaori and I had a hard time trying to read it all. It said:

    'Are you sick of those who are trying to dictate your life and want to let them know of your existance, click yes or no'

    I clicked yes just to see what will happen next...

    'Okay, first stage complete, how do you want them to know....'

    Then a little text box appeared to type your answer. Kaori and I stared at each other until Kaori typed what she wanted in the box, both her and I were just laughing at how stupid this was and that we were doing this.

    Kaori typed...'The funniest way possible'

    It than said this....'Well done we will send you a package on Wednesday, Good bye'

    "That was a complete waste of time" I said disappointed.

    The bell ranged signaling the end of the day. Usually Kaori and I walk home together but Kaori had drama club, so I went home by myself. I flet so eerie on the way home, like someone was watching me. Then I saw my house and darted home. I went to my room and sat down at my desk and turned on my computer. While I was having so much fun spining ten miles per hour on my rolling chair, I heard a noise under my bed. It almost sounded like a sweet humming noise. I got up, still dizzy from spinning, and went over to my bed. Then I heard it, the humming noise, it sounded human. I was scared that someone was under my bed, I got down on the floor and looked under my bed and there was nothing. I sighed in relief then got up and tuned around and screamed. The Jester form surprise.com was standing behind me and smiled. I stared in horror and then he said this....

    "So very nice to be of service to you, I hope you and I will have a everlasting partnership." He smiled whiched showed his razor sharp teeth.

    I was horrorfied.

    To be continued......