• The bell rings far away Winter has started. We all stand in a circle Summer is next to me and I am standing in front of Sam. Our eyes lock and we both look away. " We have 5 minutes till the moon comes lets start the spell" says Summer in a deep tone. " Aricota Arma Cutar" we all say and repeat it 50 times until our spirits release. We stand there motionless. Then I speak " So did it work?". " Yeah it did... Hey Candy want to stay at my place since your parents are in France?" Sam says in a cool tone. Tonight is when we transform into Vampires and I may be safe with him. I nod and walk back with him to his place. I sit in his dorm and we talk. Then we realize it is 11:45 we have 15 minutes left we look at each other and sigh. " I never got my..." Sam mumbles. I kiss him on the cheek. Sam smiles and the he signals we to the window cill. "Do you want me to surprise you?" he says curiously. " I guess so!" I exclaim in a way not so noticible. "Close your eyes" Sam says in a certain stutter. I do, I close them tight I am waiting for a kiss. It doesn't happen I hear a wind breaking noise and open my eyes we are at the forest. His lips are blue my brown hair is whisping around the wind is freezing. " I am not what you think I am" Sam speaks in concern. I laugh " Yeah haha now what are we doing here" I say. He lowers his head and I bring it back up and Kiss him on the lips out lips touch then he pulls away. " No!" he shouts. " What? You don't like me do you" I say in a shaky voice. " No. I mean yes its not that its just...." Sams voice fades and I fall to the ground. As I fall to the leaves I hear a voice like Sam's say I love you and then I can hear Summers sister come. She wears boots that make a jingle. I am blacked out but I can still see even with my eyes closed. Sam kisses Sandra and a black tear from his and my eye falls from our cheeks and then I am passed out for sure. My eyes blink as I open them. Sam stands up " Candy are you alright?" he says in a warm tone I can feel his breath hit my cheek. " You... You have... a girl-friend! You lied to me and that tear..." my words drift away as Sandra comes in. She kisses Sam for a long time a black tear rolls down my cheek. " YOU LIAR!!!! I HATE YOU..." I shout " Candy NO! Its not..." Sam says in a fake tone" . " SHUT-UP!!!" I scream so loud my pointy teeth come out and rage fills my body I rip myself out of my chair. Claws come out from my nails and I scratch Sam's face and stab Sandra's body. " CANDY! WHAT THE HELL! I am sorry ok?! I like you! I am sorry I don't..." He says then a gun shot fills the air and I am dead. " I love you Sam I really do you betrayed..." my voice wanders off my last words echo the forest...