• I was walking to school. It was only a few days from graduation, which left us seniors on cloud nine. Everyone was collage this and collage that. I had my whole future planned out in front of me. I would go to NYU and get a master’s degree in art, where I would live in Japan the rest of my life, doing art and die happily. That is what I wanted to do, but of course life hates me, my karma sucks, and I may just be paranoid. But even those things don’t keep me from school. I was pulled from my thoughts as something flashed in my perpetual vision. I ground my teeth together and kept walking. Ok, I was totally paranoid. The school day went slow, but we didn’t do anything, it was only a month till graduation, and more importantly…prom. Even though I didn’t like any guys at the school, maybe I could just go with friends. It was late when I started my way back home. I shivered. It was a frosty night after all. I frowned as I remembered I forgot a book from school. I turned to go get it, but when I turned; my eyes weren’t on the school. Actually they were on black eyes, staring at me. My school uniform blew in the wind, though I was unable to move. His face was at perfect ease. A smile across his face. I wanted to scream, to run as far away from his as my legs could. But his eyes had me. Finally, I regained control, and I ran. Where? Away from him, and his eyes. His eyes. I swear they had me. I wasn’t paranoid! I just don’t get it. If he wanted to hurt me, he would have. What have rapists come to these days? “I don’t know, but I wouldn’t want you to find out.” Said the voice behind me. I ran faster, faster, faster, until, I couldn’t take another step. Wow, I must have run five miles. I should have joined cross country. At least I gave him the slip. “No I have to disagree. Stop running now. I wouldn’t want my slave to get hurt. We’re going home.” My breath caught and I turned to the side, he was there. I tried to run again, but my kidnapper was smarter than that. He looked at me, and again, I couldn’t move. “I didn’t want to do this till we got home, but you leave me no choice.” He disappeared from his spot and came up behind me. Leaning into my neck, he kissed it. It was so soft, so sweet, so cold, but I felt something. Teeth pinned into my neck. He stood back up, and looked at me. I felt dizzy. I started to fall, the world going black. He caught me and I fainted. I woke up feeling horrible. I tried to move, but my hands and feet were is shackles, pinned against a cold brick wall. I tried to recall how I came here, and in this uncomfortable position. My memory came back to me in flood. It was so dark, and it looked like a cellar, but no light. I screamed for help. Several times actually, but it made no difference. I broke into relentless tears. Kill me. Anyone. Cut me open, save me from this murderer. “Ah but there is only you and this murderer, my dear.” My sobs broke short. Someone came into the blackness, but they were so tall! It was impossible; no one could have grown that big! I swear I’m paranoid. The black shadow was gone, and appeared so close to me. I could only see the face. I’m dreaming, I’m dreaming. His breath blew onto my small body. “Ah, you aren’t dreaming, my dear, and that’s the beauty of it! Nor are you having a nightmare, too real wouldn’t you say? Your close though, your not having one, your next to one.” The figure took his finger and held it up next to me. I was the same height as his pointer finger! He smiled crookedly as he put his finger on my back, and cut it. He dug deeper until I screamed. He stopped and bent down to kiss it. I expected it to not hurt, since he was so cold, but it burned. Like poison, killing me. His grin became more pronounced. Aaaaahhhh!!! “Nothing can save you now my dear. You are mine.” With this said he just simply disappeared. Pain shot through me. He left me to die. I knew when life gives you an A on a test, you have to captured, and shrunk to two inches, only to be a slave! And not even an A+! I wailed out one last plea for a savior. “Help, hel-…help.” My closing eyes saw a man walking towards me, a loving expression on his face. I smiled as I knew I was dead. Death, I’m sorry to say, is fun. Kidding! My eyes opened to an incredibly large room. I could see the detail paint in the ceiling, it was white. “Death is kind of painful.” I muttered. “That’s wonderful, but may I ask how you would know? Since you yourself are not?” I turned towards the voice to see a guy, my age, or eighteen at the most. He was sitting on the couch next to me, so I had to look up to see him. He, of course looked down on me. I stared up with wide eyes as he looked upon my smallness. “You want to know what happened right? Well” he urged “ask!” I took a breath, and started small. “Who are you” I paused “and where am I?” My blue eyes stared into his black ones. “I am Ben, but I want you to call me Master around others. You are my slave now so I expect it, and if you don’t, you know what I am capable of. This is your home now, my castle. You can’t leave and no escaping. You are immortal, so unless I don’t kill you, or another vampire does, you work for me forever. Any questions?” You raised your hand. He smiled and nodded his head for you to continue. “Am I on Scary Intentions?” I asked, all innocent. He grinned and shook his head. He got up and swiftly put you on his hand. “I will show you what you must clean for today. When you are finished, I expect you in my room. That one” he said pointing with his free hand “is mine. You will be cleaning the bathroom.” He set me down in front of the huge door, and told me where the cleaning supplies were. “Stay here.” He muttered as he walked away. He came back with a small leash and laid down on the floor. I knew what was going on. I ran for the closest cover. His hand snagged me. I wiggled and twisted against his cool grip. He took the collar and squeezed it on. It immediately adjusted to the tightest point leaving little rook for breathing. He let me go, and took the other side of the string to his finger, were the string disappeared. He smiled as he walked away. The cleaning was awful! I had to have been scarred for life. After I cleaned up I started to walk. Hm, now let me explore a little bit. He won’t have to know… I felt myself being pulled in a different direction. I struggled against it as I ran to the unknown doors. It was pointless. With a small tug, I was flying through the air towards Ben’s room. I landed in his hand. He was in his bed with a shirt on and the blanket covering his legs. I heard him sigh and look at me with sad but slightly anxious but annoyed eyes. “You were warned. I warned you myself! Yet you disobeyed directions, and now you will be punished. But not at this moment. You may leave if you’d like. Go explore.” He set me down and I look into his eyes scared. I started backing up, still facing him, and then I turned and ran. A full out sprint. I felt cool fingers wrap around me, stopping me. I wiggled against them. My legs flaring. He pulled me up to his mouth and spoke quietly. “I said you may leave, not that I would let you leave. Punishment time.” I had my eyes open so wide, I thought they would roll out. His grip became stronger, so that I couldn’t even struggle. He grinned at me as I disappeared under the covers. I woke up after hours of torture. I feared his presence. I ran and jumped off the bed into the kitchen. I his in a blender. Safe. What a beautiful word. I breathed in a sigh of relief in the darkness. What are the odds of him looking in the cabinet? I laid down and slept for five to six hours. I felt much better after that. I yawned and stretched in the darkness. Suddenly brightness flooded the cabinet. Angry hands grabbed me hastily and held me up to his mouth. “You little (colorful language please hold. Keep holding. Any minute now. Yup, almost there. Thank you for holding, your call can now be returned. Have a nice day!) –hope you die! You stare bewildered. He never was like this before. His eyes widened in anger and flashed crimson red. He was in the cellar in an instant, beating me over and over. I screamed a lot. After that, he took a lot of my blood. Draining most of it, leaving me a sickly pale color. He obviously didn’t think this was enough. He chained me to the wall again and cut my stomach, laying his poison in it. I screamed till my voice went dry. He stood next to me telling me the rules, and looking smug with interest as I screamed. I ran out of air eventually. I huffed and panted, looking dead. Looking satisfied, he unchained me and kissed my wounds. I cringed waiting for the pain, but he only rocked me in his arms, and I fell asleep. I woke up in this huge bag. I was beginning to get used to waking up in random places. My arm was covered in a huge bandage, and it ached with pain. The bag was cracked open and ‘master’ looked in with a solemn expression. I stared up in horror. Backing away from the mouth of the bag, I stood crouched in a corner. He looked confused. His hand reached in to grab me again. I slid closer to the side. He still got me though. I was shaking from fear or anticipation for the fear. He held me in the palm of his hand and looked depressing. He stroked me kindly before setting me back in the happy box. I looked over to the other side to see, my favorite invention, God bless America, the IPod. I looked through all the songs, and found, Spotlight, by Mutemath. I started to sing until ‘master’ (said with lots of hate and sarcasm by the way) opened the top with a smile on his face. This guys mood swings are leaving me a step behind and one step closer to clueless. I thought sourly. “One step closer to death, yes, clueless, no.” His voice was hard as ice. I started to stand up when I was grabbed out and put on the table ever so gently. I jumped at his cold touch. My day sucks. Figures. “What an understatement.” I heard Master mutter as he kissed me and walked away, leaving me confused as ever. I found another room open to me, the game room. It made for me, so it was too big for Ben to get into. My safe sanctuary. I sat down and started to read Twilight, when Ben pulled me out of it. I was on the part where Bella found Edward was in her room almost every night, when Ben called for me. I was pulled in haste. I was gripping to anything to keep me from going. I heard a deep exasperated sigh when I was pulled out harder. I ended up in the palm of his hand again. “You will listen next time I call you. I order it. Unless” he grinned “you want that pretty face mutilated?” My breath caught in my throat, and his grin became eviler. His face fell and he became serious again. “We have guests. Go let them in.” With one flick of his fingers, I was thrown to the door. I pulled the huge rope, and conveniently, the door opened. I gazed up in wonder as a vampire and a doll walked through the door. The doll was just like me, but she looked deadlier, and she had black eyes, unlike my crimson eyes. She turned her attention on me as she smiled. Master’s head turned down on me, and his voice was as cold as ice. “Bring her to her room.” I nodded once, and gestured for her to follow me. She came to my side and we walked slowly to the room, and as I looked back I saw the visiting vampire’s glare turned on me. I turned quickly and entered the room, to escape the evil looks. The girl looked at me and became her normal self. Her black eyes looked curious again as she stared at me. “Hello.” I said. It sounded like a question. It was just one of those moments when you wanted to slap yourself on the forehead. The girl never talked. The week with their company passed quickly, and then they left in the night, no warning. The next day, I woke up and saw, guess who, Ben. He looked amused, furious, and annoyed at the same time. “I swear. I should kill you. I should at least mutilate half your body at least.” He sounded like he meant it so I jumped out of bed, and jumped for the edge of the bed. Being a vampire, Ben, the Master he was, caught me mid flight. Taking one finger he put it up to my cheek. I expected to feel pain, to feel red warmth running down my face, but…I didn’t. I felt cool lips as the pressed against most of me. He kissed my head, my legs, my hands, my back, and me. “I said should. Not would. Get it right.” I was swept up and carried away, for the rest of the night. I woke up in Ben’s arms. I stretched and groaned trying to become fully awake. Ben, even unconscious wouldn’t have that. He gripped me tighter and held me closer. Ben. I struggled with his name, he was so strong. “Your so pretty ya know tat right?” Ben slurred his words. I held in a laugh as he spoke more. “I wish we do it, ya know?” I stopped laughing. Stupid, sick, masochistic, loser! Even sleep talking he was a ‘master’. The alarm clock went off and Ben jumped up sending me flying off the bed. His hand flashed out and grabbed me pulling me closer to his chest. He cradled me until, I blurted out “You know you talk in your sleep right?” He stared at me like I had spoke Japanese. Guys. He let a grin set on his face and he matched my crazy fact. “You know you were sleeping with me and my bare chest last night right?” I blushed until I became a full hot pink color. “Did you know that I will keep my shirt off all the time now?” I jumped up and ran to the door. “I’m going…to uh…make breakfast!” Good thing I was fire proof, I would never have been able to actually get on the stove and flip the eggs. I was in the middle of standing on the stove and trying, but failing, to flip an egg. It was just me flipping the eggs, and then when I tried to lift it, I got burned. The eggs were probably hotter than I was used to. I jumped up and down and cursed once. I tried again, and the egg was almost flipped when Ben snagged me from the back. “You’re trying to burn yourself?” I glared at him. I almost had it! He took my hand and cooled it with his finger. “You are the biggest pyro I have ever known.” He said. I didn’t even realize he had no shirt on…Uh! I wish he was kidding! “Nope! Go sit down, I have this covered.” He set me down on the table. “So what did I say in my sleep?” Ben asked conversationally. “Uh… nothing…” I said embarrassed. He gave me one of those if-you-think-I’m-letting-this-one-not-be-answered-your-the-dumbest-person-alive looks. I felt my mind bring up memories of last night without my command. When I looked at Ben his eyes were closed and he looked like he was concentrating really hard. I closed my eyes and tried as hard as I could to push them back. Ben’s eyes flashed open and he turned to the eggs. Ha ha ha ha ha! I told him! What a joke! At least he was lying! “No, I’m afraid I gave more information than necessary last night.” Ben muttered. I gasped as I realized he meant it. What now? PM me for the rest!!! That’s what!!! heart heart