• "Welcome back Princes, and friend."said the old and kind wizard, Pynumax
    The boy in the front was the oldest prince. He had long, black hair in a braid, that was held together by a long golden piece of thread. He had icy blue eyes that seemed to pierce everything. And they always had a cold look especially tords woman.
    "Good to be back Pynu." said the youngest prince getting off of his dragon.
    The prince took off the saddle and gave it to two people that struggled to put it on the wall. As he did his Imperial dragon shrank to a foot long and curled around his upper arm, and the imperial dragon nuzzeling his cheek.
    "Awww.He's so cute when he does that to you." said the girl, Jess, getting her short white hair out of her large brown and blue eyes.
    Moro walked away from her and put his bag on the ground. He started ruffling through his bag and he saw that the compartment where the egg was supposed to be was open . . . and empty.
    His eyes went wide and he turned his bag upside down. Dropping everything onto the floor he searches through the pile
    "Moro what's wrong?"asked Reth
    "The eggs not here."he whispered

    Margaret was done with her Aunt's list,and the suns were still high in the sky. So she decided she would go to the candy shop and get herself and Draco some Astro blackberries, after she dropped all the stuff at her aunt's.
    "Aunt,I got everything."said Margaret guideing Draco into the stables
    Her aunt was over by the door connecting with the main house/shop,making a new inventory list. Her cousin, Richard, was helping her put the things from the crates away.
    "Good."she said not looking up from her list"You have an order.You need to bring those crates up to the castle."Her aunt pointed to a bunch of crates near the stable doors,with her pencil.
    "O.K."She said
    Margaret whistled and twelve long thin dragons with wings to big for there body, came down from the beams that held up the roof.They each had a different color and a different mane. The dragons had little arms and legs.There tail is three quarters the size of there body. They are used to move around merchandise quickly and effectivly. They are called Streakers.
    The largest Streaker with silver scales,and a silver mane that looked like a mohawk, just on it's tiny head, curled it's tail around Margaret's outstretched arm,and nuzzeled his cheek into hers.
    "Hawk. Please take the cargo out of the wagon and replace them with the crates?" Margaret asked
    Hawk purred to Margaret and made guteral sounds to the other Streakers. Hawk was the leader of the group, and they all listened to him. Not only because he was the biggest but also because he was the quickest.
    All of the streakers, including Hawk, took the cargo out of the wagon and replaced it with the crates. After they were all done, they gathered around Mragaret, purring and nuzzleing her.
    "Thankyou all. You did such a great job. I'll buy you all an extra treat for being so good. "
    They all made a whistling sound as a horray. After there whistle they all flew back to there nests for a light nap.
    "See ya later Aunty."said Margaret
    "Hold on!" said Aunty
    Her Aunt came over and put a bag of gold next to her.
    "Happy sixteenth birthday Margaret."
    Margaret's eyes went wide. She completely forgot that it was her birthday. Usually when a girls sixteenth birthday came by, a big party was done that day, but her aunty had been troubled with the bills and work, so Margaret really didn't expect anything that day and really wouldn't of minded it.
    "Go and buy yourself somethings nice."she said
    "Don't you need this for the shop?"Margaret asked
    "Nope. I got rid of that problem."
    "Are you sure?"
    "Thankyou Aunt."
    "Now get going."
    Margaret nodded and she backed out into the road, and left.
    Aunt Lilac smiled and sighed grasping onto a bulge through her shirt.
    "She grows and grows, and she is more like her mother everyday."
    Richard stood up to stretch his back.
    "Yeah."He looks at his mothers hand knowing what she was grasping"You're not going to give her that are you?"
    Aunt Lilac looks at him a little confused but notices what he was talking about, and a frown comes onto her face.
    "No."she said
    "It's been getting colder hasn't it?"
    "It's always cold."
    "Colder than before."
    She said nothing.
    "It's her destiny!"he cried
    Lilac turned and started to walk to the door connecting the stable and store. As she walked past Richard she whispered four small word.
    "Just like her mom."

    As Margaret was going tords the castle she watched the western dragons fly around with new recruits on there back. Some of her friends became recruits, and if she was lucky she might see them.
    She came up to the drawbridge that kept people from sneaking into the castle and cried up to the top of the guard tower next to it.
    "Solo! It is I, Margaret!"
    The man who was in the guard towers room was snoozeing.His head was at the bottom of the window sill using it as an uncomfortable pillow. The creature that responded to her cry was at the top of the tower watching everything around them. The creature was a gargoyle. Skin as hard as stone, and the same color as the stones that made the tower he was perched on. When the gargoyle looked at you, it seemed as if he could look straight through you. And see your soul. But to Margaret, he had soft eyes for her. She was the only person to him that was kind. The only one that could pierce his cold stone heart with her soft voice and her sweet words.
    "Hello little one!"Solo cried using his nickname for Margaret
    "Hello Solo! How are you today?"
    "I'm fine. You wish to get in?"
    "Yes please!"
    Solo's tail flicked the head of the man sleeping and the man awoke from his deep sleep.
    "Uhh . . . uh . . . What?"the man said obviously annoyed
    "The girl wishes to get in."said the gargoyle
    The man looked down at Margaret and waved a little.
    "One girl going in."he said
    The man pulled on a large lever that was next to his left leg, and as he did the drawbridge was lowered over the moat.
    "Thankyou!"Margaret called
    The man grunted as his head went back onto the sill and Solo bowed his head. As Margaret was going across the bridge a whole group of knights ran out of the castle fort and went past her.
    "Where are they going?" wondered Margaret
    Margaret shrugged her shoulder and lightly whipped Draco's reigns to make him go forward. When they got across the bridge they were in front of the large doors that were from the outer wall.
    "Hello Margaret!"cried one of the guards on top of the wall.
    Margaret looked up and saw an old friend. The person had long purple hair and yellow eyes. She had cat ears and a tail both of them the same color purple as her hair.
    "Hello Ria! How are you?"Margaret asked
    "Oh just fine! Hey did you hear!?"asked Ria
    "Hear what?"
    "The prince lost the egg of the water dragon!"
    "What? Are you serious!!??"
    "Yeah! Everyone here is frantic! It's a madhouse in here!"
    "Well I have to go into that madhouse! I have a delivery!"
    "Good luck!!"
    Ria pushed a lever next to her with her foot and the large doors opened up with a loud yawning sound. And as they did Margaret could notice yelling and screaming. When the door were fully open Margaret saw people running around, angry and annoyed. She was really glad that she only had to be here for a couple minutes. But then a thought came into Margaret's head as she was directing Draco to the side of the castle.
    " 'Lost the water dragon egg'?" Margaret thought
    A look of realization came onto her face. Her hand went to the pouch on her belt that held the light blue sphere.
    "I have the egg!"she thought in horror