• They are a little long! So, sorry bout that.

    Book: I'm in love with a what?

    I stared in horror. “Where is James? What happened to him? Why is there a werewolf there?” I managed to say.
    “Don’t worry,” Josie said in my ear. “James knows what he’s doing.”
    “What are you talking about?” Josie sighed.
    “You see that werewolf?” He pointed at the gray werewolf.
    “Yes?” I said. “
    That’s James.”
    “That gray werewolf right there is James. James and I are both werewolves.” He said this so calmly. How could he sit there and tell me this so calm. They were werewolves for crying out loud! How could I take this all at once? Right then Ben threw James into the ground. I sat there waiting for James to get up but he didn’t. “
    James!” I yelled. I got up.
    “He will be fine, Elizabeth.” Josie assured me. I still ran over there.
    “James!” I cried out. I knelt down beside him. His head moved and he whined. Ben threw his hand up in the air and in another second I was flying backwards toward the brick wall. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain to start as I hit the brick wall. Instead I crashed against something fuzzy and soft. I opened my eyes and looked up. It was the gray werewolf. In other words I crashed into James.
    He wrapped his arms around me and sat me down on the bench once again next to Josie. He barked something and Josie nodded. Josie wrapped his arms around me so tight that I wasn’t breathing normally. I had to exhale and inhale deeply. Josie must have noticed because he loosened his grip on me. It helped a little but I still had to breathe deeply. I watched in horror as they fought. Then when Ben got up after awhile he flashed a grin in my direction showing off fangs. They were pointy and they had a bit of blood stains in them. But other than that they were perfectly bright. They were almost blinding but since there were blood stains they weren’t blinding, almost but not. I looked at him struck by surprise. He grinned even more widely when he saw my expression.
    I hadn’t noticed before but he was so perfect. He had no flaws. Every inch of him so pointed and rounded and he looked so, I can’t even explain him. He was to perfect. No amount of words can sum up to what he looked like right now. Then out of the blue he was right in front of me. I hadn’t seen him move. There was no blur of his movement; no nothing, no trace of him moving. I was so astonished that I hadn’t seen him move and yet he was right in front of me now. He put his hands on both sides of my face and leaned closer. Josie growled but let him carry on. Ben’s lips were brushing lightly on my lips. Then he was gone. He crashed into the wall. I saw Josie’s hand up. His hand was in a fist so I gathered that he had punched him sending him into the wall. He was growled louder. His lips were pursed together. He was muttering. I couldn’t quite get all of his words but I caught a few.
    “That son of a…………I can’t believe…………think that…….after all……..he….” That’s all I could make out. James and Ben were now fighting again. It started to rain lightly but then the rain picked up as the fight became more and more gruesome. “You arrogant, little boy, don’t ever touch her again!” James yelled out. “Don’t you ever think that again!” I couldn’t understand what he meant by that. What does he mean by think? Can werewolves read minds?
    “Yes.” Josie said.
    “What?” I asked.
    “Yes we can read minds. Well it’s not really everything in their mind. It’s the parts that they haven’t blocked. So it’s not exclusive. We can’t read everything.”
    “Oh.” I said. I had to take this all in. Thankfully school started on a Friday otherwise we would have problems now. Besides after this I would need another day to adjust to what I’m learning and seeing.
    James jumped onto Ben and I heard a crack. I looked around James and saw Ben’s neck bleeding. He broke his neck! He twisted it! Then James punched Ben’s mouth. He reached into his mouth and broke his fangs in half. He then twisted Ben’s leg and I gasped in horror at what I was watching. Josie was watching it intently and looked very excited. “Yeah! Way to go, James!” He was cheering James on! He was yelling at it like if it was a very exciting football game on. James kicked Ben into the wall and I heard many cracks. Ben was now dead. I was sure of it. James transformed back into his human form. His clothes were fine. There wasn’t even a hole in them. James came back smiling. His smile deflated when he looked at my face. I was frightened. I was confused. My mind was overloading! “Elizabeth,” He hesitated. There was a minute of silence; I guess he was waiting for a sign from me. I jumped up and hugged him. “I was so afraid.” His hand moved up and down my back in a comforting way.
    “It’s ok, Elizabeth. I’m fine. You aren’t afraid of me?” I shook my head. I wasn’t afraid of him. I didn’t understand why I wasn’t but I wasn’t. I was just over whelmed by all of this. Even more I was happy he was fine. He lifted me up a bit and kissed me. He was so tall. I was tall to but I still needed to get on my tippy toes to kiss him. I guess he understood since he lifted me a bit. I was so tired to; from all the running and watching the fight. I was now slipping in his hands from exhaustion and he lifted me into his arms. I snuggled closer into his body and let my eye lids close into unconsciousness.

    Book: St. John

    I stand up, so happy that I finally get a couple of minutes without a guy hitting on me. I sling my messenger bag over my shoulder and grab my binder. I’m about to walk out the door when someone goes, “Mr. Adams don’t you think someone should walk with her to um, you know…” I look back and realize that it’s the same guy that was really close to me moments ago.
    I look at the teacher and he seems to be in deep thought, he then says, “I suppose so. Who would like to walk with her?” I hate Mr. Adams. He just put me in hell. I change my glance over to the class and unsurprisingly all the hands are up. Mr. Adams recovers from looking surprised and calls on him. I mean come one isn’t it enough that he’s the one to suggest it? He smiles eagerly and quickly gets all his things (a book bag) and comes over to where I’m standing, holding tightly to the door knob. I turn it and walk out, through the corner of my eye I see him smirking while he closes the door behind us.
    He turns to me and I start walking toward my dance class. He steps right into pace with me, easily. He smiles and goes, “Told you, that I’d walk with you.” I roll my eyes. “Did you know that I’m a quarter back?”
    “Nope I didn’t.”
    “Well, I am. Couch is proud of me.”
    “That’s good.” I say not really interested. We finally get to the dance room. I try to walk inside but he pulls my arm and forces me to turn around. He wraps one arm around my waist and pulls me really close. My binder falls. Then he forces a kiss on me.

    I walk around the corner determined to fix things between Melanie and I, when I see this guy groping and forces kissed on her. He kisses her neck and before I can tell what he is and what he’s doing, Melanie’s face shows complete pain and then goes blank and she drops a bit. I rush there and pull the disgusting vampire off her. She drops to the floor, but not hard.
    I mean come on in school? I throw him into the locks on the other side of the hall. I wanted to kill him for doing that to Melanie. I growled, and then spit out, “How. Could. You?” He quickly got up and smiled.
    “What every vampire wants to do. Drink the blood of a very pretty girl and then bond her to him and become one.” I look at him more closely, and then recognized him.
    “Yes, brother.” He grins, broadly. “Long time no see.” I heard a small whimper behind me and turn around. I see Melanie on the floor looking breakable, vulnerable, soft, a bit pale, scared, and her eyes were wide. She keeps whimpering. I turn back to Eric, my brother, and say, “At school? You’re going to do it at school? Wait, why are you even here?” I really wanted to at least hurt him for doing that to Melanie especially since I love her. I can’t believe I just admitted that. But, not only for trying to drink her blood but for wanting to bond then together, forever.
    “Well, I’ve just moved here at the beginning of the year.” He looks at Melanie, then at me and says, “You don’t mind that I take her do you? I mean, you don’t like this girl, Melanie is it, do you?”She whimpers again, and I think, what am I supposed to say? That I love her? Admit that to Eric, when I only admitted it to myself a moment ago? Let him have her? Then I decided to do something to show him that I want her. I crouched down next to her, put my hand at the back of her head gently, and kiss her, passionately even though she doesn’t have a clue about what’s going on. I’m about to kiss her more when I’m lifted into the air and is pinned against the wall. “Ah, ah, ah. I thought we could be friends again, but I guess now we’re fighting over a girl. I hope you know that I’ll win.” He grinned, and then threw me to the floor. He picked up Melanie, who’s still frightened and confused and opens the door. He walks into the dance room.

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