• I walked into the kitchen.
    “Hey dad, what’s new?” I asked just to be considerate. He gave me a glare from hell.
    “Every thing is fine if you mean stocks are down, and you forgot to make breakfast.” He yelled.
    “Sorry dad, busy morning. I’m going out. I wont be home for a while so use the phonebook and call take out.” I said as I began to head for the door, what did I look like? His slave? Either way I needed to get out of this house before I bust.
    “You need to be back before dinner, so that you can make me dinner, understand?” He yelled from the kitchen, I then forgot my bag. I climbed back up the stares and packed my bag with my books and other things I would need such as clothes and other accentual. Depending on the day of the full moon I may or may not be coming home.
    I then grabbed my bag and walked back down stares. My dad saw me with my bag.
    “ Why do you need your bag to go out?” My dad asked me, I decide it wasn’t worth my time to tell him so I just opened the front door and walked out. When I got to my shiny blue Toyota pick up I unlocked it and climbed into the driver seat, I closed the door and let out an huge sigh as I reached over and opened up the glove department and pulled out my calendar. I opened it up to September. WENDSDAY!!!! Wednesday that’s only three days away! I so wasn’t ready for this. Who knows what the pack would do to me this time. I still have bruises from last time. Each month it gets worse and worse. Three days away from horrible pain. I deiced that I shouldn’t think about it, so I place the calendar back in its place and started up my car, I didn’t know exactly where I was headed. I started the engine and it came to life with no problem. I let my instincts take over as I drove; I ended up at the store. So I decide it wouldn’t hurt to go in.
    As I walked through the store I noticed a new kid, this was a small town so everyone knew everyone. But I had never met this boy or his family before. The boy looked my age if not older, he had brown short hair and a very white skin tone, he had a muscular build to him. He was defiantly cute, but nothing I could see myself with, well like I had a love life. The boy looked down the isle I was on and he made perfect eye contact with me and he then gave me a dirty look and walked off. What was his problem?! I decide that it didn’t matter, I didn’t know the kid and if that’s how he wanted to be then fine, two could play at that.
    After my shopping had been completed I went to the check out counter. As I was waiting, the new family came up behind me. GREAT! Just great!
    “Hello young lady, we are the Friss family, I am Charles.” The tall man who was more then likely the father said then pointed to the tall woman next to him. “ This is my wife, Azila.” He then pointed to the boy who had given me the dirty look. “And this our son, Mitch.” The boy looked down towards the ground. Was he smiling now?! UGH! This boy is really getting on my last nerve.
    “Hello I’m Samantha but please call me Sammy, and its very nice to meet your family, I hope to seeing you in the future but right now I must take my leave, for it is my turn to check out.” I said as the lady rung up my items I handed her the cash and got out of there as soon as I could. I heard whispering as I quickly took my bags and took off.