• The city of New York. What a disgusting slice of hell. The only thing that kept me going was the fact that I didn't want to get shot on the a** by all the gangs looking to get me and my brother, because we were individual hitmen and we always side with the one with the most money. Heh. All I got in this world is my brother Johnny. Sure, he always took the violent way out in things to have fun but its good to know that my back was always covered. We weren't real brothers but we grew up in the same orphanage and we always looked after each other, like brothers. We both have 17 and we both were born in the same day! Messed up, right? So we got out of that orphanage and gave ourselves new names. Anyways, our life doesn't compare to all the s**t we had to deal with on the day of our 18th birthday. We just finished a hit and I was driving us through a tunnel getting chased from the cops. "Damn it! Those f@#$ers never give up!" He said. I handed him a shotgun and he grinned. "Take care of them with this bro." I said as he grabbed the other end of the shotgun and waited for them to get close. We were evading the other cars by making sharp turns that hit the walls every time. A police car bumped us from behind. "Son of a b*&@#!" Johnny jumped to the back of the car and shot a straight shot that hit the driver. The police car turned sideways and flipped over taking all the other police cars out in the process. "Well you look at that.. Only one shot and I take out the whole damn force!"

    We both laughed until we heard a loud horn blow in the distance. "What the.." We looked at each other in confusion. It was a huge police truck slamming with all the other cars without stopping. "Holy s@#t!" I screamed. "Isn't that one of the Brog's boys? What the hell are they doing here?!" I looked at my brother and he answered. "Don't you know who we killed? It was one of the big dogs of the Brog gang!" There are two gangs in this hell-hole: The Brogs and the Klios. The Brogs have lots of firepower. Not to mention they are one of the toughest mother f@#$ers of all. Now the Klios are the smart, rich, and clever a@$holes of the bunch. I wouldn't be surprised if they planned this s**t all along. "Step on it damnit!" He said. "Oh really, you think?!" I said with attitude. The truck was catching up and it was gonna ram us down to hell. "Don't just stand there, SHOOT!" Johnny started to shoot like crazy trying to aim at the tires. "The tires are bulletproof and so are the windows!" He said as he looked at me as if he was waiting for me to say something. "Well?" "Well what? What are you waiting for?" "I'm waiting for that damn bulb on the top of your head to shine its f@#$ing light on our current predicament!" Suddenly an idea popped in my head. "Shut up, get up here and put on your seatbelt, I have an idea!"

    I might be considered the smart one of the two but in a situation like this, I take the first thing that pops into mind and do it. Johnny jumped to the front and put on the seatbelt. I waited till the truck was closed enough, then I rammed the car that was in front of us, which tipped a little upwards, which he rammed into another one, which pushed the car in the middle inwards which made it fly up in the air and slam into the window of the truck, and killing the driver. It made it go out of control and spin out, flipping it over. "AHH!!" Unfortunately, our car also spun out of control and flipped it over crashing on top the other cars. Everything went dark after that.