• Envy stood on top of a house nearby and watched as Yuki walked by with Meicho and her friends in tow, Yuki hadn’t been the same since Suichi yelled at her; she was nicer.

    “So I think that I’m going to apologize to Leiko, Kouji, Suichi and Kinoko today at school…since we are enlightened it would probably be best to be friends with them through all of this” Yuki whispered to Meicho as they held back and let Yuki’s two friends walk on ahead of us, since the fight with Suichi and Leiko; Yuki had become class president and was being elected for homecoming queen for the homecoming dance that was coming in the next week, Meicho nodded in agreement and stuttered as he attempted to ask Yuki to the homecoming dance.

    “she has such pretty hair, why can’t I have pretty hair like that Cory?” Envy asked looking down at the coral snake in her hands, the coral snake twisted and attempted to shrug it’s non-existant shoulders

    “Should we attack now?” Cory asked looking down upon them with Envy, who shook her head, she was waiting until they were most vulnerable.

    Leiko and Suichi were leaning down the hallway as a short black haired girl walked down the hallway next to them, she had her hair tied up in pigtails and she wore the usual girl’s uniform of a blue skirt and white button up shirt with a blue vest over and a red tie, she had glasses the size of Leiko’s and she was carrying a large stack of books, this girl made the untimely mistake of walking into Meicho who pushed her over

    “Watch where you’re going geek!” Meicho exclaimed looking down on the girl who had darker skin then normal, the girl stood up to defend herself but Leiko got there first

    “Do you two have a SINGLE compassionate bone in your bodies?” Leiko exclaimed including Yuki in the fight, Yuki looked at her as if she had never seen her before and immediately went into defensive mode

    “I didn’t do anything!” Yuki exclaimed, Leiko rolled her eyes

    “Just like you didn’t do anything with Suichi?!” Leiko shot back, Yuki glared at her angrily as Leiko turned around to help the girl up off the ground, as she turned around Yuki’s friend handed Yuki a pair of scissors and Yuki immediately shot at Leiko’s pulled back ponytail and gave Leiko a ‘haircut’.

    Leiko’s ponytail fell to the hallway floor as her, now, chin length hair fell about her face right as Yuki decided to shove her and knock Leiko’s glasses to the hallway floor.

    Leiko stood in the middle of the hall with hair down to her chin and bangs that were a little longer, she was also glasses-less; Suichi watched and his eyes grew wide in surprise like the rest of their classmen that were in the hallways to watch as Leiko instantly became ‘hot’.

    Leiko reached for Yuki as Mr. Artimus walked up the hall and accidentally tripped over a student’s backpack that was sticking out a little too far on the floor and fell onto his face, sending his glasses sliding next to Leiko’s now broken ones.

    “is there a problem here?” Mr. Artimus asked as he stood up and retrieved his glasses to compose himself, trying to hide the fact that he had just fallen on his face in front of the entire student body

    “No, nothing sir…” Yuki and Leiko replied monotonously as they both stared daggers into each other and Yuki then decided it was time to go to class.

    Leiko helped the girl to her feet and helped her gather her thick books

    “Hi, I’m Leiko” Leiko smiled as she handed the girl a thick Algebra book, the girl smiled weakly as she took her book from Leiko

    “Thanks, I’m Shinshia…or Shin, I just transferred here from Odaiba on the other fide of the Island…” Shin replied with a light smile, Leiko bowed in greeting

    “Well, welcome…come over here and hang out with me and Suichi” Leiko smiled as the two of them headed over to Suichi who was standing next to their lockers.

    “Suichi, this is Shin…she just transferred here from Odaiba on the other side of Japan” Leiko smiled introducing Shin to him, Suichi bowed his head to her and greeted her

    “so what year are you and who’s class are you in?” Suichi asked her politely, Shin looked down at the paper that was taped to the front of one of her notebooks

    “I’m in year 10 and I’m in Miss Kagamesh’s class” Suichi and Leiko exclaimed together

    “US TOO!”.

    Shin was a very nice girl, she seemed very shy with them at first, but once she was introduced and got used to the whole gang at lunch she opened up and revealed that she wasn’t shy at all, she talked to them for hours about how her school burned down and how she and her parents had been planning on moving to the quieter side of Japan for two years and about herself.

    “Shin is very nice” Leiko smiled as Suichi walked her home, Kouji and Kinoko were off doing various other things

    “She was…” Suichi nodded, Leiko looked over at him quickly then looked away again

    “she asked me something today that I wanted to ask you…” Leiko said non-chalantly as they passed Yuki’s house and she rubbed her eyes from not being able to see all day

    “What is that?” Suichi asked looking down to make sure that Kiera was following him, and she was

    “Well, she asked if you were my boyfriend and I…did…n’t know w…what to say” Leiko stuttered, Suichi smiled as he looked ahead of them to see where he was going, Leiko looked down and blushed furiously

    “Yes” Suichi replied, Leiko looked up confused

    “Yes?” Leiko asked, Suichi nodded

    “Yes, I am your boyfriend” Suichi smiled as they reached Leiko’s doorstep, Leiko looked up at him with her eyes sparking like the amethyst that she wore around her neck and she sighed happily as Suichi kissed her.

    Envy looked down at them on Leiko’s doorstep from on top of Mr. Hiro’s neighbor’s house and then looked at the snake in her hands

    “Why can’t I ever find a guy that sweet…maybe we could steal him from her?” Envy asked, the snake shook it’s head and rolled it’s eyes then returned to looking down on them as they kissed on Leiko’s doorstep, Envy vanished in a small orb of dark energy and continued to watch Suichi as he headed for his own home, Sota drove into his driveway and headed into Leiko’s house tired from a long day substituting for Mrs. Ishita who was out having a baby.

    “When is the right time going to be here?” Cory asked glaring at Sota as he walked into his house with Gloria hopping around at his ankles; she was also happy to be home

    “Soon my dear, soon…” Envy replied as she kissed the snake on the forehead and vanished again.