• OK, here goes, nothing....

    I hope, dear reader, that you are alone when you read this...I hope, for your sake, that nobody knows that you are reading this. For this story, itself, is a secret. In fact, my dear reader, I should not be telling you this story at all...This is a story of things the humans no longer believe in. A tale of Angels and Demons, Betrayal and Romance. It is, however, my duty to guard, and then pass on these records.
    I suppose I ought to begin at the beginning of it all, the creation of the Universe. Well, at the start of it all, there were three beings: Gaea, Jehova, and Satan. They created, for themselves, three realms in which to rule. Gaea, the beauty, created Earth. Her brother,Jehova, created Heaven. Satan, who despised them both, created Hell.
    Now, after a while, the Three became quite lonely. They decided to create for themselves companions. Gaea used the soil of her realm to create the human race. Jehova used pale flames to create the Angels and the Sun, Moon and stars. Satan used his hatred and his darkness to create Demons.

    That's all for now, folks! Comment or Message me if you want to read more, 'cuz trust me, it gets better! sweatdrop