• “Don’t touch me!” she said in a horse whisper. When her hand had touched him he felt pain. Her hand recoiled, “Sorry,” she muttered and slumped up against the wall. They all looked at her not understanding.
    Takeo stood up, “Let her be for a bit,” he didn’t understand at all, but he figured she would explain in her own time. So in the mean time he figured he’d see about the guy who had brought the creatures upon them.
    “So...what’s your story then? Don’t think I’ve seen you around here.” He said as he looked him up and down; taking in the school uniform, the holey pants, the scars, the cuts, and his matted blonde hair.
    “Um…that’s because I only arrived today and um….when I got onto campus I was taken here, but I managed to somehow get away. My name is Aya Kaori,” he held out his hand in an inviting way, “Nice to meet you,” he smiled and Takeo shook his hand.
    “So….who exactly brought you here then and do you know anything about what’s going on?” Takeo asked, almost starting to sound like an interrogator. The boy, who had just showed up, Aya, looked around almost nervously.
    “Could we talk about this alone? I can’t say I know you, but you seem trustworthy enough; however, I don’t know any of these others. Not even any names.” He looked up Takeo hopefully. Takeo thought about it carefully. If he sent the others away and he turned out to be bad, he would be all alone with him and he was still slightly injured. On the other hand, if he held useful information and didn’t send the others away they might not learn anything at all.
    His choices were very limited and it was risky. If he had learned anything at Elnyse, it was to take risks, and if you survived be happy.
    “Alright then, but you have to be honest with me.” Aya nodded his head in agreement and Takeo walked over to the rest, “Okay, I’ll see what I can get out of him, but keep an open ear.” They all nodded and started walk off down the hall; all except Dai.
    “Be careful, alright?” She looked into his eyes pleadingly.
    “Absolutely,” he replied and leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I’ll come back just for you.” He said with a smile and walked back to Aya, who hadn’t moved. Dai ran up behind him and hugged him, but by the time he had swung around she had already ran off to join the rest. He sighed, shook his head and turned around.