• I climb down the narrow stars and leave out the side door. My family is at a party. I Step out into the cold night air. My tennie shoes squeak against the sold clear ice. I shoulder the small pack and jump from the hightes level of the steps. I crouch and breath deeply. The air is so cold it hurts my lungs. I cough slightly and stand. I pull up the hood and put on the dark black sun glasses and pull up the dark black hood. I break into a jog and turn left away from my two story house. The neighbor hood passes as I take a couple of turns and end up on the main road leading out of our small town. Breathing heavily I slow down and walk towards the country side. I take a small worn path off the road a couple of minutes out of town and I end up at a bridge. The bridge stand a hundred feet above the river. I look down and see leaves and sticks dancing on the very surface of the water. I envy the objects that can't feel. I sit on the abandoned bridge and pull my pack into my knees. I pull out a large carving knife. A small pistol and a long piece of rope. "one last night of fun." I mutter as I set up for the last night I will spend on earth, My family will be out till at least two and then they will home to an empty house. I smile and make a noose out of the rope. I tie the free end to the railing and the let the noose hang off. I smile, satifyed I move to the next step, I load the gun. The bullets click in place and i c**k it. I set the gun down on the cracked wood. Everything is going by fast now. I pull out my little silve cell phone 130 it reads I sigh. 'I must hurry' I think to myself. I take the carving knife and take out three wilting roses. The roses are white, the color of innocence, I set the roses down and hold my wrist over them I make a deep slice through my dark skin. Instantly the pain fills my eyes with tears as the soft crimsion liquid splatters the roses. I smile and stand. Bearing my teeth through the pain i drop a white rose and watch it flutter gracefully in the wind before it hits the water. I hear the splash as light as it is. I sit down and bring my bag back to me. My phone reads 145. I can still change my mind I can go back and get back before my family finds out and live. I shake my head it is too late for me. Then I hear the nose. A boy shows through the clearing, he is tall and is wearing a stripped shirt. He is from my shop class. He looks at me and shakes his head. I look away quickly as I begin to cry. The salt runs down my face. He walks over and sits down beside me. He takes my hand and pulls me up to my feet, "come lets go get that checked out it will get enfected." he said his voice light. I let myself be led off the bridge My phone starts to vibrate and I look to see my mom's number. I answear, "hey mom I am fine." I say and the only answear i get is her bawling. My brother gets on and tells me to get home that I am in trouble . The boy takes the fun and explains everything. He hangs up and picks me off my feet."tehy will meet us at the hospital." he says and I fall asleep crying. The next thing I know I m at home on teh couch and my parents are thanking him. He leaves and my heart beats faster. My mom sits on the couch and falls asleep with me. I read my text messages, one is from him, "dont ever pull that s**t again." it reads and i smile. I lay down and fall asleep knowing that someone cared enough to save me.