• the grunne's weren't happy i knew i was dead it was a great battle but the grunnie's emerged victorious the i was just laying on the ground lying there for about 10min then out of nowhere someone came and saw the dead body and brought me it too her castle she threw me in a big pot of magic at this time i thought wait I'm dead i don't think thoughts. once i hit the pot of magic i came out alive but.... i felt different i saw the person who brung me back and it was Natasha i was like wow. Natashas actually brought back the dead Natasha said: um hello ??? said: um hello who are you? Natasha said : I'm Natasha who are you? ??? said: um actually i don't have a name. Natasha said: how can you not have a name? ??? said: well i think i was named sparky before all those gunnes attacked me. Natasha said ; grunnies those are suppose to be nice and kind most of the time what happen? ??? said: well i was just in gaia M Mo and i was just talking to some friends when suddenly grunnies came everywhere my friends ran away. i was a alone i knew there was no way i could survive . Natasha said: well u know you could have ran. ???: o i never thought of that O.0 Natasha said : your not very bright are you? ??? said: well i don't have a brain so. no Natasha said : o well i think its pretty cool that your a skeleton ??? said : not really but i guess it good to be undead because i can stay live much longer. Natasha said: well.. lets name you k ??? said : k how about sparky =D Natasha said : na how about dark samurai of bones ;? devil said : who's your friend? Natasha said: its well he doesn't have a name were still thinking of a name. Devlin said : how about dark demon from the netherworld?? Natasha said: hmm what do u think? ??? said: hmmm its ok but i got 1 how about dark bones? Natasha said: if you like the name im ok with it how about u Devlin? Devlin said: hmm its ok i guess we can go with that for now and thats how i died and then came back person reading story: this is the stupidest s**t story on earth >:0 dark bones said : o shut up!!! FIN or is it??? 0.o