• “Eric! Wake up, honey!” Eric’s mother’s sweet voice sounded so far away. ”You must wake up. You still have a life to live.”

    “But why can’t I be with you?” Eric asked, searching for his mother’s kind, gentle face.

    “Because that’s the way it is. Like I said, you still have a life to live. I don’t.” The voice was now slowly fading, fading...

    “No! Mom, don’t leave me alone!” Eric tried to run, but his feet seemed to be rooted to the invisible floor below him.

    “Be careful…” His mother warned, and then silence.

    Eric slowly opened his eyes. Did he pass out? He rubbed the back of his head. Weird. There was no blood. He couldn’t even feel pain.

    “Are you alright?” A voice from behind him asked. Eric turned around to find a blonde girl sitting crossed-legged from across him, a concerned look on her face.

    “I guess so,” Eric replied tentatively. Who was this girl? “But where am I? Who are you?” He looked around him. He seemed to be in a farm. A farm without warehouses, he noticed.

    The girl shrugged. “Dunno. But my name is Latrice.” She held out her hand.

    Eric shook it, but doubted that now was the time for formality. The girl didn’t seem to have the answers to the questions in his head. “Is this heaven?”

    “Partly,” a new voice answered from nowhere.

    Both children turned around, eyes as huge as saucers. “Did you hear that?” Latrice whispered.

    “I just thought I heard someone say “partly”.” Eric said.

    “You didn’t imagine it.” It was the voice once again. It seemed to be coming from up above.

    “Who are you?” Eric asked, looking up. “Why are we here?”

    “I am your guardian. Your guide.” was the reply.

    “I see,” Latrice said, rubbing her chin in a way detectives do.

    Eric nudged her. “Do you really believe this dude?”

    Latrice shrugged. “In a place where you have no idea what or who to believe, it’s best to just follow somebody who is willing to guide you.”

    Eric frowned. She had a point. Alright, then follow it is. “So why are we here?”

    “Because you’re dead.”