• One day a boy was walking in the forest for food since he lives in the mountains. He saw a shiny apple tree so when he got an apple from that tree he gave it to his parents he said Mom,Dad i saw a shiny apple tree in the forest! then they all went to see the apple tree but it was gone his mom said deary your imagination is always working try not to think about this or waste our time. But mom i really saw it! said the boy but his parents just went back home what should i do. Oh it is there again maybe i should get a shiny apple there yes that's it! i should get an apple from that tree! so he did then when he went back home then he said here is the proof oh son you really saw a shiny apple to make us believe you mother said. Yes said the boy oh son how many did you get 3 apples so lets eat them son. Yes can you call dad he is in the forest Ok the boy went and then the boy saw his father dead! oh no father i better tell mom what happened! so he did but when he went back home his mother was dead too maybe it is cause about the apple! He really wants to be with his family so he took a bite of the apple and died after 3 seconds so they live happily ever after.