• “Okay, you crazy Angel…” The Demon spoke, lying on the ground “*cough cough* Not like I have much choice, but…keep my son alive for me, will you?”
    “I promise.” Darius replied in a tone with truthfulness.
    “I have one other request…”
    “What is it?”
    “I want…I want to be…with my…my son’s…with Buwaro’s…mother…”
    Those were the Demon’s last words before he died.
    I followed his final wish and buried him with his wife.
    She was probably killed in the same attack that killed her husband and hurt her son’s egg.
    The unborn Buwaro knew nothing about the family he lost and the family he gained.
    A few days later, Buwaro was “born”.
    At first , I was relieved that he had survived.
    But something wasn’t right with him...