tab There she stood; soaking wet in the rain on another wet, cold night here London. The girl I had to protect with my life. And why, do you ask? Well, simply because my father is a werewolf and he happens to be best friends with this girl's father. The girl shot a vampire straight through the heart with a silver bullet without knowing it, trying to protect herself, and now that vampire's whole entire clan is after her. I, being a werewolf, pureblood by the way, am now being forced to protect the girl; all because my father thinks of that girl as his own daughter. He had always wanted me to date her, but that would mean mixing up my pure blood with that degrading human blood of hers. I decided on never meeting her, but I guess that didn’t last very long, now did it? I don’t want mutts for kids, I want pedigree kids. Then again, I wouldn’t mind her that much; after all, to me sex is sex (as long as I don’t get kids out of it). I'll be fine with kids though, if it's from another werewolf.
tab To make matters worse, a group of psycho vampire are now currently on their way. The only thing that girl can do is shiver and cower in fear. She just recently discovered that a whole fleet of vampires are after her, and let me tell you, human girls don’t like to know their now on the vampire's Death Row. I couldn’t do anything but just walk towards her.
tab My footsteps hardly echoed through the dense rain as I slowly walked towards her. Her chestnut hair whipped around her face as she turned to me with a horror struck face. Her hand was raised; she was holding the same gun she had used to kill the previous vampire. I noted that it was loaded.
tab I smirked smugly. "Go ahead, shoot me. Though, that would mean killing your only hope of survival."
tab She took a step back and pointed the gun at my head. Her hands trembled and her legs buckled, causing her to fall to the ground. Her lips kept quivering in an attempt to speak. "A-Are you Tasch?" she asked.
tab I nodded. Father had told me that she would be waiting at the base of the London Eye. Her father told her that someone would meet her here and to take her away to safety. Though, even through reassurance of her father, she still might think I'm some killer roaming down the streets, seeking my next victim. It's a good thing she brought the gun, or some real killer could have actually gotten to her.
tab I walked towards her again and took my hand out of my pocket. "Yep, but just call me Kiko, it's what everyone calls me." She looked at my hand and hesitantly shook it.
tab "I'm Vivi...," she whispered quietly.
tab "I know."
tab She looked down at her tattered leather boots and sighed. She then looked up again with a faint smile. "So...why does everyone call you Kiko?"
tab I frowned slightly and replied, "Sorry but we don’t exactly have time for formalities." I grabbed her and began to drag her towards the London City Airport. She whined a bit and struggled, but eventually held still. I sighed out of annoyance. I hope she's not a complete weakling...
Good news: we made to the airport and hour early so we can check in. Bad news: we’ve got company.
tab "Maybe they won't notice us...," I mumbled to myself. I tightened my grip on Vivi's arm and pulled her through the doors.
tab "What's wrong?" she asked.
tab I looked at her and shook my head grimly. "The vampires caught up with us. Do you have your gun ready and loaded? You never know when they'll make their move."
tab She nodded her head and motioned toward the small pouch. She looked back up to me with a dumbfounded expression."But...How will this get through with getting noticed in the scanners?"
tab "Some hunters’ guns, like yours, are made out special metal, the same as braces, so they are light and easy to take with you on travels. The metal detectors won't notice a thing."
tab "Oh." she said in a soft voice. Her eyes scanned the floor for patterns and she soon began to hum. She better not start singing during the trip...
tab "It's my middle name."
tab She snapped out of her trancelike state and looked at me. "Excuse me?"
tab "Kiko, it's my middle name. You asked, didn’t you?"
tab "I-I guess..."
tab I looked up at the speaker and quickly calculated how much time we had left: about 45 minutes or less. I hadn’t notice I'd been staring at the speaker until Vivi began to tug at my hoodie. She pointed to a little snack shop near us and tried to pout her lips in a cute manner. I sighed and dug my wallet, which was filled with all the cash we would need, out of my pocket. I gave her the wallet and she skipped off towards the shop with it, a pleased expression on her delicate face. All I had to do now was sit here and wait for her.
tab "One hot chocolate please!"
tab I turned my head in the direction of her voice, surprised. Her voice was squeaky when she was exited; so far all I've heard from her were dark, depressing little comments. I never noticed until now how small she was either: about 5'3. How old was she again? 18, right, now I remember, only a year younger than me. Her brown hair was nice, too. Straight and long, a bit wavy in some spots, but still very pretty, I guess. A nice C cup—ok I'll stop myself there. I shook my head, as though to clear it of these impure thoughts. Though, I don’t really like the color of her skin it's too tan for it to look normal among the British, considering a lot of us are pale. I thought she was Japanese, aren't they super pale? Then again, she is also Puerto Rican; that explains her hourglass figure and normal skin. A mutt is what she is. Not a pureblood of just one race, like me, but a whole bunch.
tab Imperfect.
tab I hate mutts...
tab "Would you like some, too?" I heard the familiar, squeaky voice say above me.
tab "No thanks, my type is always warm."
tab "Your type?" she asked in an inquiring voice.
tab "My race, Werewolf," I replied in a haughty tone.
tab She took a sip of her drink and sat down next to me. "Oh, I see."
tab "So mutt, where too?"
tab She choked on her drink and gave me a weird look. It took a lot of self control not to laugh, considering she had a chocolate milk mustache. "Excuse me? Er...Mutt?"
tab "It's what I've decided to call you, since that’s what you are." I looked up the ceiling and pulled the hood from my hoodie over my head, blocking out all the light.
tab "No need to be so rude..."
tab All I did was smirk.
Mutt Ch.1
B e l o v e d - A l m a
story me and my friend came up with when we were bored.
i wrote it, she edited.
also i imagine eveything in anime form, so i'll prob draw these two out soon to the best of mah ability. and YES it is a romance...though it might take some time...:'D
plz rate and comment! ~<3
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Introduction. An innocent s...
uh..... i don't know what t...
it's kinda the whole story ...
This is the first Chapter o...
HORROR: A serial killer sta...
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What better way to spend Ha...