I blinked and looked at the cheering crowd of men. I giggled gripping my stripper pole tightly. My dark purple eyes scanned the crowd of party goers. They're were two blonds,hot..... but I screwed them a week ago, A table with a group of grunges.....too painful. I sighed shaking my head. I guess Id be alone........AGAIN tonight. I pulled on a fake smile and looked back at the cheering and paying crowd, knocking back my jet black and neon green tipped hair.
"Well I guess i better stop boring you,and start stripping for you~!" I smiled grinding the pole as the music started. I slide my hands down my pink tank top and slowly lifted it up, only up a little bit above my belly button to reveal my hip piercings. They sparkled in the light,catching my eye for second. I shook my head, Stop being A.D.D.! I ordered myself and lifted off my pink tank top, dropping it on the floor, earning cheers and cash. As 20 to 100 dollar bills were thrown on stage. I smiled to myself softly. I was the clubs best stripper, I got more money in 10 minutes than some other b***h would make in a week. I smiled at the crazed reaction of the crowd as I played with the rim of my black booty shorts. The men's gaze was glazed with lust., or dirty thoughts of me. Either way it earned me cash. I swung around on the pole, I was in this business for about seven years, since I was ten. When I swung fully around the pole and I was back to facing the boys , my happy face turned into a frown for they were looking at the entrance of the club where a tall man stood he was about 19 years old with green hair. He wore a tight green vest, a loose and baggy white blouse shirt and black dress pants. a sadistic smile twisted itself on his pale pretty face. One thing went through my mind as I looked at him 'Hes hot, but kinda creepy.' I thought happily. I coughed trying to get peoples attention back on <b>me</b>. They all looked back at me after that guy sat on someones table. I think he came........ to watch me! I mean everyone who comes to this club has to be here to watch me, right? I went back to teasing the horny crowd. I pulled down my booty shorts so only my thong showed. I giggled as they continued to cheer and throw money up on stage. I started grinding the pole only to feel a cold stare on me. My purple eyes twitched as i looked around for the source of the cold stare., my eyes landed on the creepy man, whose cold eyes stared back.,Right into mine. I tried to pull my gaze away but I couldnt. there seemed to be some magnetic pull that kept my gaze concentrated on him. His piercing blue eyes inspected me like a piece of meat, and he liked what he saw. A light blush appeared on my face as he smiled sadistically. His creepy personality kind of turned me on. His eyes snapped up to my face and narrowed. I held in the urge to scream at the intensity of his gaze. For some reason he didn't seem to impressed.....maybe I was stripping wrong? I shook my head quickly.
'Rowan you cant have a unhappy customer!' that's what my manager always told me when I first started in this business, he taught me everything I know. He was kinda like a father that taught you dirty stuff instead of your ABC's.
I sighed and tried to concentrate on my job but that guy...he was just so hot. I wanted to just tackle him and either ******** him or get ******** by him. I looked down at my petite body then looked back up at his muscular torso. I Bite my bottom lip and continued grinding the pole.
Id totally be getting ******** by him.
I pulled off my black booty shorts and threw them into the crowd, and rocked my hips faster along with the pumping music. I smiled happily and grinded the pole seductively, as the crowd cheered louder. Suddenly, my friend Karl waved from behind the bar and pointed to his watch, as if to say 'Rowan look at the time, your late!' My dark purple eyes widened as i looked at the pale young adult. He held up his hands to show how late it was, one,two....twelve fingers. It was midnight and the last bus of the day left...2 minutes ago. I was all the way downtown and I live up town, how the hell am I supposed to get home before my brother comes back from his boyfriends house. I sighed and looked around the stage for my clothes, frowning as I got laughed at from the disappointed and bitter crowd. I turned towards them,placing my dainty hands on my curvy hips. I narrowed my eyes at them.
"Okay, who's the greedy little ******** who took my clothes?!" I snarled at them. They didn't respond, but some of them gave shifty eyes towards the mysterious man who took my attention. I huffed and hopped off the stage walking towards him. I was scared but I tried to hide it.I swallowed, and tapped him on the shoulder, blushing softly as he turned around smirking at my outfit...a bright neon pink thong....how appropriate.
"Do you have my clothes?" I asked him, folding my arms across my bare chest. He smirked at me, his dark blue eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Who says I have them?" he asked coldly. I shivered slightly and glared at him.
"hm mm about everyone in this room!" I sighed slightly irritated that he could still look gorgeous even when i was trying to be angry at him. He looked around and shrugged "don't have them~ You can do a cavity check if you want~" My eyes widened slightly at the shock of the high immaturity level on this guy. I sighed.
"Men like you are useless." I hissed walking past him towards the back of the bar. The man exhaled through his cheek childishly.
"Ow that really hurt,right through the feel bads." I clenched my hands into tight fists. This guy was really starting to get on my nerves, Yes he was hot that was obvious, BUT DOES HE HAVE TO BE ANNOYING?!
I walked faster,my heels clapping against the tiled floor loudly. He walked behind me, he'd be in my bubble if I had one. I walked into the back room and blinked as I heard a husky voice hiss in my ear "Ill be watching you." I turned around and blinked seeing no one behind me. I frowned and walked towards my small bright pink locker that was decorated with sparkly pink flowers, and unicorns. I grabbed my stylish bright pink bag and pulled out a spare outfit, this time a french maids. I tensed every time I heard footsteps go by the door, sighing in relief every time it wasn't that man. I pulled on the tight outfit, only to have it fall back down to the floor,swearing at myself in frustration.
"You ******** stupid tranny,not even able to put on a ******** fetish outfit! getting distracted by some serial killer type g-"
"Hey Rowan?" A concerned voice called from the door. I squeaked and jumped back slamming into the lockers.
"Yes?" I murmured. I heard a small chuckled, that I heard alot over the years.
"Why are you talking to yourself?" Came a soft teasing voice of Karl's, the guy of my dreams since I was ten. I giggled and leaned against the wall and giggled more flirtacious than before looking up at him,into those bright chestnut brown eyes that I loved so much. I walked over to him and leaned into him, resting my head on his chest.
"I did it cause I was all alone~" I whimpered, pouting up at him. He rolled his diamond like eyes and..pushed me away. I whined and stomped my foot angrily.
"You always push me away Karl!" I growled,crossing my arms over my bare chest. He smirked and held up two fingers.
"there are two reasons, 1) You already have a boyfriend and 2) Im straight~" he chuckled, patting me on the head. I scowled that last one always stun.
"How the ******** can you be straight AND work at a gay bar?" I huffed, looking at him through narrowed eyes.
He shrugged "get dressed you have to get home."
I growled.
"Get out then straight guy!" I snapped. He patted me on the head walking out. I started muttering to myself again like some nut job as I pulled on the maid outfit, this time it actually stayed on. I slide my arms through the little poofy sleeves and tugged the skirt up,looking in the mirror. I slide a hand through my silky hair, I looked cute and I knew it.
I zipped up my purse, and shut the locker door. I walked out the back door towards the back alley. I shut the door quietly behind me and darted down the dark damp alley. I let out a high pitch squeak all the time I stepped into puddles. I frowned as I continued to run, it seemed I was passing the same bloody garbage cans,cats,and rats over and over again. I was ready to scream at the top of my lungs in frustration just as I slammed into a wire fence. I blinked and looked up. I was on the right track home. I sighed and started to scramble up the fence, but lets just say my physical activity was only good for a certain 'sport' not climbing!
I groaned as i heard a loud Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip I squeaked and looked down. The bottom of the maid outfit got caught and ripped all the way up to hip, so you could see my pink thong, so what its not like no ones ever saw me naked before. I grabbed the skirt trying to tug it away from the fence ripping it more.
I started swearing quickly, Tensing as I heard loud footsteps approaching. I blinked and turned back,gasping to see a pair or shiny black dress shoes behind me, My eyes trailed up the slender legs, all the way to the pale face.
I let out a silent gasp, It was that man from before, he had a cold and sinister smirk on his face.
I whimpered "What the hell do you want?" I asked shakily, My body seemed unable to move away from the fence, it was petrified. He smiled walking towards me,trailing a cold hand up my leg to where the skirt was caught, tugging it free and slowly trailing his hand up my thigh and back down my leg. I blushed deeply and looked at him,wide eyed. He arched a thin eyebrow at me, smiling coldly.
"Is that all your gonna hiss at me? What happened to the hothead from the club.....or was it just an <b>act</b> to look cool?" He smirked, I felt my skin crawl as he looked me over carefully.
"I....I just wanna go home...." I murmured, looking away from the towering man. He sly hand found itself lifting up my chin for me to look him in the eye.
"You cant climb the fence can you?" he asked. I couldnt tell if he was mocking me or actually asking me a question.
I slowly nodded, dropping down to the ground. My dark purple eyes nenver leaving his deep blue ones.
He pulled away from our gaze "Need help? You seem to be in a hurry."
I thought for a moment confused slightly. Earlier he was trying to get in my skirt,2 minutes ago he still was and now hes offering me help?
Awwww hes so romantic~! I thought dreamily as I looked him up and down.
"I guess....not that I want it!" I huffed crossing my arms.He smiled softly and rolled his eyes picking me up roughly, pressing me against his chest.
I blushed softly,resting my head against his broad chest.He gave a slight chuckle and started running,with me bouncing slightly in his arms. I gasped pulling my face away from his chest to look forward, my mouth opening but no sound came out as I saw an approaching grey bricked wall.
I covered my face with my hands, peeking through my fingers. The wall was getting closer and closer, it was as if the wall was charging at us, like a rampaging bull and we were that guy who was pissing it off with the red cape.
And Suddenly the wall was right in front of my nose,brushing against it softly.
"Gotcha sweet heart~" Purred the cold voice of the older male. I loved how his glistening dark blue eyes undressed me. And soon we found ourselves flying, well not technically flying, just running really fast up a wall.Matrix moves, much. I suddenly felt something stroke my thigh and slowly move up to my crotch, I gasped as I swatted away the sly hand from my thigh, looking up at him frowning.
"This isn't some peep show!" I squeaked, looking down at my lap blushing deeply. He didnt respond for a bit and set me down on the roof. He yawned and stretched, folding his arms behind his head.
"Well kid follow me, <sub>I'm not gonna carry you since im not gonna get any..</sub>" He mumbled,walking towards the edge of the roof. I scanned him carefully, he had a nice body to tell ya the truth, nice figure. My eyes trailed down to his a**, which he was swaying tauntingly.
"Thought you said this wasn't a peep show~" He purred, smacking his own a** roughly. "You know you <b>love</b> it~"
I rolled my eyes and walked over to him smiling playfully.
"Okay what now?" I asked.
"We jump." He stated, getting in position. My dark purple eyes seemed to bulge out of my head.
"You cant be serious!" I whined, he looked at me through the corner of his eye, eyebrow raised in confusion.
"You afraid of heights?" He chuckled. I nodded sadly looking at him. He didn't say anything after that,and in a flash he pounced off the roof to the next one, landing with such grace he didn't make a sound. I frowned.
"Hey you cant just leave me on a roof alone!" I whimpered,tears stinging my eyes. He didn't acknowledge me but just yawned and looked away,tapping his foot impatiently. This was do it yourself help, not ill carry you all the way home kinda help that I was hoping for. I took a couple steps back, trying to get a running start. It wasn't that far,maybe like just a meter or two.....nothing long jump didn't prepare you for. I swallowed and started running towards the edge, my heart pounding slamming against my chest harder and harder as the edge approached. And then just before I jumped, my vision started to burr. My fear of heights was kicking in. I let out a high pitched scream as I tumbled on top of the roof panting heavily, looking up at the starry sky. I knew I should have stayed in the alley. The guy was smiling and bent over me, his green hair swaying in the slight breeze, his pale face reflected by the moonlight.
"See you can do it." He chuckled,grabbing my hand and yanking me up. I scoffed and looked him in the eye.
"Dont you ever make me do that again!" I ordered gruffly. He chuckled and patted me on the head.
"Fine,fine, ill carry you then." He smirked, placing his hands on my butt and pulling me up. I rested my head on his shoulder,wrapping my arms firmly around the others neck.
"You better not drop me." I muttered, nuzzling into his shoulder. He smirked preparing to jump off the roof.
"Or else what?" he asked. I tugged his ear roughly,causing him to yelp and stumble slightly.
"If you drop me, ill bite off whatever you have downstairs!" I giggled, clinging to him tightly.
He blew air through his cheek childishly again, I suppose it was a habit from his childhood he picked up and never grew out of.
"Well take me home!" I huffed impatiently, patting him on the head like a dog. He frowned and suddenly jumped off the roof, with unbelievable speed.
"Hey be careful!" I squeaked clinging to him tighter. He smiled at that and quickened, running through the busy traffic filled streets with ease. Maneuvering through the speeding cars and jumping on top of another roof.
"Do you even know where I live?" I whispered in his ear.
He shook his head "Nope,im just guessing." My eyes widened. He was guessing right. He was heading towards my condo building on Oak wood Crescent.I nuzzled into his neck, smiling softly. He made me feel so comfortable and warm. Unlike my boyfriend who made me want to kill myself whenever I was around him. About 15 minutes later we were there, in front of the quite condo building. I sighed as he put me down. I frowned out on a habbit. I liked it there, in his arms.
"Umm thank you." I mumbled, smiling up at him. He nodded and turned around.
"Goodnight~" He purred walking away.
"Good-" I started,as I noticed that he was already gone "night.." I muttered,walking towards the front door, pulling out my keys and thinking of answers for my brothers interrogation,and excited to sleep on my nice fluffy pink bed.
- by midnafreak |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/27/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: T.L.O.A.G.T.S Chapter 1
- Artist: midnafreak
A story i did a couple months ago and submitted on my Deviantart, rate it,comment it, LOVE IT <3
Rowan,Karl (c)to me
Sarkon (c) Keiio-sama (deviantart) - Date: 12/27/2008
- Tags: tloagts chapter1 rowan
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Reias - 01/03/2009
- Interesting story. I have some advice for you. There's a lot of usage of I, try using different variations. Spell checking before you submit would help out a lot. I do like that you are not simply using "I said" for everything. One other suggestion would be to separate the post into paragraphs. This would make things easier to read. Five to seven sentences per paragraph would be an appropriate amount. Happy writing!
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