It was at 3 in the morning that a heart-wrenching sob filled the room of our battered teens. Marcus shot up from his bed, jerking around trying to find the source of the noise. Looking over at Damian he saw tears streaming down his face. Wincing as he slipped off his bed Marcus walked silently to Damian’s side. Watching Damian thrashing around the hospital bed he shook him gently trying to awaken him.

    Damian’s eyes shot open at the gentle contact and he recoiled from it. “Hey mate...are you alright…?” Damian stared at him for a few moments until recognition shone in his eyes and he relaxed his head sagging forward. “Bloody hell you scared me…” Marcus grabbed a tissue from the box on the nightstand and lifted Damian’s chin so he could wipe the tears from his face.

    “Did I say anything…in my sleep I mean…?” Damian’s voice was ragged from crying and cracked after every word. Marcus shook his head as he finished wiping the tears away. Throwing the tissue away Marcus climbed onto the end of the bed and locked eyes with Damian. “Do…you want to talk about it?” Damian shook his head rapidly, not wanting to relive the nightmare he had had.

    Nodding slightly Marcus looked around the room for something to entertain them not expecting to fall back asleep anytime soon. “I have a laptop…we could find something on the web to do…” Damian suggested quietly. Marcus turned back to him, “That sounds good…I can get it…where is it?” Damian pointed to the small closet on his side of the room. Marcus went to the closet and pulled out the laptop and charger.

    They stayed up for the rest of the night watching anime on youtube. And that’s how Michael had found them, sitting on Damian’s bed arguing over which anime to watch next.

    “Um…sorry…am I interrupting? Michael joked as he stepped into the room with a duffel bag in hand. Marcus looked up and saw Michael and grinned, “Hey Michael…no you’re not interrupting anything…um…Michael this is Damian my roommate…Damian this is Michael my…uh...savior?” Marcus looked slightly put off as he stared at Michael not really sure what to call him. Michael just chuckled and pulled a chair over to the bed the boys resided in. Damian closed his laptop and stared at them.

    “Savior?” he asked glancing into Marcus’s eyes. Marcus nodded, “He found me last night and brought me to his home…I had smashed my head on the bathroom sink when I passed out from seeing myself in the mirror.” “Well…whatever happened to you must have been pretty brutally cause you’re bandaged all over.” Damian said lifting up Marcus’s shirt. A blush skittered across Marcus’s face. Smacking Damian upside his head he yanked his shirt down. “You sodding git who gave you permission to do that!?”

    Rubbing his head Damian glared at the dramatic blonde. “Hey what the ******** not a damn woman and you ain’t got anything I haven’t seen already so why the ******** must you hit me.” Sticking his tongue out at the multi-hair colored boy he stubbornly looked over at Michael who was holding back his laughter. “You think this is funny…this wanker molested me!” Damian stared incredulously at the boy, “I did no such thing you drama queen!” And with that another argument broke out between the teens.

    “Dai can’t you ever stay out of trouble?” a voice broke through the boys argument. All occupants turned towards the door to where the voice originated. When Damian saw who was at the door he jumped off the bed bounding towards the person. Jumping into the man’s arms Damian latched his lips onto the man’s in an excited kiss.

    Damian pulled away and looked back at the others in the room, “Guys this is my best friend Giles.” Marcus was too shocked to speak and Michael was a little jostled but managed to strangle out a small sentence, “So…this guy is your boyfriend?” Blinking at each other Giles and Damian broke into hysterical laughter. “NO WAY!” they both bellowed out through their fits of laughter.

    Damian walked back over to his bed and sat next to Marcus still giggling. “Giles is my roommate from school…I’m a animation major...it’s been a few days since he came to see me so I was just excited.” Damian explained. Leaning over he whispered into his ear, “Are you jealous?

    The warm breath that ghosted over Marcus’s ear snapped him out of his stupor and he glared at Damian. “Why the ******** would I be jealous…I’m not a bloody poof.” Marcus hissed angrily. Damian rolled his eyes and joined into Michael and Giles conversation. Huffing angrily Marcus turned away crossing his arms and pouting like an angry child.

    Glancing from the corner of his eye he looked Giles up and down. He was handsome. He had a nice angular face, stunning light blue eyes, a pale complexion, dirty blonde hair that was styled fashionably and a thin yet muscular frame. As he saw Damian smile at Giles he felt an emotion pang in his heart.

    ‘Am I jealous…?’